Breaking the Mold

Dear Reader,

I come to you with a game changing announcement, as well as a different kind of post from me. A few weeks ago Milk Model management announced their newest addition: Tess Holliday. This is exceptional news since Tess is the first size 22, five foot five model signed to any mainstream modeling agency...EVER!

Now, this is some seriously great news on several levels. First of all is that Tess, who started the #effyourbeautystandards campaign will get some further recognition on some of the great body positivity work she has been doing. Also with hopefully more modeling jobs coming her way this compelling, strong and beautiful woman will be able to carve even more paths to diversifying fashion media.

My journey to discovering Tess Holliday, then Tess Munster, was back in my junior year of college while scrolling on the social media site, Tumblr. It was then that this woman changed the way I viewed myself and my life. Yeah, that might sound a bit melodramatic, but this is the truth. I scrolled upon a beautiful picture of Tess and her beau smiling and in love from VolUP. And for the first time in my life, I saw a woman with a body like mine, with a man looking at her as if she were the world.

I had not come across such an image or a couple before. They were beautiful, and it was then that I realized that regardless of societies rulings, or the nagging in my head, I too deserved love regardless of how I looked or what my size. Having followed both of them on social media since then I have been overjoyed by the supportive relationship that I see pictured. Now I know it probably has it's ups and downs, but oh my goodness did it help me something fierce, and give me hope.

A revaluation and a revolution occurred at the moment of seeing this couple. I was worthy of love. I was a desirable woman regardless of what others implied or told me. I would fight back against the ideals that had constrained me. And I would help other women.

I would say this image gave me hope. Of a non-solitary life, of intimate love, and that change is possible.

This woman is changing things for the better and I cannot wait to see what happens next. Who inspires you?


All the best to you dear reader.


Jordan Richardson is an Image Consultant for Middle Women and a Stylist with Emily Dymond Photography. She is a guru on finding fashionable plus size clothes and shares her take on current plus size fashion regularly on the Poplin Style Direction blog.


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