Win a Bottle of My Favorite Primer!

 Here I am at the end of my makeup lesson with Helen.

If you follow Poplin on Instagram, you've likely seen my immersion into the world of Arbonne. It all started with a chance encounter with a very stylish woman at a coffee shop in Pioneer Square. The next thing I knew, we made plans to get together so I could try out Arbonne, a company with a wide range of products sold in five countries that are eco friendly and meet European standards.

Fun Fact: The FDA does not require cosmetics products and ingredients to have approval before they go to market, although there are regulations that apply for interstate commerce. So, the European standards are a helpful guide.

Helen (as I discovered this very stylish woman was named) teaches both her clients and her team of consultants on how best to use Arbonne products. To avoid retail mark up, Arbonne is sold be representatives and online. Having been in desperate need of a new makeup routine, I decided to ask Helen for a makeup lesson using all Arbonne products. That was among my very best ideas. But, before I'd have a crack at the makeup, Helen suggested I sample the entire skincare routine for a week and see what I thought of the products.

And so began my adoration for Arbonne. In fact, I love it SO much, that I'm giving away a bottle of the stellar primer. More on that later. For now, let's focus on why you might want to take a look at Arbonne.


5 Reasons to Try Arbonne Right Now

1. Pure, Safe & Beneficial. 

As a kid, I remember overhearing Ralph Nader on the Phil Donahue Show. Seriously. He made some statement about the multiple pounds of lipstick that the average woman consumes over her lifetime. I'll never forget it. If your lipstick is filled with lead (and many are), that's not going to end well. But, it's tough to find all natural makeup that actually stays on all day AND looks good. I found that in Arbonne. The tagline says it all. Arbonne products, from skincare to makeup, hair care and beyond, are all made from natural products that are scientifically tested. 

2. The Personal Touch is Available. 


During a complete transformation of a client's look, you can rest assured that she'll also be thinking about learning more about her skincare, makeup and hair. I think long and hard before recommending someone to clients and friends. Unless you are skilled in the art of makeup or follow YouTube videos on the latest trends, we can all learn a little something about what color goes where and why. Whether you are starting from scratch or just want a tune up, Helen is wonderful. We chose a desired, "look" for my makeup and she guided me through the process. Of course, there's a diagram to take notes. But, my favorite part is that I did it myself so I HAD to know what I was doing. She suggested colors, but when something wasn't quite right, we tried others. Helen was kind enough to allow me to share her services with you. So, if you are interested in a lesson, just reach out directly and she can help. There's no additional charge. Um yeah. I said, "free." Just tell her I sent you.

3. It's Super Easy to Order.

It all starts with Helen. Or, at least, it does for me so I'm sharing that path with you:) Chatting with with her helps you determine the products that will best serve you. After that, you can order everything online. Plus, I opted to pay $20 to become a preferred client. That saves me 20% on every order every time. I saved $99 on my first order!

 Arbonne Makeup Primer. $42. Could be yours for free. Just  sign up  for the Poplin newsletter.

4. You Can Win a Bottle of Primer. $50 saved!

I must admit that I never really understood the value of primer until this experience. But, now I'm a primer evangelist. After applying Arbonne's version, my skin felt smooth to the touch. Everything was even and practically begging me to put on my CC cream. Because it was one of my favorite products (I also REALLY love the dark green eye liner), Helen generously offered to give one bottle away to a Poplin reader. Interested? Just sign up for the Poplin email list. Everyone on the email list is entered to win a bottle. The drawing will be held on Thursday, September 1st. 

 My order of dreams.

5. It Feels Good to Buy Products that Align With Your Values Without Breaking the Bank.

One day I found myself starting at the eggs for a good three minutes at the market. On the one hand, I want to buy cage free eggs because that's the right thing to do. On the other hand, I'd like to avoid spending two to three times the cash that I need to on eggs. In the end, I buy the cage free, but I don't feel awesome about either decision. Yet another reason I'm really into Arbonne. The products are good for me and my family. They are also good for the world. And, shockingly, they are pretty good for my budget, especially when I compare the cost with what I've spent in the past on skincare and makeup. (Full disclosure: I threw out all of my makeup, my brushes and my cleanser to start from scratch. I spent $500. And, I have felt great about the decision everyday since.) Plus, there is a charitable foundation and you know how I feel about that.

It's important to me to only champion what I love. So, clearly, I love Arbonne. If you do, too, let me know! And, hey, remember to enter to win a free bottle of primer!

Curious about the sweepstakes rules? Here you go.