Posts tagged Stella Valle
What are Some Super Cool Products Made by Veterans and Their Families?

Veteran's Day is a thing at our house. Our 7 year old is a big fan of patriotic songs and sings them often. Veteran's Day is his, "favorite singing holiday." We also try to call up vets that we know, including my Dad, to just check in because we're thankful they are home.

On the fashion front, it's a good reminder to check out the wealth of businesses owned by vets and their spouses. Moving every year or even more often can be brutal on a spouse's career, so I'm a HUGE fan of the innovative businesses that allow spouses to work from home wherever they happen to live. This ensures that they won't miss out on income or job stability from a move. And, if you are a long time reader, you are familiar with my adoration for the folks at Combat Flip Flops- a local company started by two former Army Rangers who had served a number of tours in Afghanistan started with a mission to, "To create peaceful, forward-thinking opportunities for self-determined entrepreneurs affected by conflict." It's incredible and produces equally inspiring results: 

  • Every product Combat Flip Flops sells puts an Afghan girl into secondary school for a day.
  • Each Peacemaker Bangle or coinwrap sold clears 3 square meters of Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) from a region rocked by long-term war (those are landmines, folks)  - saving lives and providing economic opportunity. 

You can hear all about it from one of the founders and friend of Poplin in his TedX talk. SO good. 

Flip Flops are only the beginning. Check out the high quality products (we have several including a necktie my husband wears regularly) and pick some up as early holiday gifts for the ones you love and, naturally, a little something for you. 

Combat Flip Flops, affectionately known as CFF, is just the beginning. 

Very Cool Products Made by Veterans & Their Families. 

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