Guest Post: Best Selling Author Julie Pierce's New Program to Attract the Love of Your Dreams

I've mentioned this before, but I'm continually astonished by the incredible women I've met thanks to Poplin. In fact, I'm hosting a private client event soon to get them all together because let's face it: amazing women simply must be connected to one another. For those of you who are part of the larger Poplin community via social media and the blog, thank YOU. It's important to me that you also have access to some of these women who inspire me to dive into new things everyday. This is why I'm sharing a guest post from international best selling author (and Poplin client) Julie Pierce. Julie is intuitive, direct, creative and savvy. In short, she's all the things. Please enjoy and let me know what you think about hearing from clients. 


 A photo of Julie from the Poplin client photo shoot. See more of her looks on the  client stories page.

No brainer:

Feel good = Love life

How you dress impacts how you feel about yourself, which permeates how you show up and how you are perceived. This is also true for how you feel about love. So if you’ve been hiding from love for a while, but catch yourself dreaming about or wishing you could have more love in your life, I’ve got something for you.

I am Julie Pierce and I know personal transformation from the inside out. After almost two decades guiding women out of infertility challenges, I recently published the Amazon international bestseller “I Still Want to Be a Mom: Leaving the Infertility Struggle Behind.”

And now, I am creating a new body of work -- Love Is -- for women looking to redefine themselves on their own terms, attract the love of their dreams, while unapologetically claiming and expressing the power and strength of their feminine energy.

Whether I am working with women struggling with infertility, people wanting to improve their health, or people who are targeting generalized life improvement goals, my work is infused with lessons of self-love and faith.

How do you remember your first brush with Love outside of your family? It seems a little strange the way I remember my first kiss and all. I can still see Billy P. and the paper heart he gave me that I glued onto a wooden box. I still have that box.

My life wasn’t always easy, moving around, starting over, meeting new people, never really having any roots, but the one thing that seemed to happen everywhere I went was Love.

Every place I went, I had a clear sense of my feminine energy, a knowing that I was capable of owning my body and self. I knew that I could be a Love magnet.

No matter what country I lived in, even when I wasn't looking for it, there was Love being offered to me.

I know how connecting to your body and mind can bring the Love of your dreams to you!

Can you imagine being approached by a potential Love partner with respect and genuine interest in who you are.

That Love finds you utterly irresistible.

I'm super excited to share this with women who are feeling love bereft -- simple and amazing ways to attract this kind of Love into her life!

I’m so excited to tell you I opened Attract the Love of Your Dreams.

I’m looking for a few women to start immediately. (Why wait right?!)

If you are ready to explore igniting Love in your life, send me a Facebook message at

This program is new, so it's not perfect, but it is ready to create Love like no other.

If you KNOW this is you, message me today to get started.

I've mentioned it to a few of my friends who mentioned it to a few of their friends, and the program is filling up fast. I also mentioned it to Mellicia, and she was pretty excited about this. (Did you know that she used to work at a dating service?!) Anyway, she thought that a number of her clients and readers would find this useful. Hence, the guest post.

As I write this, I have 1 spots available for an August start, so if you feel any pull toward this offer, please reach out. The price will go up once August is full.

Summer of love -- sign me up!