Existing Clients Only

Curated Wishlists

You won’t find a more personalized product than your wishlist. Choose from a wishlist of 12 items or more. Looking for a larger list? We’ve got you covered. 4 additional items for $320. 8 additional items for $640 and so on.

Every list includes a 30 minute virtual styling session once your items have arrived. No more lingering questions. We’ve got you.



Sustainability focused modification: Opt for online shopping for pre-owned items, items made from sustainable materials or from brands that value sustainability. Alternatively, opt for a collection of pieces that can be rented from your favorite clothing rental service, rather than purchased.


Uber Wishlist

The comprehensive list that served you so well as part of your 360 package. Now, purchase the Uber Wishlist with a free 30 minute virtual styling time after everything arrives.
