Posts tagged Humidifier
Winterizing Part 1: First Up- Your Skin Courtesy of Katrina Rising

For those of you who read this blog with any regularity, thank you! And, you are likely familiar with my immense adoration for Cake Skincare Owner, Katrina Rising. Not only is she the brown queen (mine are more glorious everyday thanks to her magic), she's also a scientific genius when it comes to skincare. 

You may have also heard me go on and on about how difficult it is to get in to see Katrina. Not to worry, if you are on a wait list, I have some comfort for you. I've asked a few of my local favorite gurus to offer their best advice on taking care of yourself during the winter. While we know we need to amp things up, it's only a few dedicated souls who do. Over the next week, you'll hear from them as well as some tips from me on taking care of your clothes this time of year. 

Fortunately, we're kicking things off with Katrina's advice on keeping your skin beautiful. And, my skin is proof that she knows what she's talking about. Enjoy!


3 Winterizing Essentials Courtesy of Local Favorite Cake Skincare 

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