Poplin Style Direction | Seattle Personal Stylist for Women Everywhere

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Everybody Loves a Winner: Ritzy & the Faux Fur Circle Scarf

 Photography by  Selena Kearney .

Thanks to our good friends at Foxglove Bridal, Poplin Style Direction email subscribers were entered to win a handmade faux fur circle scarf from Foxglove. Happily, a Poplin client and contributor won. 

Congrats to Ritzy Ryacik and her dog, Gillie, also pictured. Ever notice how we go all out for our wedding day and then rarely treat ourselves just because? Well, I did. So, February's Seattle Sunday posts focused on indulgences generally reserved for your wedding day that deserve a second look: hats, professional make-up and faux fur scarves. Although there was an unexpected twist: our winner recently got engaged. 

From the winner: "The best part of this whole thing was watching my name appear on a fortune cookie paper. That was amazing!" See it again for the first time including a cameo from our cat, Colbert. 



Congratulations Ritzy and thanks again Foxglove!


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