Seattle Sunday: The Luxury of Alhambra

 Each piece is so lovely on its own.  Photography by  Selena Kearney.

How many times have you visited Pike Place Market and noticed the breathtaking storefront that is Alhambra? I'm guessing quite a few as owners Serpil and Shakir Kaymaz opened this Seattle Boutique 25 years ago. 

Inspired by the Alhambra Castle in Spain, the interior is even more gorgeous than you'd expect. Serpil, Shakir and their team clearly put a whole lot of love and attention into selecting the pieces they carry. 

It seems only right that you, Dear Reader, have a little incentive to visit Seattle's best kept secret — which has been right in front of you all this time. 


3 Reasons to Escape to Alhambra

 Rasa (I love her!) and me chatting about Raquel Allegra.  Photography by Selena Kearney.

1. The Warm Welcome.

As a personal stylist, I visit a lot of boutiques — but I only choose to share those that offer a little something special. From the moment photographer Selena Kearney and I walked into Alhambra, it was evident that this place is worth a visit. Spontaneously, Alhamabra became the subject of a Seattle Sunday post. And the team were so kind to humor us for photos despite the impromptu visit.

This is not one of those boutiques where the person at the counter pretends you aren't there, or worse, makes you feel like you shouldn't be there in the first place. Oh, no. Warmth, willingness to share product information and individualized, thoughtful attention is the standard. Need more? Every guest is offered a cup of tea, and there's live jazz on Saturdays. 

 I told you it was beautiful.  Photography by Selena Kearney.

2. It's like a vacation in Seattle.

It felt like Rasa was our personal guide on a vacation. And, it's no wonder. It's common for out-of-towners to come back repeatedly every time they visit our city. Twenty five years of high quality clothing and impeccable service ensure an ever-expanding clientele. And, let's remember, the Market is just across the way.

 Are you seeing this jacket?! Photography by  Selena Kearney.

3. The Clothes. Seriously. 

When I asked about the demographics of Alhambra customers, I heard, "from 18-80." And, looking around, I can see the truth in that statement. Each piece is so beautiful you just want to touch everything. And, the staff are incredibly knowledgeable about each designer. For example, when Raquel Allegra started her career, she was tie dying shirts that she sourced from the LA County Jail. "Every season she surprises us with new dye methods and materials. Plus, her color palettes are awesome," Rasa told us.

If you work downtown, take some time and visit the shop. After all, we could all use a vacation. 


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