Hot Tips to Improve Your Mood During Quarantine: from a Stylist who Works from Home
I’m not sure what virtual styling looks like. Can we pretend that I’m virtually styling my lovely client, Natasha, here? :) Photo by Chamonix Browne with all the details on the Client Stories Page.
I know, it’s been a while. In the words of one of my clients, “you know I love clothes, but my heart just isn’t in it right now.” True story.
So, my Dear Reader, I can promise you this: I’ll only be writing when my heart IS in it. Because, as far as I’m concerned, I owe that to the both of us. Today, my heart is absolutely in it. Yes, I’ve got a sea of content that I never shared. Spring fashion just isn’t speaking to me right now. I’m going to guess you feel the same way. What is speaking to me? All the hot tips I have for you. After all, not only do I work from home (when I’m not with clients) but I also have been predominantly home since the end of February. So, I’m further down the road than most. Get ready for some ideas that will hopefully inspire you, and if nothing else, give you a few minutes of distraction from the other media. One quick thing before we begin: Remember to listen to the experts and local officials. I especially find the Daily from the NY Times helpful. Wash your hands, stay at home. Okay- Off we go!
10 Ways to Feel Better While You are at Home
Soak up the good stuff.
Let’s be real. We’re all wracked with guilt over how good we have it, or freaking out over what’s spiraling out of control, or both, depending on the ten minutes you happen to be chatting with us. This is some crazy business. And, before we go on, please, just stay at home and take social distancing very seriously. Okay, back to this hot tip. Regardless of your current situation, if you are able to read this, something good must also be going on. Maybe you normally commute an hour plus each way to work and now you’ve rediscovered what it’s like be with the ones you love for long stretches of unscheduled time. Or maybe you finally have time to reorganize that cupboard that irritates you every morning. (I did. It was unexpectedly gratifying.) Perhaps, having an insanely stressful job at the moment, you also know that you’ll have a job moving forward. Or maybe you are just reminded of the good friends or family that you have. If nothing else, we can all be grateful for access to the Internet. Whatever it is, this is an unprecedented time for you to be intentional about how you spend your day. And, while we don’t have control over the world, we absolutely have control over that.
Do that awkward stuff that never seemed like the right time to do.
Grow out your bangs. Test out your natural hair color. Do that thing you’ve been meaning to do that might cause you to breakout. Whatever it is. Now, is the time.
Start taking care of yourself.
We’ve been reading about self care for the last decade or so. Often, it feels like not taking care of yourself is just another reason to feel guilty. I’m pretty sure that isn’t the spirit of self care. But, I’m also very sure, that’s the role it plays in many lives. Carve out time for you to take a walk each day or garden or read. Dive into that sewing, crafting, carpentry, cooking project you’ve always wanted to try. I like going through cookbooks and marking recipes that appeal to me. That way, when I’m ready to cook I can channel my creative side rather than my mom do-do list side. Opt for something that allows you to achieve flow: to forget about the world. You are not looking for something that awakens your inner perfectionist.
Ask for help.
This one is building off of #3. If self care has been tough in the past, don’t expect that being at home all day will somehow make it easy. In fact, the easy thing is letting each day blend into the next without any meaningful results after weeks of sort of kind of trying. (I have been working from home for 7 years, so I have some experience here.) Instead, give yourself a break and acknowledge what you know deep inside is a challenge for you. If you are looking to be healthier, I recommend you connect with Natalie Joffe. You can read one of her guest posts here. She’s a Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer. You can meet with her via the Interwebs. She isn’t here to help you lose weight. She’s here to help you achieve a healthy lifestyle and if you’d love to do that, do it now. (Added bonus: You’ll be supporting a local business that I adore.) Natalie and I share many clients and have helped one another in the past. I’m a big fan.
Look toward the future and act on that vision.
We spent last weekend building the first of four large planter boxes for bamboo in our front yard. (Yes, the neighbors stayed more than 6 feet away. ) Our street is a popular walking street and the passersby were mesmerized. Our neighborhood is always interested when we do projects. But, this was different. We realized, building these planter boxes was a hopeful act. Who are we kidding? We can’t just order bamboo tomorrow to fill them. And the purpose of the boxes is to create a natural divide between our house and our neighbor’s house. Why would someone do that if the world is going to end? Yes, I said it. Do something that shows that you know there will be a future. There will be a post Pandemic life. It will make you feel better.
