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Never Miss a Return Window Again Thanks to this Hack

Just carting things from point A to point B with Poplin client Emmy.

As a personal stylist for women, tracking return policies and deadlines is an important part of my job. As a human existing in society, the same is true.

After all, what’s worse than buying something and once you discover it isn’t for you, realizing that you won’t be able to get your money back because you missed the return window. Is infuriating too strong of a word? I don’t think so.

If you’ve been there, this post is for you.

How to Ensure You Return Every Item Within the Return Window

Poplin clients receive an Uber Wishlist comprised of a strategic shopping list from online retailers. For clients, we include a document with the return policies for every retailer on her list, ensuring that she can track the policies of multiple retailers. Of course, you can do something similar for yourself. But you won’t need to thanks to this approach to returns.

In our household, I buy most of the things and my husband is theoretically on point for returning them. Historically we approached this by stacking up packages on an ottoman tucked away in an office so they were out of view. While this kept returns from being an eyesore in the house, it also meant that we could easily forget they were there. Then, I’d ask him repeatedly if he had return things and he’d take care of this thankless task when he had an opportunity. We had no rhythm, no fail proof system.

Not anymore.

For the past several months we’ve embraced a new procedure. Honestly, when I thought of it, I figured it had a 50% chance of success. But, it’s far exceeded our expectations and it’s time I share it with you, Dear Reader.

Say, “hello” to Return Day!

We’ve identified Saturday as Return Day. Everything that needs to be returned, whether online or in person, is placed on the same magical ottoman, so no change there. But now, every Saturday morning, one of us does all of the online returns at one time. (We’ve both jumped into this task, depending on the Saturday.) Then, I drive all the returns to their destinations on my way to pick up our son from camp. The UPS and FedEx stores and the Post Office are all between our place and camp, so the trip is effortless. In one day, every single item is gone. That’s it. Because this has now become part of our Saturday routine, every item is returned within 7 days of it’s arrival at our house, so we are in every return window.

Saturday may not be the right day for you and dropping off packages may also not suit your needs. Think about your lifestyle and opt for a system that fits with your tendencies. I’m a big fan of Atomic Habits and I find that habit stacking, or taking a new habit and pairing it with an existing habit, is especially helpful. I’ve paired dropping off the returns with picking up my son, as an example.

Helpful Modifications

Personally, I find that completing the online return process and dropping off the items at a location on the same day helps me relax and check the returns off my mental checklist. Frustrated that you’ll have to make multiple stops if you happen to have returns that use more than one carrier? If so, try this.

One stop returns

If you are in North Seattle, I also adore the Sip and Ship. You can drop off all of your returns at one location cutting out even more time. (There’s a Sip and Ship in Ballard and another on Phinney Ridge.) While you’re there, pick up adorable gifts and cards or a cup of coffee.

If you would rather schedule a pickup at your home, that’s absolutely do-able. Be sure to complete this step on the same day (or even at the same time) that you complete your online return. After all, it’s important that you actually return the item within the window in order to receive your refund. Here are the details on returning items from your home.

No Stop Returns/ Returns from Home


The US Postal Service offers free package pickup for returns, domestic Express Mail, Priority Mail, and international mail. You can schedule your pickup here.


You can also schedule a UPS residential pickup for a fee at your home.


FedEx will also pickup at your home. The company offers return package pickup for a small fee, which can be scheduled online if you have an account. FedEx Ground return pickups are available Tuesday–Saturday for most residential locations. As of this posting, FedEx charges $4 per package for returns, $3 per package for next day or future day, and $4 per package for same day.


Returnmates offers concierge at home return pick-up, which includes packing, consolidating, and shipping. This feels like overkill to me, but it’s useful to know this service is available for the moments you need it.

For the Overachievers

If you love this approach and are jonesing to go the extra mile, try this. We, like so many other folks, found that picking something up off of Amazon became a to-do list item, rather than something to consider in the budget. Each month we’d review our Amazon purchases and question whether we really “needed” everything we bought. So, we revised our Saturday Return Day process to included Amazon Shopping Day. Instead of buying each item on Amazon when we thought of it, we added it to a list of Amazon items with a goal to purchase the entire list at once. Feel free to make your list using the method that speaks to you (and if applicable) your family. Options include an Amazon Wishlist, adding to your cart, a shared list on your phone or even a paper list kept in a communal area. Each Saturday, we review our list and decide what we should purchase now, what can wait at least a week and what should be removed. Over a number of weeks, we identify trends and opportunities to subscribe and save.

I can’t wait for you to try out Return Day and perhaps even Amazon Shopping Day. Have fun and as always, let me know how it goes.

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