10 Things to Make Your Life Better Right Now
Want to feel zen like Poplin client, Ashley? Check out some ideas to bring you joy right now. By the by, Ashely’s outfit was purchased second hand then we tailored it to perfection for her Expressive, Authentic and Effortless style.
I am all about finding joy on a regular basis and especially right now. As a personal stylist for women, I spend a great deal of time listening to clients and members of the Poplin community (that’s you!) updating me on all the things. Right now, all the things are who has COVID and were they vaxxed, boosted, etc. It’s astounding the speed that Omicron is making the rounds and it’s caused so many of us to go back into some version of hibernation. Just as the older kids finally got vaccinated, this whole situation has them pining for sleepovers once again. Sigh.
That, however, is not going to bring us down. The weather is gorgeous today and there are a whole pile of ways to improve your life right now. Here are a few of my favs. And, if you aren’t getting the blog fun updates in your email box, please make sure to sign up for the newsletter. Okay, off we go!
Change Your Life Right Now with These Sparks of Joy
Send out your laundry
Working from home can send you on a journey you never chose. Perhaps you think you can just toss in a load of laundry in between meetings in the spirit of efficiency. But then, you need to pull it out, put another load in, fold it and of course, you can’t go to bed until it has been put away because, well, maybe the laundry is on your bed. If this is any way resonates, try something drastic- send out your laundry. You’d be surprised at the price. We took three giant bags over to our local spot and it was about $170. That’s not nothing. But, it’s also much less than you might expect. Try it. Just once. You’ll be glad you did.
Feel good TV for the entire family
I keep reading articles that demonize TV. Just like any artform, it’s not all created equal. Some of it makes you think. Other shows make you feel something. Others just make you feel dead inside. When I’m on the hunt for something that our entire family can not only watch together but actually enjoy, it feels all consuming. Right now, we’ve got three shows that put all three of us (two adults and an 11 year old boy) in a really great mood. I vote you try them. That’s My Jam + Random Acts of Kindness on YouTube + America’s Got Talent (Full disclosure for AGT: We watch the auditions each season then lose interest until the next. year).
Ideal Bed Sheets for Hot Flashes or folks who sweat when they sleep
I considered having an entire post just on these sheets. Or twelve posts on these sheets. Either would be the right move. If you (or the person sleeping next to you) are someone who gets really hot at night, try these incredible sheets. They regulate heat and wick moisture away from your body. They are an investment, but seriously, they will have an incredible impact on your quality of life.
Connecting with your holiday card list
Each year we go through the process of organizing and updating our holiday card list. We also receive an array of really delightful cards from friends. We display them on the wall in the dining room and it puts us all in a great mood each day. This year, I’m committed to reaching out to each person who sends us a card outside of the holiday season. I’ve already started doing it and I’m reminded how many incredible people we are lucky to have in our circle.
Oxi Clean Maxforce Gel Stick
Here’s something that takes 2 minutes. Order some Oxi Clean Maxforce Gel Stick. It’s crazy good at getting stains out of items and that extends the life of your clothing.
Technology for the win
I try not to spend a huge amount of time on my phone. If you are someone who texts me, you probably already know this because it takes me a bit to respond. So, I love it when the phone offers me something that will simplify my life and/or actually improve my quality of life. Right now I’m loving the Digital COVID Verification System (works for kids, too) that makes it effortless to show proof of vaccination and boosters. You’ll have a QR Code for Your Vaccine and you can add your vaccine info to Apple Health if you use an iphone. I’m also stoked that the MyShake App is now available in Washington State. This app gives you an alert up to 5 seconds before an earthquake at your home base location as long as you are in Washington, Oregon or California.
Do some Giving
In my experience, most people are more than happy to help when asked. Right now, one of the challenges is actually finding ways to give back that are meaningful, genuinely helpful and are within your comfort zone. Here are some ideas to kick things off:
Get lunch for the team keeping your kid’s school going
Go through your own linens, blankets, sleeping bags, etc. to determine what can be donated to folks who are sleeping out in the cold right now. Bonus points for including some hand made cards with your donation.
Need to cancel something but know there’s a penalty? Find out if you can donate to someone less fortunate. For example, if you are canceling a class or membership and there is a 50% cancellation fee, ask if you can donate one month to another student rather than get the 50% refund. The business makes a 50% profit, you won’t feel like you lost money and someone else will get the thrill of a free month.
Hip Reflective Clothing for your evening walks
Oh man, winter in the PNW brings darkness so early. If you are missing time outside because you feel like you don’t have an opportunity to take a walk until it’s dark, safety is key. Yes! You can absolutely opt for a construction vest with reflectors or a headlamp. But, if you are looking for another option that makes you feel put together, try grey/silver reflective clothing. We got our son a reflective backpack and a reflective rain jacket to start the school year. They’ve both been a great source of comfort as it got darker. The quality isn’t extraordinary, but the price offers a great value for your purchase. When you are wearing one of these beauties, it looks like you have a grey jacket (I liked the cropped choice) on, but when light hits it, you are suddenly all reflective all the time. They offer pieces for men, women, kids and accessories. Use code MELLICIA10856 and get 10% off your purchase.
Hope in the form of BMW paint with a female project lead
If you didn’t catch this going around over the last week or two, now is the time. BMW has developed a paint that can change from white to black then back again. It’s extraordinarily cool. I also especially love it because it feels like a much needed symbol of hope as the climate changes. I feel really strongly that when we all come together to solve problems related to climate change, we can have a significant impact. Of course, “we” includes folks who are inclined toward innovation, science and complex problem solving. This paint is beneficial because you can opt for a white car in the hot months and a black car in the cool months, making the car even more efficient. It also means that you can do that without sacrificing esthetics. Good design is functional and beautiful.
(Almost) Free shoes for YOU
And we finish strong with this random act of kindness. My longtime client, Ali, purchased a pair of boots from United Nude. They run small and don’t fit. Rather than return them, she’d like to give them to someone who’ll love them. Is that you? If so, just LMK. The lucky recipient will just need to cover the cost of shipping and these glorious brand new shoes are all yours. Let’s hear it for warm fuzzy feelings.
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