5 Easy Ways to Transform Your Closet and Your Life Right Now
With Poplin personal styling client Isa.
I don’t know about you, but I’m absolutely determined to have a great 2024. If not great, at least not awful and thanks to the election in November, I know the second option is very real. As a personal stylist for women, I see firsthand the impact that a fresh perspective can have on clients. For me, a space free of clutter with only pieces that are beautiful and functional has an extraordinary impact on my life. Really. And I bet you feel that way, too.
I also know that with the New Year comes new motivation and new expectations. We want to do it all: change our food habits, move more, volunteer and so on. Often by week two we discovered we were overly ambitious. With that in mind, this post isn’t how to do an exhaustive Closet Edit. Though trust me, I’m here for that! Instead, we’re focusing on five easy steps that will have a disproportionate effect on your life. Less effort and more payoff. Here we go!
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Poplin client Isa showing off her authentic personal style from her streamlined collection.
5 Easy Ways to Transform Your Closet and Your Life Right Now
Embrace your current and size and demand that your closest does, too.
How often are we living a life in which we’ve lost 10 more pounds? After styling hundreds of women, I’m going to say a very high percentage of the time. Your weight loss goals are your own and I’m not here to guide you on that point. What I will do is share with you the extraordinary impact of ONLY having clothes that fit in your closet (that means your easily accessible drawers, too!). If you have pieces that you will likely never wear again, it’s time to donate them or share them with someone you adore who will appreciate them. For those items that you love and could potentially fit in the future, those go into a storage bin somewhere else in your home. Make sure to have a “too small” bin and a “too large bin” and keep them in separate places. If, like me, your weight fluctuates between multiple sizes, try a bin for each size so you only grab the size 10 when that’s actually your size.
Transform your closet into a boutique curated just for you.
If you are lying in bed staring at an overstuffed closet that is not serving you, it’s time to re-merchandise. Your closet is your personal Nordstrom. Everything should be organized by item type and then by color. Your pieces should have room to breathe (rather than being shoved on top of one another.) Options that you’d like to wear more should be front and center and items that you’d like to disincentivize wearing should be harder to get to. (I see you, “loungewear".) Love those heels but rarely wear them? Try putting them on a shelf to make your closet feel more beautiful and unique to you. Stuff your handbags with tissue paper and display them, too. Worried about space? That’s real. Make sure that you only have items that are applicable right now in your closet. Specifically, are you looking at seasonally appropriate items that communicate your authentic personal style, flatter your frame and fit right now? That’s the goal. For a lighter lift, just weed out pieces that are clearly not a win and categorize options that you don’t need daily and store them separately. For example: skiing, workout, camping, loungewear, formalwear and gardening can all be placed somewhere easily accessible that isn’t part of your beautiful boutique.
Declutter your makeup, skincare and haircare
Again, you don’t need to spend an hour or more digging deep into your medicine cabinet. Instead, do a 10 minute run through. What’s almost empty? Does it need to be replaced or is it even useful anymore? What products are obsolete? Feeling ambitious? Pick up some lovely containers and organize the remaining items to make your cabinet just as appealing as your closet.
Love your bedroom again (or for the first time).
Yes, you engage with your closet everyday. And that time together should feel great. It should be empowering, motivating, affirming. After all, you know who you are and your clothes are exuding that confidence. Your boutique is in your bedroom or adjacent to it and if you that space is overwhelming, frustrating and riddled with “to do” list items, it’s not helping you reach your happy place. Spend 15 minutes decluttering your bedroom. Remove books you aren’t reading and likely won’t anytime soon. Put on sheets and bedding that you adore. Remove furniture that you don’t use and just makes your space feel more cramped. Or, embrace that you’re someone who doesn’t put your clothes away every night and designate a location to drop them that isn’t front and center.
It’s time to get the noise out of your space.
You’ve already taken things to the next level by removing clothes, toiletries and clutter that isn’t serving you. Now, what’s left? Will 10 minutes with your shoes reveal a few pairs (or more) that you no longer need? What about your jewelry? When is the last time you went through your handbags or….. your coat closet? Time box this activity so it doesn’t take over your life. Try 10 or 15 minutes a day for each step, if you’d like. Or just stop with the bedroom. It’s all about what feels good to you right now.
It’s likely you discovered a few key pieces that you need throughout this process. Make a plan to get those so you aren’t in a bind now that the old options are gone. And while you’re here, I’d suggest a full restock of your bras and underwear. No matter the size of your body or the weight on your shoulders, feeling beautiful when you put on that first layer has a profound impact on your self confidence. It’s real. Audit your bras, underwear, camis, slips, shapewear, hosiery, you name it. Get out that noise and introduce a new collection that all coordinates. I like sticking with black and nude choices. But, you do what’s best for you.
If you adore this idea but know you could use some help, start with our revamped Style Essentials page. It includes a list of my favorite tools to organize, feature and care for your pieces. Ready for something more hands on? Perhaps it’s time to become a Poplin Client. Dive into these Client Stories for some inspiration and check out our services page, too.
As always, thanks so much for being here and Happy New Year.
Come on In!
With Poplin personal styling client Bridget.
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