Ilhan Omar Shows how to Look Great at Work without Sacrificing your Personal Style

Whether your workplace is incredibly conservative (suits for men and women) or equally casual (there are folks in sweats on the daily), showing up as your best and most authentic self can be a real challenge. As a personal stylist for women, I see this everyday. It’s really helpful to find women who inspire you. You can learn from them, even if your style is different.

That’s why I wrote this post taking some lessons from the Minnesota’s own Ilhan Omar. Here’s a little something from the archives that will help you figure out how to get dressed for work in a way that’s just right for YOU.

How to Dress Your Authentic Self at Work.

P.S. If youau are a Washington resident (like me!) you should have received your ballot in the mail. Make sure to vote! Don’t wait. Make it happen. Want to get more involved? Take a look at Swing Left, Wall of Us, Resist-bot or any of the local campaigns for candidates and initiatives you care about. Many folks who don’t vote, skip it because: they think they aren’t informed enough about issues, they don’t know how to vote, they forget or just run out of time. The time is now. You’ve got this. And if you need a little help, consider the google or heading to a local resource that is aligned with your values for some suggestions. For example: Progressive Voters Guide, Seattle Times What You Need to Know for Election 2018, The Stranger’s Voting Guide 2018

P.P.S. In 2004, Christine Gregoire was elected Governor by a margin of 129 votes! Every vote counts, folks.