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Save on Winter Discounts and Crush on Spring 2018 Trends

Whether you are diving into some crazy deals as retailers close out their cold weather options or looking for some spring inspiration, I've got you covered.

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Give Back: Shop Local Santa Barbara + Montecito

Sometimes distance makes us feel helpless. Sometimes it is the enormity of a problem. Sometimes, we simply don't know how to help. As a personal stylist in the Pacific Northwest, I'm privileged to be a part of several communities- a community of small businesspeople, of female entrepreneurs and of course, my very own Poplin community, filled with readers and clients. We are reminded that community is vital when faced with tragedy. Over the past several months, I, like so many others, have watched from the sidelines as not one or two but multiple natural disasters have hit so many locations. In an effort to support those communities, we gave to the Red Cross or other local organizations helping those affected. But, it never felt sufficient. (By the way, you can also do this through DailyKARMA, an easy way to track your giving and encourage others to do the same.)

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What Clothes do I Pack for my Trip?

The countdown is on. If you are heading out of town for the holidays, this is the time when packing anxiety hits you full force. Is it too dressy? Will I be comfortable? What about the weather? As a personal stylist for women, I talk a lot about individual style and body types. Yes, there are essentials, capsule collections, uniforms, call them what you like but many women are looking for a straightforward list of what to own and what to skip. Or, in this case, what do I pack and what do I leave at home.

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5 Ways to Ensure You Feel as Good as You Look at the Holiday Party

Welcome to yet another holiday party season. A good friend recently said to me, "finding a dress for a holiday party is one of the most stressful things you can do." Oh, my. As it turns out, this is a pretty common feeling. 

So, last weekend when I was loaning another friend some of my favorite party pieces for her work holiday gathering, I realized that there are some tried and true ways to ensure that you look incredible at the party, in the photos afterward and most importantly, in your own mind. 

5 Ways to Feel as Good as you Look at the Holiday Party

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5 Days: 5 Fall Trends: Military Influence.

Holy crow, Dear Reader. We're at Day 5. So soon? Check back on Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4 and get ready to dive into our final installment of the Fall Trends breakdown: Military pieces. As a personal stylist for women, I've seen this trend continue to gain momentum year after year. So, it's likely you already have a few military- inspired pieces in your closet. Here are some tips to ensure you are maximizing their awesomeness for YOU.

Making Military- Inspired Pieces

Work for You.

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5 Days: 5 Fall Trends. Day 4: Grow into a Fan of Florals.

Welcome to day 4 of our 5 days of fall trends. If you missed them, be sure to read up on criss cross, sleeves, velvet and tomorrow's final installation. A few years ago I found a long sleeve floral dress on Amazon for $20. I questioned the quality, sure. But I REALLY wanted a long sleeve floral dress that was reminiscent of the designer trends of the time and I found this print with giant flowers and woodland animals. It was weird but wonderful. I took the risk and ordered it, despite the shipping fee that rivaled the price of the dress. 

Sadly, it was a bit of a mess. I engaged the tailor to try to save the day, but when something is that wrong, it's hard to make it right. 

Luck for all of us, the bold floral trend is happening. I mean it is happening, people. So, there's no need to make such crazy orders anymore. Even if you weren't a fan of florals in years past, you might surprise yourself with the new prints available. Here are some ideas to get you there.

How to Wear Florals Now.

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5 Days: 5 Fall Trends. Day 1: Criss Cross.

There's a large number of us who hear the words Criss Cross and think of this. But, in this case, I'm all about embracing my role as your very own personal stylist. So, we're talking plaid, gingham, checks, you get the idea. 

Whether you are wearing a prim Gingham (think Audrey Hepburn) or punk rock Tartan (think Johnny Rotten), it's all about embracing the trend in a way that is authentic to your personal style and flattering for your figure. Fun fact: Just as the punk rock movement embraced big black eyeglass frames because those were the frames you received as part of the medical care provided by the government, the movement also embraced Royal Stewart Tartan. You know it, red plaid plaid. The upper class rocked the print in Victorian and Edwardian times and the punk rock community took it and made it their own. 

Here are some ideas to make plaid your very own. 

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I Dare You Not to Get Sucked In.

Oh my goodness, Dear Reader. How many times has someone asked me a question that can easily be answered via a past blog post? So many times. Lucky for me, I tend to remember most of them and can shoot a link over. But, let's face it, that's not super efficient. And, you know, I'm all about efficiency.

And now, a revelation! 

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The Dress That Keeps You Cozy & Fabulous.

There's a fine line between frumpy and fabulous. You know what I mean. Before we move forward with my recommendation about this style of dress, let me be clear: it won't work without great shoes and some love to your hair/makeup/styling. Okay, now that we have that out of the way. As Seattle-ites, we all know how integral layering is to our lives. But, what's even better than layering? Staying warm in the first place. So, here's a suggestion for a bad ass and beautiful dress that is everything: warm, fashionable and functional.

