Poplin Style Direction | Seattle Personal Stylist for Women Everywhere

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Do I Need to Buy Something New to Work with Poplin?

I get this question a lot, so I thought I'd address it directly in the blog. After all, what better way to communicate with you, Dear Reader? Often times, when looking at our budgets, prospective clients may wonder how to cover the cost of services plus new clothes. "Should I wait until I have a sizable budget for clothing," one woman asked. 

Well, it all depends. Here's the breakdown. 

Planning Your Clothing Budget for

Working with Poplin

My client Brittany  back in 2013 who wanted to work only with existing pieces as she embraced a, "less is more" approach to her life and style.

1. Assuming you have a very small/ virtually no additional spending money or would rather not buy new pieces.

For many clients, receiving the online personal profile that details what fits flatter, retailers to try and other information pertinent to your personal style is a breakthrough. The password protected webpage is easy to access from your phone or tablet when shopping online or out at stores. This should keep you from making poor purchasing choices and empower you to make the right choices for you, your budget and your body. The combination of the profile and the Closet Edit means that you should wrap up your edit feeling like your closet is a boutique curated just for you. Everything should fit and make you feel fabulous. 

Bottom line: You should feel like you have new clothes when the edit is complete.

 My client Lusha already owned all these pieces! She has a great eye but struggled with putting pieces together in new and different ways. There was no need to buy new items and we went from the Closet Edit to the  Outfits.

2. Another option: Assuming you have a very small/ virtually no additional spending money.

Sometimes, women have great pieces but just can't figure out new ways to wear them or variations on the same combinations they turn to repeatedly. If this sounds true to you, an outfit session might be in order. I use the pieces in your wardrobe and create new outfits. Then, I photograph those outfits and you can peruse them anytime on your phone, tablet or laptop to make getting dressed effortless. Outfit photos are especially helpful if you travel so you can see new combinations together or if mornings are never long enough to get ready (welcome to motherhood). 

Bottom line: New combinations feel like new clothes. You'll fall in love with pieces you rarely wear. 

 I love this photo of my mother- daughter clients,  Tarah  &  Connie . Tarah purchased the Style 360 Package and a subscription to a year of 8-10 item wishlists that in her inbox monthly. This photo was taken after the year half of nurturing Tarah's style when she went full force shopping on her own. Connie was in new pieces from her first Uber Wishlist.

3. Assuming you have a larger budget (but still not huge). 

During the Closet Edit, I create a list of items I think you need to elevate your look. These are key components that will work with your existing wardrobe to create more looks that are reflective of your personal style. You are welcome to take this list and shop for these items on your own as you (and your budget) allow. 

Bottom line: This is great for women who enjoy shopping and just need bare bones guidance on what to buy. 

 Kate! We started with an Uber Wishlist and outfits, then have been doing  subscription wishlists for years. It just takes 8-10 items every couple of months or so to keep Kate's look feeling fresh and authentic to her personal style. This is actually a dress under a top! And she's had those shoes for years. It's all about mixing investment pieces with great deals like this unique top from fast fashion retailer Forever 21.

4. Assuming you have a slightly larger budget. 

Alternatively, I can create a wishlist of 8-10 items for you that fills in these gaps. Then, you can purchase them feeling confident that your look reflects who you are. 

Bottom line: Let me find the right pieces for you. You still control the final decisions and you purchase pieces I've recommended. 

 Man, I love my clients. This shot of Mandy and my tailor of choice, Laura, says it all. That dress had been sitting in Mandy's closet for years. She couldn't bear to part with it as it was a pretty pricey piece. But, her cost per wear was sky high as this was never coming out of the closet. Now, as a top she adores, she rocks it regularly with tailored culottes and a great pair of heels.

5. Another option with a slightly larger budget.

It's possible that you have great pieces that simply don't fit. Spending a couple of hours with Poplin and a great tailor might be just the trick to bring new life to your existing wardrobe without purchasing new items. 

Bottom line: Best for women who have seen their bodies change and pine for the pieces in their closet... if only they fit. 

  Anneliese  was up for the investment and here she is killing it with the modern interpretation of the very hip and capable woman she is.

6. Assuming you have money set aside for clothes.

The vast majority of my clients opt for the Style 360 Package. If that's within your budget, I highly recommend this comprehensive approach. In this case, after we complete the Closet Edit, I'll create an Uber Wishlist of 20-30 items that work with your existing pieces and breathe new life into your wardrobe. Or, you can opt to go with a three hour shopping excursion. I pre-pull the clothes before you arrive and you leave with new pieces just right for you and your wardrobe. 

Bottom line: There's nothing like investing in yourself. The Style 360 Package means that we take you to the next level with support, guidance and specific recommendations throughout. 

Whether you don't have the budget for clothes right now or you are looking to simplify and just, "work with what you have," personal styling can have a measurable impact on your look and your life. Have questions? Just ask! Or check out the FAQ's that are all answered by Poplin clients!


P.S. I can hear some of you asking, what's a "reasonable" budget. Well, that really depends on the level of clothes you are going for. Are you comfortable with Old Navy, H&M, Forever 21? Or are you more of a Vince, DVF, Rachel Comey sort of woman? Or, most likely, somewhere in between or a mix of both? Would you prefer fewer pieces at a higher quality, more pieces at a lower price point or designer pieces on deep discount? When I know more about what works for YOU, I can offer guidance on your clothing budget. There's no judgement from me, Dear Reader. This is all about you. Reach out!