5 Simple Ways to Save Money While You Shop Online
I love me some online shopping. Having a great time on the interwebs with client Gretchen.
Oh, man. Where would I be without my incredible personal styling clients and you, the members of the Poplin Community. Thanks to your magical crowd sourcing wisdom, I continue to learn more all of the time AND I get to share it with all of you. Huzzah! Here are some of my favorite money saving tips from clients. Enjoy!
5 Ways to Save Cash When You Shop
Courtesy of long term client, Janay. (I had the pleasure of styling her and her wife, which is pretty much the most fun ever.)
From Janay, “You put in the price you are looking for and it will email you whenever it comes up for sale on the Internet somewhere. I haven’t bought something from there yet but I’ve gotten notifications that they’ve found what I have been looking for.”
Here’s how Wearloom works: You put in the details for an item you are looking for second hand and the price you are willing to pay. Then, you receive an email when that item hits your price on any of the second hand sites from the Real Real to Poshmark. Yes, Poplin is all about finding pieces that are just right for your body type, personal style, budget and lifestyle. But, equally important are your values. Each client has different values and we’re all about supporting them. As folks get more committed to sustainability, shopping for pre-loved pieces has become a significant part of the Poplin Styling Experience. And, of course, saving money is always a win.
Tried Wearloom? LMK how it went.
2. Italic
Courtesy of long time client, Jae, “I joined myself and got a fabulous cashmere sweater!!”
Here’s how Italic works: Ever purchased something from a designer brand and then seen what feels like exactly the same thing for less sold under a different name? Italic is all about making sure that you aren’t overpaying for your stuff (from clothing to kitchenware and more). Italic gives you direct access to the same manufacturers and cuts out the middle person, saving you lots of cash.
Tried Italic? LMK how it went.
This time,Poplin client Abby and I are on the hunt for her pieces that communicate her Hip, Minimalist and Globally-Inspired style.
I shared this one back in May, 2016. The advice is still solid.
How it works: A Google extension that automatically reveals any discount codes available for the site you are shopping AND applies the codes directly to check out. This Google extension is so extraordinary that I considered writing an entire blog post about it. As it turns out, Buzzfeed already did. And who can write things as succinctly as Buzzfeed? You must read this article entitled, "this lazy online shopping trick actually saves you a ton of money." For real.
I’ve been using Honey for years and love it. What about you?
These last two are from Poplin client, Daniela and I’ve shared them before because they are SO good.
How it works courtesy of Daniela: “Free Returns - PayPal calls it Free Return Shipping but it’s really more of a reimbursement that you can get from PayPal for a total of 12/year and up to $30 per eligible purchase. You have to file a claim but the process is not too bad: https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/returns”
Tried PayPal free Return Shipping? LMK what you thought.
This time client Delight and I are searching the web for pieces that communicate her Elegant, Powerful and Fun personal style.
5. Paribus from capital one
How it works courtesy of Daniela: “Paribus from Capital One is awesome if someone is ok letting it scan his/her/their inbox. It looks for order confirmation emails and keeps track of price changes based on story policy. It then files a claim for you if the price drops (at online stores like Macy’s or Nordstrom that will refund you the difference if the price drop happens within x days of your purchase). They also show you return windows.”
I’m super curious about this, too. LMK if you’ve tried it.
Holy cash saving, Batman. Want some ideas for where to shop? Check out a real client’s Uber Wishlist for ideas. Now you just need to think about what to do with all of that free money….
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