Everybody's Doin' It: Your Poplin COVID-19 Update.
Flashback to a simpler time: Here I am helping Poplin client, Gwen, look her best. Make sure to check out her photos. They are SO good.
Let me ask you this: When is the last time you wore a bra?
I, for one, haven’t worn one in weeks. Welcome to life with the Corona Virus. Home quarantine can mean lots of things to you: working from home, lots of time with your immediate family, a sea of comfort food and little exercise, lots of wine, maybe a board game or two. Whatever this unprecedented time is in your world, it’s highly likely it involves skipping your bra and spending most days in oversized sweatpants.
Understood. Why bother putting on makeup or doing your hair if you aren’t leaving the house?
With the newest updates on school closures (our son is out until late April, at least), it’s time to make a plan for the temporary new normal. Here’s mine:
On the home front
We made a schedule for our son’s Monday- Friday routine. He has, “lessons” for a total of 3 hours each morning plus two long breaks for outside time. He designated them, “lessons” and seems to be pretty excited about it. This gives us time to work and him a clear understanding of what the day brings. So far, I’ve made quizzes based on subjects he’s into that he can research on one webpage. For example: Aston Martins. I’ve learned a lot about them myself. He also made a Hyper Car track and divided it into fractions with formulas for each milestone. My husband made a biology lesson that relates to our fish. We’ll have something on botany giving him an old iphone to go document plants, print out the photos and make a book. His lessons are followed by an activity and the rest of the day is a combination of free time, screen time and family. To ensure he is writing, he is keeping a journal with daily entries.
We’re also starting to schedule virtual play dates, when he does some FaceTime with a friend. So far, he and his friends tend to give each other home tours and play with the emojis. We’ve found that the playdates are clearly having a positive effect on him.
I’m planning to organize virtual happy hours for him with friends: Google hangouts + a recipe for a fun beverage with a few friends simultaneously. I plan to do this for myself, too. Time to stock up on wine….
On the family front, we’re keeping everything clean, which makes us not feel like prisoners in chaos. We’re also doing outside walks or hikes each day and planning to take a drive every few days if we are feeling especially stir crazy.
We’ve decided to treat this as a weird vacation- as if we were staying in a cabin in the woods - that also leans heavily on what brings our family comfort. The three of us tend to have big idea and in general, we like to have a purpose. We’re big fans of before and after so any project that has a big reveal is a win over here. Therefore, we have a list of potential projects to do both outside and inside over the next month or two. First up, we’ll be building some large planter boxes over the next few weeks. (It’s an opportunity to check a big item off of our perpetual to-do list AND use it as another “lesson” for the kid.)
On a smaller scale, we’ve got a giant puzzle going, are planning on big shifts to our fish tanks and much more- or less, depending how we are feeling. Who knows? Maybe we’ll hate all of this in two weeks. If so, we’ll change it. Whatevs.
On the work front
When it comes to the blog and newsletter, I’ve been torn between two conflicting approaches. First, keep it light and free of Corona Virus references. After all, we’re getting it from all sides. Alternatively, give relevant style tips: how to feel good when you work from home, simple approaches that will make you feel more beautiful, a master plan to edit your closet during this time, how to find the best outfits to embody Quarantine Chic. You get the idea.
Honestly, I haven’t made up my mind. So, if you have an opinion, please let me know.
As for styling services, it looks unlikely that I’ll be working with clients in their homes before the end of April, at the earliest. We’re playing it by ear.
Wishlists are available. Virtual styling time is available, too. If you are feeling super motivated to edit your closet right now, it can be done thanks to FaceTime. And, as always, folks can purchase hours now to use later or gift certificates for future use. Beyond that, we’ll make decisions when the time feels right.
So for now, it’s all about you and me and the blog. Let’s get back to the Spring Must Haves, shall we?
As always, thanks VERY much for being here. Be kind to yourself and those around you (especially if you are in close quarters). Take note of what you need to feel good everyday and do that. For real. Do it. Personally, I vote for putting on clothes that make you feel super comfortable but also attractive each day, or every other day, or every three days. You do you. Paint your toe nails. Skip the bra and the makeup. But, like how your hair looks. Do some stretching in your living room. Or opt to binge watch your favorite TV show. Set a goal to watch a series of movies (we just did the Matrix Series). Decide to cook some new recipes. Whatever your path, embrace where you live, that you are healthy and that, at least we have the internet:)