It's Like Your Very Own Wishlist

 It's one of my favorite pieces!  Check it!

Good morning, Dear Reader!

As you may know, I spend a great deal of time preparing wishlists for my clients. I channel each client, narrowing in on what she might like, what will look best on her, what will show off her own unique personal style. 

As I work, I inevitably discover glorious pieces that I am DYING to share with someone, but aren't quite right for the client at hand. 

But you, Dear Reader, have varying body types, personal styles, budgets, and tastes — and that gives me the perfect opportunity to share these extra pieces with YOU.

So I'm experimenting with a new page that highlights the items that make me especially happy right now. Let me know what you think. If you like it, I'll keep doing it. 

Check out My Favorite Pieces Right Now

Happy Shopping!