Seattle Sunday: Essensuals London Comes to Town and Man, Am I Happy.

Let's talk about my hair. 

I'd like to pretend that I have as much knowledge and passion for hair as I do for clothing. But, I do not. That's why I surround myself with people who do. Or, at least I try to. The challenge is that I'd LOVE someone to guide me about all things hair. As in, all things pertaining to MY hair. 

In short, I'm looking for the Poplin Style Direction of hair. And I think I've come close to finding it. If you are a hair aficionado, you've likely heard of TONI & GUY, the highly acclaimed London hair brand known for "setting the fashion agenda" in the UK and beyond. Identical twin brothers Jason and Robert Townsend are part of the brand and have just opened up Essensuals London in Capitol Hill. They made me prettier, smarter and happier. And I'm confident, Dear Reader, that they can do the same for you.

Why a Visit to Essensuals London Will Change the Way You Think About Your Hair Forever

 Here I am with the lovely Nakeesa at the recent Poplin anniversary party. Two ladies with good hair. She even hooked me up with  art  from her very talented husband, George Jennings. The evening of dreams.

1. Because when you look amazing, you feel even better. 

These have been very exciting times. In October, we celebrated the one year anniversary of Poplin Style Direction. And, later this month, I'll officially turn 40. Hooray! So naturally, we threw a party to celebrate. You'll see more photos and the breakdown in another post. Until then, let's get back to hair.

Jason at Essensuals styled my hair for the big event and I couldn't have been happier. He understood the look I was going for and made sure my hair looked effortless, healthy and beautiful. I'm a fan. 

 I've been using the products that Jason recommended since my visit nearly two weeks ago and the difference has been dramatic.

2. Because knowledge is power.

I can't tell you how much I learned from Robert and Jason during my visit. They were so kind and curious about my lifestyle and my hair. For instance, apparently my love of hot water (not just a hot blowdryer) seems to be doing some serious damage to my locks. Who would have thought? As they say, knowledge is power.

I left feeling motivated and empowered. I finally had an understanding of why I was having these issues and how I could take action to solve them. In fact, I learned SO much that all of this information can't possibly fit into one blog post. So you'll be seeing more tips and tricks from the brothers in the Poplin Newsletter and on the blog. 

Until then, know this: any of the staff members at the salon will give you individual attention and guidance about how to care for your hair now and throughout the year. It goes way beyond a simple cut and color.

 Good hair is a beautiful thing.

3. Because you can feel like a celebrity.

Jason and Robert relocated here from Los Angeles and chose Capitol Hill because they wanted to be where they could see trends evolving. In Jason's words, "we wanted to be in the neighborhood with the girls with pink hair." Love it.

A quick Google search will reveal that the two brothers have been styling A-list clients for years. They're directly involved with London Fashion Week and myriad other people and places that will surely pique your interest, and a visit to Essensuals means that you, too, can live (if only for a few hours) like a celebrity.

 Jason & Robert. You can't help but like them just by looking at their photos.

4. Because it is so much nicer to hear the message from a lovely messenger.

A glass of wine, great service and reasonable prices are reason enough to make an appointment. But if you really needed another reason, I'd offer this: Essensuals is filled with wonderful people.

Yes, I want to know about my hair. But I also want to hear this information from people who are kind, patient and fun. Visiting the salon should be a relaxing endeavor and at Essensuals, time stands still.