Ahhh! The Poplin Video is Here!

Well hello, Dear Reader!

Nice to see you. If you follow Poplin on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, you likely know that we filmed the very first Poplin video in November. I couldn't be happier right now- as I'm about to share it with you. 

You'll see the story of real client, Reenie and her thoughtful husband, Kadin. Hopefully, you'll get a feel for how I work and what it's like to be a Poplin Style Direction Client. 


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1a2g_EXjMXA&w=560&h=315]

P.S. Wondering when you get to hear more tips about Winterizing? Not to worry, they are coming. But first, you'll be seeing a little fashion for the Super Bowl. Happy Thursday and enjoy the sunshine! It's gorgeous out there. Just like you. 


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