Poplin Style Direction | Seattle Personal Stylist for Women Everywhere

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Expert POV: The Perfect Gift Card for the Teen or Tween in your Life.

Christmas is getting closer. If you still haven't wrapped up your holiday shopping, it might time to go for gift cards. With this in mind, I asked Zoya, a local Seattleite, to weigh in on her favorite sources for stylish gifts for teens and tweens. After all, she's in 8th grade and is VERY interested in fashion. 

Zoya's take on buying the perfect piece for the girl in your life is not to buy her a gift at all, but rather a gift certificate. And of course, regardless of your age, everybody has a personal style. So Zoya generously put together for you, Dear Reader, a visual guide to buying gift certificates. Just find your teen/tween's personal style keyword and you're off. And if a description isn't enough, don't worry: Zoya enlisted more local stylish teens to model the looks, making your shopping even easier. Enjoy!

Four Steps to Tween Style Gifting (from a Knowledgeable Source)

1. Identify her style.

Take a look at the locals below rocking their individual styles. Then identify which look most resembles your pre-teen's personal style (click on the image to enlarge.) 

2. Find her ideal store.

Let's face it: no one wants a gift card they'll never spend. So let her personal style guide you when you opt to purchase a gift card in-store or online. Zoya's infographic makes sure you are on track (again, click to enlarge.) 

3. Buy. 

You know what to do.

4. Bask in the glory of being the coolest aunt/mom/etc. ever.

 Zoya is an 8th grader living in Seattle with a love for fashion.

These sorts of things will not be soon forgotten. So, consider bookmarking Zoya's guide so you are prepped for her next birthday. 


Love this approach? Zoya has a blog of her own. 

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