Posts tagged wardrobe stylist
Let's Hear it for Love & Simply Matchmaking

One advantage of my job as a personal stylist is that I often have the pleasure of being the go-to person for my clients on a wide range of topics. Whether they are looking for an aesthetician, a hair stylist or an interior decorator, I’m often asked for referrals. This has become especially fun as so many new people are moving to our city. Because so many folks arrive telecommuting at the job they had before they moved or happen to be following a partner, it’s common for me to the be one of the first people they meet.

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Naked Truth Beauty is Finally Available in Seattle!

Let us begin with my obsession with Naked Truth Beauty. The founder, Lauren Evashenk, makes luscious makeup for lips, cheeks & eyes that is totally 100% natural. No chemicals. No words you can't pronounce. Only quality ingredients that you feel good about on your body. Plus, they look great! 

In fact, I haven't worn makeup all summer (shhh) except

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Do Me a Solid, Be Kind to Yourself.

Someone recently told me that Dr. Deepak Chopra once quoted a study that found that the average person thinks approximately 65,000 thoughts per day. And 95% of those thoughts are the same thoughts that person had the day prior. I have no idea how much of this is true, but it got me thinking about the way we talk to ourselves about our bodies and our sense of style. 

For whatever reason, things are especially busy right now. And, like most women I know, when things get hectic, our bodies change, our weight increases and we start to feel less than stellar about how we look each morning. Earlier this week, as I struggled to ensure that my ensemble wasn't showing off things I'd like to keep secret (hello extra 5 pounds!) my husband pulled me aside and told me that he didn't like hearing me criticize my body. Well, Dr. Chopra, if I'm repeating this sort of self criticism every day, I'm in trouble over the long haul.

Thankfully, I have an incredible husband, a closet full of options and the wisdom to know how to dress my best and be kind to myself. Sometimes, we just need a reminder from someone else. With that in mind, I'm your someone else. 

So, here are a few tips to feel beautiful, even when you really don't feel like getting out of bed (or out of your yoga pants.)

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I Can't Wear the New Crop Tops.... Or Can I?

Welcome, Dear Reader, to Spring 2014, home of abbreviated tops. You may be more familiar with the term, "crop tops". I recently met with a new client and they came up in conversation. A beautiful woman in her mid-30s with a great figure, she quickly dismissed those as tops she could no longer wear after having two babies. I disagreed. And a blog post was born.

Let me start by saying, a woman past a certain age really shouldn't be wearing especially short tops. But, that age is not 21, friends. And, wearing a short sweater or top doesn't necessarily mean you are putting a spotlight on your stomach. It's really all about the styling.

So, can I or can't I wear abbreviate tops after 30? Here's a helpful guide to help you figure it out.

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