Poplin Style Direction | Seattle Personal Stylist for Women Everywhere

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It's Official! The Poplin Membership Launched!

As a personal stylist for women for over a decade, my life is an endless stream of conversations about… well, everything. Yes! My clients, community and I talk a lot about clothes. But our conversations go well beyond that into intentional living, values and style.

I learned SO much from these conversations and through my own trial and error. Through it all, I always felt like there simply wasn’t enough opportunity to share with I learned with more incredible women. And so Momentum, the Poplin Membership was born.

Style, Self and Home. Momentum Goes Beyond Your Clothes. It Gives You Agency Over Your Life.

Today we launched the private membership community that has been inside my head for years. Working behind the scenes to make it real has been a crazy fun and complex adventure. And truly, the technical aspects are only possible thanks to the deep research and commitment of my husband.

Now, we’re live!

If you didn’t sign up, not to worry. The community will reopen in Spring, 2025. Until then, our mighty founding members will help me take this beta launch to a next level client experience when we reopen to new members. Interested in hopping on the waitlist for spring? Just let us know.

Worried about losing client services? No need! We’re still going strong with one on one client services both virtually and in person. If those appeal to you, hop on the waitlist for a consultation.

Importantly, this membership is only possible thanks to the Poplin community and that means you. So thank YOU very much for supporting us for all these years. We are literally and figuratively jumping up and down over here and it’s only the beginning.

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Holy crow there are a lot of benefits to being a member of the Poplin community. You’ll receive my Top 100 Favorite Retailers Organized by Personal Style AND the Wildly Popular Six Weeks of Style Tips. Poplin email subscribers also get the newsletter directly to their inboxes every other Friday PLUS all sorts of bonus content that is not published on the blog. Sign up! We won’t spam you or share your info with anyone else. Already on the list? Share Poplin with a friend who’d love this content, too!