Posts tagged YouthCare
Lessons From Trans Youth.

I'm very lucky to have the opportunity to hold monthly styling sessions for youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness. The Poplin styling sessions are limited to the youth in the Barista Training Program, who are in this eight week program to learn everything you need to know to be a Barista including customer service, job skills and life skills. You can learn more about the program here. 

Over the last few years, I've noticed the population changing. And, I'm doing my best to change with them. Last year we saw more young women who were pregnant. So, we offered assistance with clothes that are appropriate for job interviews but also practical as your body changes. This year, I've been really amazed at how the younger generation sees gender in such a fluid way. I've tweaked the sessions to included an opportunity for attendees to identify their pronouns (she/her, he/him or they/them). I've learned a lot. 

I've also had the extraordinary experience of repeatedly helping trans youth transitioning from male to female. This one has really had an impact on me. Nationally, LGBTQ youth are estimated to be about 40% of the homeless population. I'm especially proud of ISIS House, a transitional living house designed to meet the unique needs of LGBTQ youth and their straight allies. It's the only one in Washington state and one of the few programs like it in the nation. YouthCare never disappoints.

During these sessions, I'm struck by the lessons that trans youth have to teach the rest of us. So, as your very own personal stylist, I'm passing these learnings along. 


Valuable Reminders From Trans Youth.

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My Favorite Things Right Now

Who knows why I own a gorgeous three piece suit? I don't. And, by three pieces I mean a skirt, trousers and jacket that all coordinate. After all, I'm a personal stylist. I don't have any conservative corporate events to attend. I'm not representing another entity. I'm representing myself. And, so began my extreme closet edit. That and a few more of my very favorite things right now. Off we go!


My Very Favorite Things Right Now

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Do You See that Woman Changing the World? She's a Poplin Client!

What woman? Where? Where?

Well, I dare say they are everywhere.

As part of my commitment to the styling sessions at YouthCare, I quickly realized that we'd need to bring in an incredible amount of new and used clothing to adequately supply styling sessions for the Barista Training Program graduates. After all, it is vital that each grad (young men and women ages 12-24 who are homeless or formerly homeless) have the chance to choose from pieces that fit and reflect his or her personal style. 

The idea is to give them confidence at job interviews and at work. Few of us have a high level of confidence when we are sporting clothes we really don't like. I digress.

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Seattle Sunday: Velouria. I Can't Get Enough.

For those of you who have been reading the blog for some time or follow Poplin on social media, (FacebookInstagram & Twitter) you've undoubtedly witnessed my enthusiasm for Ballard's own- Velouria. As a personal stylist, I've had much success with clients in the shop. Stocked with items made in America and Canada with special love given to makers from the Northwest, the shop is authentic, endearing and fashionable, just like the Velouria team. I'm THRILLED to give you a peek into the world of Velouria. Want to hear more? Make sure you are signed up for the Poplin e-newsletter. The complete interview will be included in an upcoming email. 

Just a Few Reasons I Adore Velouria, and You Will, Too.

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Technology Meets Fashion: The Must Have App

I never thought I'd spend this much time taking my own photo. Truth be told, I never thought I'd spend any time doing it. But, duty calls and now it's all selfies all the time. And, I'm not alone. But, as close as we are, Dear Reader, we both know you are really here for the clothes. So, if you are just seeing selfies of my face, that isn't particularly helpful. Plus, as a personal stylist, I really enjoying seeing photos of your entire outfit, too! Enter, the must have app.

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Don't be afraid to be pretty.

You may have seen my Tweet about starting to style for the young adults at YouthCare who have recently graduated from the Barista Training Program. I'm crazy excited about this opportunity to help homeless and formerly homeless teens look their best as they enter into their careers. 

As I discussed the logistics with the staff, I was reminded that there may be individuals who feel self conscious about their bodies because they are survivors of abuse. Understood. In fact, 1 out of 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys in the US are sexually abused and youth on the street report an even higher rate. I realize this is dark for a style blog, but I'm going somewhere, I swear. 

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Giving Back: YouthCare's Barista Training Program celebrates 10 years

About 10 years ago, a group of friends and I started volunteering to prepare meals for the kids at YouthCare, a local nonprofit that serves homeless youth. We would shop for the items, cook, then head over to the old site of the Orion Center and serve the food. Despite already having worked in nonprofits, it was a powerful experience. I was struck by two things: 

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