A Setback Soulsaver

As a personal stylist, I’m very fortunate to mix and mingle with an array of fascinating, driven women. I also have opportunities to share some of my thoughts with larger audiences, which is delightful. Recently, WomanCake magazine asked me to share a personal story about a power song. You, my Dear Reader, are well aware of my love of music. (Newsletter subscribers get a song recommendation in every issue.)

Choosing just one song, just one story, wasn’t easy. In the end, I chose one that took me from very low to less low and has continued to benefit me ever since. I keep my exposure to this album low, only to take it out when I REALLY need it. And it delivers every single time.

If you need a little (or a big) pick me up. This one’s for you. Enjoy.


A Setback Soulsaver

When I was in my mid twenties, I decided to move to New York City. It was a bold move, having never been more than 90 minutes from my family and our familiar Northern California landscape. But I had been dying to be somewhere bigger, to do something bigger, for as long as I could remember. My move to New York was to be my first big risk of adulthood and I was eager and terrified. 

I had a master plan. I would move in with my best friend who was a law student there and find a job once I arrived. In order to make this happen, I’d need enough money for the move, a way to get there and the resolve to see it through..  

I moved out of my apartment and started sleeping on a friend’s couch to save money. After three months I had saved $1,120. That plus the proceeds from selling my car would just be enough. Fortunately, my step dad worked for United Airlines so I could fly standby for free, saving me the few hundred dollars it would take to get me there. It was all coming together.


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