Say, "hello" to the Long Sleeve Maxi Dress

This is

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My Fav Picks Right Now, Status Update and More

If you are on the Poplin email list, you've been receiving your Friday emails. You're not on it?! Sign up! For those of you who prefer to check in on the blog directly, apologies for the lack of posts. Fall is a crazy time in fashion (as you all know), we've had 2 Poplin events in a row (one for clients featuring Naked Truth Beauty and Everling Jewelry an another at Universal Standard) and as it turns out, I got sick. So, there's that. 

I'm officially back on track. Being away from the blog hasn't stopped me from discovering new, glorious pieces. You can see a collection of them in this week's newsletter. Here's a link in case you need it. Check them out. I'm obsessed. 

In other news, Poplin is almost booked for fall! Woah. If you

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7 Ways to Do the 80's Right. Seriously. Trust Me.

Here's the thing, how many times have you said (or heard someone say), "I only do a decade once. I wore X the first time, so I'm not doing it again?" 

As a personal stylist for women, I've heard a collection of those fashion "true-isms." Get rid of something that you haven't worn in a year (myth). Plus size women shouldn't wear X (myth). And, of course, you can't do the same decade or piece twice (myth). I say all of this to encourage you to believe that yes, my Dear Reader, whether or not you lived through the 80's, there are ways you can integrate 80's inspired trends into your modern wardrobe and love them. Here are just a few. 

7 Ways to Integrate 80's Inspired Trends

into Your Modern Look

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Say, "Hello!" to New Packages and Extra Love

Who could have ever imagined that this business would be so empowering, creative, gratifying AND give me the opportunity to interact with such incredible women? Okay, well, I imagined that. But, it actually came together! Woot!

As a personal stylist for women, I'm continually working to improve my process for my clients. I solicit feedback and experiment. If you subscribe to the Poplin newsletter, you know all about my experimentation. Right now, you're receiving my favorite things in your inbox every Friday. I stumble upon loads of pieces I adore that just aren't right for the client I'm working with at the time. But, I hate to keep them to myself. This new approach allows me to share those finds with you, Dear Reader, and gives me the unending joy of telling someone about a glorious piece. This makes me very happy.

Something else that makes me happy is ensuring the Poplin packages are the absolute best they can be. This leads us to today's announcement: new and improved packages. 

Brand Spanking New Poplin Package Upgrades

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Guest Post: Best Selling Author Julie Pierce's New Program to Attract the Love of Your Dreams

I've mentioned this before, but I'm continually astonished by the incredible women I've met thanks to Poplin. In fact, I'm hosting a private client event soon to get them all together because let's face it: amazing women simply must be connected to one another. For those of you who are part of the larger Poplin community via social media and the blog, thank YOU. It's important to me that you also have access to some of these women who inspire me to dive into new things everyday. This is why I'm sharing a guest post from international best selling author (and Poplin client) Julie Pierce. Julie is intuitive, direct, creative and savvy. In short, she's all the things. Please enjoy and let me know what you think about hearing from clients. 


No brainer:

Feel good = Love life

How you dress impacts how you feel about yourself, which permeates how you show up and how you are perceived. This is also true

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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Without Compromising Your Style.

As a personal stylist for women in Seattle, I hear a lot from women who love shopping but feel guilty about the impact on the earth. Not to worry. There are ways to supplement your wardrobe without sacrificing our environment. 

1. Sustainable Textiles Don't Have To Mean Hippy Style. 

Below are a few retailers working to decrease the impact on the earth while still keeping you looking your best. 

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More Client Photos: Swathy: Elegant, Sophisticated, Fun

Swathy and I hit it off right away. She's in grad school, studying to be a school counselor. On any given day she can be working at a school, in class or meeting up with friends in the city. When we started working together, she was engaged and now she's married. So, I've had the pleasure of watching her go from rocking leggings and a top on the daily to the stylish, confident woman who is diving into the next phase of her life. 

On a budget, we worked with

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Who Knew? THIS Brand is Making Fashion Forward Shoes at a Great Price point?

I've spent full days going through the Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale inventory. As a personal stylist, I create wishlists and Uber Wishlists for my clients on a regular basis. Each consists of a list of pieces that fill a need for my client right now. Uber Wishlists (20-30 items) are a one time purchase whereas wishlists (8-10 items) are available individually or on a subscription basis. The beauty of each list is that it takes into account my client's lifestyle, budget, personal style, body type AND the pieces she already owns. After all, why start from scratch when you already have a closet filled with pieces. 

While wishlists allow me to recommend pieces from a wide variety of retailers, the Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale and Anniversary are times when clients specifically request items from the sale. So, I've been living on the Nordstrom site. 

And, during this adventure I've discovered something thrilling.

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"I wouldn't wear that, but it works for her."

We're VERY excited to share brand new client photos over the next few weeks. If you've been following Poplin on social media, you've likely seen us out in the elements during client photo shoots. Photographer Amy Catherine Paine and Hair/Makeup Artist Kat St.John were part of the collaborative effort to show off these incredible women.

First off, Lauren's photos are now on the site. She's a CEO who knows how to rock an unexpected piece by an obscure maker. In short, she is bad ass. When we met, she said, "I want people to say, 'I'd never wear that, but it works for her.'"

Take a look at her story and her photos. More to come! 

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