Posts tagged Body oil
There's More to me than my Face. How do I Take Care of the Rest of my Skin?

It feels like we are bombarded with information about skincare. Well, it feels that way to me, anyway. Thanks to the skincare team at Cake Skincare, I feel like the skin on my face has never looked better. (At 40, that's really saying something.) However, I struggle with the best course of action for the skin on the rest of my body. As a personal stylist for women and kids, ask me about clothes, and I'm all over it. Ask me about skincare, and I turn to Cake.

So, on a recent visit I asked Amber and Kelly, two Cake Skincare Experts, for some advice and realized this is gold for you, Dear Reader. Below you'll find a comprehensive list of what you must know now to take care of your skin. Can't wait for you to read! Happy Weekend!


Body Skincare 101 from the Experts at Cake Skincare

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