Poplin Style Direction | Seattle Personal Stylist for Women Everywhere

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Seattle Sunday: Announcing the Winner of the Finerie CoLAB Mother's Day Giveaway

 Yes, everything  at the Finerie CoLAB is THIS spectacular.

Happy Mother's Day, Dear Reader. As your own personal stylist, I'd like to start the day by thanking you for reading the blog and for entering (I sure hope you entered!) the Finerie CoLAB Mother's Day Giveaway. 

If you like Poplin Style Direction on Facebook, follow Poplin on Instagram, follow Poplin on Twitter or subscribe the Poplin newsletter, you were entered to win $100 gift certificate from the Finerie CoLAB for you and another one for your mom. That's $200 in total! That's right. If you do all of the above that's four entries. 

If you shared the giveaway on social media, you were entered 10 times for every share! Believe it. 

So, to celebrate Mother's Day, it's time to announce our winner. Here we go!

And the Winner of $200 to spend as you choose at the Finerie CoLAB is


Karen Reichert


Woot! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Dear Reader. And, if you aren't the very fortunate Karen Reichert, don't let that stop you from visiting the Finerie CoLAB for impeccable housewares, fashions and all around inspiration.