Posts tagged Uniqlo
Marimekko + Uniqlo: Pieces for $20 and Under are Still Going Strong

Believe it! The Marimekko + Uniqlo Collab started with a bang. I watched pieces disappear from my cart as I shopped. Simultaneously, clients and friends were shooting over photos of themselves in the Uniqlo dressing room or calling with sizing questions. It was big.

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For Those About to Shop.

Happy Friday, Dear Reader. If the sunshine makes you want to get out and shop, this is your lucky day. As your very own personal stylist, I had to offer up a quick breakdown of some special shopping opportunities you won't want to miss. Enjoy!

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Simple (and Inexpensive) Steps to Up Your Game.

Few things are as inspiring and pleasing as seeing a really put together person on the street. It's like a little surprise. You're walking along and unexpectedly you see something (or someone) dashing, perhaps even a bit glamorous, that freezes the moment. When this happens, I often want to take a photo to document such a glorious display of fashion sense and personal style. Usually, I keep it to simply complimenting the person, which I'd encourage. Everyone leaves happy. After all, we all benefit from seeing something beautiful. And to me, fashion is a form of artistic expression. Anyway, enough of my musings. Let's get to the practical portion of this post, shall we?

In stark contrast to this euphoria, is that moment when you notice that the sophisticated fella who looks like he just walked out of an issue of Esquire is carrying a floral reusable grocery bag.  Recycling- sexy. Carrying a super feminine woman's reusable grocery bag- not so much. (Unless, of course, he's carrying it for the woman he is walking with, which is pretty much the most attractive thing ever.)

As your personal stylist, I want to help prevent you, Dear Reader, from making these mistakes that keep you from realizing your true, very stylish and authentic, potential. Don't worry, they don't cost much.


Ways to Up Your Game Right Now. 

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