Embrace your new signature style.
Man, let’s hear it for Athleisure. You know fans of a more casual style are loving their wardrobes right now. Dive into your closet and find the pieces that make sense for your current situation. Find pieces that are comfortable, but also make you feel pretty. These pieces embrace your signature style or at least aren’t in conflict with it. Now, just plan to live in these clothes. Wash them. Keep them fresh. But, don’t let the rest of your wardrobe depress you. Discover the awesomeness of your new capsule wardrobe. (Local business, Nordstrom is having a big sale right now to help with this. I love the pants from Aritzia, too. Psst- Artizia now has extended sizes! And I’m wearing vegan leather pants from Zara right now that are bringing me life.) Opt for items with an elastic waistband or relaxed fit. Make sure you pick pieces that look great with sneakers because you want to keep on walking, if your local restrictions allow you to do so.
It’s time to accessorize.
I’ve been wearing earrings most days and lipstick about 1/3 of the time. I must say, doing both has a pretty profound effect on my mood. Let’s be clear. I’m not doing this for work related meetings. This is for me. My husband and son benefit, I suppose. But really, this is about feeling better about yourself each day. I haven’t had my hair colored in months, so lipstick becomes more important over time:) You might also enjoy this post on looking great when you work from home for more details. Try the Poplin Pinterest Boards for some inspiration.
Get out some lingerie, even if you live alone.
If you are in a relationship that you are planning to stay in, this is a good time to remind yourself that you want to be there. Whether or not you have a partner, breaking out the lingerie or more attractive sleepwear will ideally lead to another obvious way to decrease your stress levels. Lingerie is a great way to get yourself (and your partner, if you have one) in the zone. Pre-Pandemic, this is the sort of thing that may have been pushed off, especially if you have kids. We’re in it folks. This is no time for procrastinating. Love the one you’re with.
Order yourself a little something.
If you’ve ever read the 5 Love Languages, you know if you are a person who loves gifts of affection. A special package in the mail can be just the thing to lift your mood. Amazon prioritizes packages filled with medical supplies or food. So, don’t worry so much about your casual dress or hip puzzle slowing down critical supplies to folks who need it. That’s actually part of the fun. Don’t track your gift. Just feel elated when it magically arrives. Try doing this for friends or family, too. Everyone loves a good surprise. (I ordered a package from Zara before the chaos and just let it sit unopened for weeks. Then, one day, I put on music and opened the package. I tried on everything. It was SO much fun.)
Do your part, whatever that is, as much as you can.
We’re all in it together. Really. This is a time when we are counting on one another to make good choices. As they say, “staying home is a patriotic act.” If you can do more, do it. If you and/or your partner will still have steady income going forward, keep paying all the people who were there for you before this crisis: Your housecleaner, your lash technician, your childcare provider, your hairstylist, etc. Buy a gift card from your favorite shops, cafes or restaurants to use later- or better yet, just think of it as a donation. Restaurant workers aren’t the only folks seeing their incomes plummet.
You know how much I adore YouthCare. The team is doing extraordinary work supporting homeless youth during this crisis and there are so many other nonprofits and public sector folks doing that, too. Reporters and keeping us informed. First responders and medical staff are on the front lines and there are a sea of folks behind the scenes keeping all aspects of society going. I’m sure quite a few of you reading this right now are making decisions that benefit so many people who may never realize the profound impact you’ve had. Thank you very much. Really.
Remember that in the middle of all of this, lawmakers are making decisions that will have a significant impact on all of our lives. So, write your elected officials and advocate. It may seem crazy, but if you can, support campaigns for electeds who will be responsible to enact those changes and more after November.
Just because we are at home doesn’t mean we don’t have the power to help one another and advocate for what is right. That being said, if you feel like you are losing your mind a little, this is the time to start at the top of the list and work your way down:)
Above all else, stay safe and take good care.
P.S. Need something to spark your impromptu dance party? This is it!