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The Secret to Beautiful Hair: Connect with your Hairdresser on LinkedIn

 Braided chignon synthetic hairpiece by Jessica Simpson hairdo R25. Amazon. $25.35.

Apparently, life goes on whether I'm there or not. And, I expect I'm not the only one. 

Last weekend, my son and I ran into Brenda, the lovely woman who flawlessly colored my hair for years. She was also Kim Jong Il for Halloween one year, which is amazing. Needless to say, I'm very fond of her.

When I became pregnant, I took a hiatus from coloring my hair. It was intended to be temporary. But, when I learned of the cost of child care, I discovered that brown hair was just fine. Well, fine for at least 6 months, anyway. 

The last time I had spoken to Brenda, she and her husband were hoping to have a baby. When I was ready to start coloring my hair again, she was gone. 

And it happens to so many of us. For whatever reason, we aren't in the know when our favorite esthetician, massage therapist, hair dresser, tailor, insert essential life supporting service here, person moves on. Even worse, we can never find them again. Therefore, I propose this:

Connect with Your Life Changing (Insert Occupation Here) via LinkedIn

Sure, it seems weird. But, you'll be glad you did. Here's why:

1. Obviously, things change.

They move, you move, budgets move. If you are connected on LinkednIn, you can easily find him or her again no matter how much time passes.

2. It's not Facebook.

Sure. Lots of people experience a certain level of intimacy with their hairdresser that leads to friendship. Facebook is for those situations. But, if you like your hairdresser/ esthetician, etc. but don't need to start sharing baby photos with one another, Linked In will do. 

3. It helps them and it helps you.

Naturally, you're going to benefit because you can find that perfect tailor again when you really need him or her. But, you can also provide a generous recommendation that encourages other folks to support that person's business. It's professional advancement and it feels good to reward someone who has been so helpful to you.

So, there you have it. That was my morning epiphany. I hope it changes your life or at least your hair. 


PS- Secretly wondering what happened to Brenda and to my hair? Brenda and her husband had twins and she's taking a break from styling. My hair has landed successfully with Scott, the gentleman who cuts my hair and my husband's hair. He is also the genius behind my color and the inspiration for our son's "haircutting holster." Indeed. 


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