Know You've Got Style? Here's How to Take it to the Next Level
As a personal stylist for women, my job is to help each client ensure that what is on the outside aligns with what is on the inside. At Poplin, we’re all about helping you communicate your authentic personal style, understand what flatters your frame and find makers that align with your values, whenever possible. And we do all this while walking the walk. It’s not about perfection. It’s about progress. And, it’s about making every day just a little bit better than the one before, whenever we can. Because when you wear clothes that feel like YOU, you’ll have more self confidence and show up in the world differently. You’ll know who you are and unequivocally understand that what you have to say matters. You’ll know what it likes to feel seen. Feeling good about how you look isn’t an indulgence, it’s a must have.
But what if you already feel great about how you present yourself to the world? What then? Well, I’ve got news for you. It’s time to take your style to the next level.
Earlier this week, I spoke at the Ellevate Network’s Evening of Style at the Armoire Headquarters. It got me thinking about some things I’d love to remind you of, Dear Reader. So, off we go!
Three Essential Ways to Elevate Your Style
Super comfortable t-shirt and jeans at home then toss on a great pair of boots and your final layer to elevate your look. Poplin client Ann shows off her functional “Banana Republic meets Southwest Chic” style here.
Set the Bar
Think of someone who is potentially pivotal in your career. It could be a boss or someone you are hoping to work with. Now, imagine you need to run out for milk at 7 am on a Sunday and you run into this person. How will you feel in what you are wearing? You don’t need to be dressed up, this is a casual city and it is 7 in the morning. But, you do want to feel good about how you are showing up in the world. Why? If you are not feeling awesome about your look, you’ll likely try to sneak away without them seeing you. But, if you feel confident in how you’re presenting yourself, you are much more likely to take advantage of that opportunity to connect with this key decision maker and potentially open some doors for yourself. So- opt for not just sweats, but cute sweats.
Poplin client, mom, wife and leader in tech, Tarah, is all about keeping things simple but stylish. See more of her, “Tailored Boho” style and hear more of her story here.
2. You Should Think About Your Clothes When you get Dresses and Not Again Until You are Complimented On Them.
I always tell my clients, look at what’s clean, find an outfit photo with it and move on. Getting dressed should take 30 seconds.
Your clothes should not be limiting you at all during the day and they absolutely shouldn’t be making you feel badly about yourself. Functionality is key and so is fit. If your jeans are too tight at the waist or the hips, you are having negative self talk about needing to lose weight. Clothes should not be a warning system to alert you to some perceived imperfection with your body. It’s not your body. It’s the jeans. When you know how to dress your body at every size, you release space in your mind to focus on the things that matter.
3. You are the Same Person No Matter the Occasion
While you are dressing for yourself first and foremost, you are also communicating to the world. You are the same person everyday no matter if you are running a company or walking the dog. So your personal style words are the same. It’s all about adjusting for your mood and the situation. How do you do that? Edgy at work might be a leather blazer while edgy when you go out is a studded heel and edgy while you walk the dog is a vegan leather jacket that can double as a raincoat. I mean- think of all the people you interact with when you are walking the dog…..
For those of you who appreciate a visual, above is 10 years of Poplin and my style throughout. Regardless of the situation, my style is pretty consistent, although always evolving. Expressive with an edge, sometimes weird, always bold and authentic to me. It doesn’t matter if I’m decorating a center for homeless youth, running around behind the scenes of a photo shoot or in front of the camera. My style stays consistent to who I am. Equally importantly, as my weight fluctuates, my approach stays the same because my body type hasn’t changed, just my weight. Remember, it’s all about progress, not perfection. Weight fluctuation doesn’t need to bring you down. The key is knowing how to dress for those changes.
The goal here is to be intentional. You are in control of how you present yourself and you are also in control of the self talk your clothes inspire. Are your clothes feeding imposter syndrome or are they reminding you that you are a bad ass, which you are?
When you know who you are and are confident in communicating that to the world, regardless of the situation, that permeates into every aspect of your life.
My client Amy said it best, She said- “I began to understand that my confidence, mood and attitude are affected by how I feel in my clothes and those directly impact how I show up in my business and my brand.” (Fun Fact: Amy is an interior designer who was featured in Architectural Digest rocking some of her Poplin looks.)
As always, I love to hear what you think. Reach out and if you aren’t already subscribing to the newsletter, now’s the time.