Posts tagged poplin style
Get Out of a Style Rut: 25 White Shoes to Step Into Spring

As a personal stylist for women based in Seattle, I get VERY enthusiastic about spring. After all, the sun is out and it’s time to dive back into joyful clothes that reflect our collective lightening. This time of year is can also bring anxiety about what to wear. Rest assured, you can count on bright white shoes for another year. If you have a pair that you adore but aren’t so bright anymore, try using a magic eraser. My husband and I used to have a routine during which I painted my nails and he cleaned up our shoes.

If your white shoes are beyond repair or you are just jonesing for some new styles, we’ve got you covered. Take a look at my favorite 25 for spring and summer. Have fun!

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Win an Environmentally Conscious Tote Bag made by Local Artist George Jennings (Reusable, Artistic, Diverse AND Versatile)

George and Nakeesa have been friends of mine for years. You may recognize some of the images below from cards I’ve mailed out over the years. Or, you might have seen me carrying around my favorite George Jennings totes. (I have two!) I’m especially excited to share Sophia’s take on George’s work and to give you an opportunity to win one of your own! Enjoy.

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In Honor of Black History Month: Five Remarkable Fashion Designers

ditor’s note: As a member of the Poplin community, by now you know how much importance I place on creating opportunities for people to be seen and heard. I’m ELATED to introduce a new Poplin contributor, Sophia Rahimi. Sophia has a deep love of fashion that is contagious. When I met her, I knew that helping amplify her voice would be as valuable to you, Dear Reader, as it would be to her. It’s pretty great to hear from the next generation, and as such, you’ll be hearing from her from time over the next few months. Enjoy!

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5 Questions to Ask when Choosing what to Wear in Family Photoshoot

Whether you are taking candids at home or hiring a professional photographer, trying to determine what to wear for family photos can be challenging. As a personal stylist, I get this question often. Having just taken our family photos for the year, the time is right for some tips on selecting what to wear that represents your authentic personal style and is reflective of your family right now. After all, that’s what we’re documenting for, right?

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The Ideal Family Photos- Stylish and Affordable

The Happy Film Company Photo Shoot Package is $550. 

This includes a 45min photo shoot and all digital images (approx. 75-100). 
You can add a video to your package for $175. 

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Guest Post: Happiness. The Perfect Accessory for any outfit

Working with a personal stylist isn’t just about dressing better. It’s about embracing who you are and then mastering tools to help you show the world that person. The confident, authentic you. This process can take some soul searching. And soul searching isn’t always easy. That’s why I love sharing resources with the Poplin community. I’ve asked Seattle-based Life Coach, Lena Meyer, to share some of her wisdom with us. After all, she’s helped a number of Poplin clients on their journeys.

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How to Look and Feel Great at the Pumpkin Patch

As a personal stylist for women, sometimes I have clients who want to save their "good stuff" for special occasions. Think of this as your good china staying in the cupboard until Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner.

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Ilhan Omar Shows how to Look Great at Work without Sacrificing your Personal Style

Whether your workplace is incredibly conservative (suits for men and women) or equally casual (there are folks in sweats on the daily), showing up as your best and most authentic self can be a real challenge. As a personal stylist for women, I see this everyday. It’s really helpful to find women who inspire you. You can learn from them, even if your style is different.

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10 Absolute Game Changers

irst of all, I sure hope you received the Poplin newsletter in your inbox this morning. I heard from three people within 20 minutes of sending it. This tells me that I should share it with everyone. So, here you go. And, please remember to subscribe so that you’ll see all the good stuff every time.

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It's Comfortable: It's Durable. It's Cool. And it's your Essential Fabric for Fall.

Whether you dig into the back of your drawer to pull out your collection of this fabric or head out to get a brand spankin’ new piece, it’s time for corduroy. Believe it. As a personal stylist for women, I know how much so many of you have been pining for the days when this soft fabric makes its comeback. The time is now.

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Fall Fashion Spotlight: Lightweight Jackets

As a personal stylist for women, I spend a great deal of my time with real women, helping each women determine her personal style. Knowing your personal style isn't enough. Clothes need to be functional for your life and realistic for your budget. And, of course, they should be flattering for your body type. This may sound tricky, but it isn't. It's all about having the proper filters to know what to wear and what to buy. 

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This High Impact Fabric will Transform your Look

Most of us are drawn to specific fabrics. As a personal stylist for women, I see this all the time. Some women adore the way natural fabrics feel on their skin. Others, care more about the way a fabric looks. Does the print draw her eye? Does it look like a quality item? Whatever your feelings, one fabric feature has an impact on how flattering a piece is on your body. 

It's all about whether or not the fabric is shiny.

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10 Fall 2018 Trends. Go!
How Do I Style White Shoes?

Poplin Style Direction is an affiliate. That means that when you click on items on this site, Poplin may receive a commission on your purchase with no additional cost to you. So, please consider clicking when you are ready to purchase. 

In the very early stages of Poplin, I won a pair of shoes (of my choice!) from one of my very favorite retailers, the now defunct SoleStruck. I really wanted a pair of giant platform clogs. They were the result of a collaboration between Opening Ceremony and Chloe Sevigny. What could be better. There were two options: black leather or white patent leather. I was on the fence, but kept coming back to the white and since they were free, I decided to take the plunge. At the time, white shoes seemed like insanity. Naturally, there were few places to look for style inspiration and I found myself experimenting with them with much success. In fact, this blog post details that journey. 

That experience was just the beginning of my white shoe phase. Next up, platform white Birkenstocks, white sneakers and so many others. My latest love is my white pair of Vince slides. As a personal stylist who works with real women using pieces in their existing collection or purchased using their actual budgets, it's vital that I know how to maximize pieces for my clients. White shoes and the challenges of styling them have come up often. That brings us to white shoes. They are ubiquitous, so if you don't already have a pair, you soon will. Now, let's make sure you know how to wear them so you get the most out of this hot trend. Off we go!


5 Ways to Style White Shoes

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Florals: Which Ones Are Right For You?

If you aren't on the Poplin email list, you are missing out. This week's edition was all about florals. Here's a sneak peak. Like it? Make sure you sign up! Plus you get 6 weeks of style tips right to your inbox. Enjoy!


PS. Items listed on the blog and the newsletter may be affiliate links. That means that if you click on something and decide to purchase, Poplin may receive a commission on your purchase with no additional cost to you. These all add up. So, if you are shopping, please consider clicking through. Thanks!

Florals: Bold Impact or Soft and Feminine? You Choose. 

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Body types: Dressing your body at any size

It's about balance, not about size. As a personal stylist for women, I find this concept comes up pretty regularly. The loudest voice we hear is our inner voice and more often than we'd like, that inner voice can actually be the voice of the inner critic. 

We're all familiar with the inner critic. She has all sorts of opinions on career, parenting, keeping the house clean and so on. She also, has some very strong feelings when it comes to our bodies. 

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