Poplin Style Direction | Seattle Personal Stylist for Women Everywhere

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Microblading at Splash Extensions. I Did It! You Can Do it Too!

As a personal stylist for women, I hear a lot of questions. Yes, there are lots of questions about clothes. But, when I'm working with a client, it goes well beyond clothes. It's not uncommon for one of my clients to simply have never learned about style, makeup, hair. Often, she was busy doing other things that were more interesting to her. Then, she looked up years later and discovered she was missing some of the skills that would make style a fun part of her life, not a stressful chore. This naturally leads to questions on hair, makeup, skincare, undergarments, waxing. You name it, I've been asked about it. After all, once we've been in a dressing room together, most other inhibitions are long gone.

So, when microblading came on the scene, I heard a lot of questions about it. According to the all-knowing Wikipedia, "microblading is a semi-permanent makeup procedure whereby hair-like incision strokes are created along the eyebrow to attempt to either enhance, reshape or create a natural looking appearance on the brows." 

Search #microblading on Instagram for some jaw-dropping before and after shots. With brows being such an important contributor to the overall look of a person's face, the idea that someone could make them look beautiful for a year — or more — is simply too much to pass up. After all, if you've ever had eyelash extensions, you know the thrill of rolling out of bed and already feeling put together. 

I started asking trusted sources for referrals to microblading artists. If you are interested in trying this out, referrals are a good way to start. Online reviews, photos and, of course, the in-person consultation are all essential in your quest. Do your research, Dear Reader. Government regulations and certifications for microblading artists are incredibly weak, so being licensed to do the task doesn't mean that you can trust the artist to execute to the level you are hoping for. 

Anyway, through a friend, I discovered the incredible Splash Extensions in Eastlake. Owner Jae and her team do eyelash extensions, microblading and host of other services. I went for the microblading and after weeks of anticipation, I'm ready to share it all. Off we go!

Microblading 101

1. Experience

Expect to sit for two or potentially three sessions. The entire process is completed in one session, while the following session(s) are simply touch-ups. It's true, the artist is using a tool to cut small incisions in your brow area. Some liken it to getting a tattoo. I don't. I find tattoos to be irritating rather than painful, but microblading does hurt. Although, like anything, expect that we all have different levels of tolerance to pain and a numbing cream is used to make it more bearable. Plus, a good portion of the appointment is simply drawing the brows on and preparing for the actual procedure.

2. Results

When I mentioned that I was going to try microblading, a client said, "yes, I've seen the pictures, but how does it REALLY look?" Great question. When you see me in person, you can check it out yourself. My artist, Jae, told me that it's not a fix-all. You may still need to shade. It depends on the person and how well your skin takes the pigment. I just sat down for my touchup session and at this point, I can't imagine needing to shade. In fact, the reason this appealed to me was because I had a bald spot, if you will, in my brow and I was hoping this would address that. When Jae asked during the touch-up session which brow had the spot, I couldn't remember! And we couldn't tell by looking at my brows.

3. Details

Microblading isn’t for everyone. It’s best to go in for a consultation and determine if the procedure is right for you. Also important? There are very specific steps you need to take before you head into the procedure and it is important to read the fine print. Make sure you have the facts going into it. And after each session, you’ll want to follow the aftercare instructions, too. Those include avoiding direct sun, swimming in a pool and exercise for a period of time. This is not the time to skim the paperwork or your results may suffer.

Why I Vote for Splash Skincare and Extensions

Full disclosure: Because I was on the quest for a great microblading artist, I made an arrangement with Splash Skincare and Extensions for a sponsored post. That being said, we also agreed that if I wasn't happy with the service, I would not write a post. In fact, I'm so happy I've asked Splash to offer up a discount for Poplin readers and clients to have the same experience. And, it's happening! More on that in a moment.

1. Professionalism

From the moment I walked in the door, I felt great about Splash. Everything is exceptionally clean. The level of attention to detail is impressive. Even the magazines are for the current month only. This gave me greater confidence putting my face into Jae's hands. I mean, we're talking about semi-permanent makeup on your face! That's no joke. And clearly not something I take lightly. 

2. Results

Their Instagram feed says it all. Splash gets results. When I completed my initial session, I was a little bit in shock. Had I gone too bold? But, when I was ready for the 4-week touch up, I realized how happy I really was with the final results. And after the second session, I was elated. 

3. All the Things

Some things are essential, like an experienced artist with a clean space and tools. Other things are simply gravy. But, gravy does really change the taste of the meal and in this case, the gravy is free parking right in front of the door. If you are short on time, this is life changing. I also love supporting a local business with a female owner. Jae is a badass. And it feels good to support a badass. 

Your Poplin Discount

Get ready for it. Splash Skincare and Extensions is offering a discount to Poplin readers and clients. That's right. Simply book your appointment by October 31st and save $100. Breathe easy. You don't need to get in for your appointment by that date. You simply need to get it on the calendar. Splash has solid client load, so the earlier you get on the calendar, the better. 

Gonna do it? Tell me all about it! I can't wait to hear. And if you've got questions, feel free to ask those, too. Microblading at Splash. I'm into it.