Hemptastic: More than Just Legal Marijuana

Whether you read local or national news, you're undoubtedly hearing about today's milestone: Washington's first legal marijuana shops opened this morning. Clearly, the only way, well, one way, to celebrate this momentous occasion is to dress the part. After all, we are the Evergreen State.


With that in mind, here are some fun facts about Hemp and Fashion. 

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My Love Affair with SoleStruck. Because Ugly Shoes ARE a Global Issue

Dear Reader, 

I have a confession to make: I am unabashedly SoleStruck. 

Months ago, the good people at DIGS Showroom in Ballard held an event featuring Portland brand SoleStruck. Not only did I have a lovely time, leave with an incredible swag bag that just keeps on giving (thank you, DIGS!); but I also bought a pair of edgy and functional heels. Thrilled, we went home. By the next day I was a proud winner of a free pair of shoes from SoleStruck. Woot!

And so it began.


My Love Affair with SoleStruck.

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The Stunning Plus Size Summer Bride

Editor's note: Below you'll find another blog post from Poplin contributor and plus size fashion guru, Jordan Richardson. Jordan's research on Sizeism was just featured in an article in the Everett Herald. Check it out!Love her and you will, too. Enjoy!


Dear Reader,

This month one of my dear friends got engaged, and it got me thinking about bridal gowns and weddings. She is a magnificent woman and I caught a bit of the wedding bug! So, curled up with a morning cup of tea I lazily scrolled through the wedding tag on Pinterest and Tumblr and got little butterflies of happiness for her. Though talking with a good friend later the same day I reflected that I hadn't seen any plus size brides on the main tag of Pinterest, and very few on Tumblr. I know these brides are out there, so I was confused and sort of hurt. I reached out to one of my friends who is a fierce plus size woman who was married two years ago and asked her about her gown search.

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Seattle Sunday: Live Simply By Annie Takes Organizing to Another Level

There are two extremes for the fashionista:

  1. The stylish individual who has clothes strewn about her bedroom with extras shoved into her closet.
  2. The stylish individual who has everything methodically organized by size and color with off season items stored away in the appropriate containers.

Most of us fall somewhere in between. And, like having your very own personal stylist, many of us have always secretly yearned for a professional organizer in our lives. 

Enter Annie.

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Can loungewear be chic? Yes!

Editor's note: Below you'll find another blog post from Poplin contributor and plus size fashion guru, Jordan Richardson. Jordan's research on Sizeism was just featured in an article in the Everett Herald. Check it out! Love her and you will, too. Enjoy!


Dear Reader,

Few things are more gratifying than shedding your work clothes after a long day and putting on something comfortable. While pulling on my trusty old college sweats and a tank I wondered what others wore to hang about...So I went on a quest. I questioned family, friends, and co-workers looking to find what people preferred. I found that most like loose fitting pants that stretched yet still held a shape, and a jersey tank or tee. One gal mentioned that she called this look "lounge-chic." She described it as the balance between comfortable shoes that are easy to move in while maintaining the ability to open the door or run to the grocery store without embarrassment.

So I wanted to see how I could elevate my own lounge wear to "lounge-chic" and naturally, I wanted to share my findings with you. Because Poplin Style Direction focuses on knowing what works best for your body shape (as well as your personal style) I wanted to utilize the body types to help pinpoint some great choices for various body shapes.

Lounge Chic

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What's the Difference Between 24 months & 2T?

As you know, Dear Reader, I am a personal stylist for men, women and kids. Although the blog predominantly focuses on women's fashion, I LOVE chatting about kids styles and the perplexities involved.

On a personal note, our three year old envisions a different occupation every day and builds his ensemble accordingly. Frequently, we're adding jersey numbers out of colored masking tape to tees or reflective trim along cuffs for our little fireman out of, you guessed it, masking tape. So, tip #1 for dressing a toddler with a vision: start with masking tape.

I digress.

When our little ones transition from baby to toddler, it can be challenging to navigate the fashion terrain. Here's a trivia question to wow the crowd at your next playdate,

What's the Difference Between 24 Months and 2T When Shopping for Kids Clothes?

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3 Experts Take You to the Beach Pt. 2

Part 2 of 2. See part 1 of 2. 

Is it weird to refer to yourself as an expert? After reading the tips from Hanna and Annie, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to add a few more beach essentials. My Beach Must Haves for you are below. Normally, I'd also include a wet bag, but Annie is so good! She beat me to it. I'm tempted to write a post with beach must haves for the little ones and the fellas. If that interests you, leave a comment! 


Your Beach Essentials

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Seattle Sunday: Vintage & Pre-Loved Finds from Citizen Rosebud

I don't know about you, Dear Reader, but my teen years were spent in thrift stores. On the eternal quest to find something that communicated who I was through my clothing and managing to stay within my teenage budget was no easy task. Parenthood has made every minute more valuable and my love of shopping has shifted to brick and mortar stores and online. But, my love of vintage coats will never die. And that is where the Citizen got me.

Citizen Rosebud AKA Bella is a die hard lover of all things vintage. With special love for American-made items, she knows her history through clothes. Each dress, each coat, every pair of shoes has a story and Bella is dying to tell it to you. 

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3 Experts Take You to the Beach Pt. 1

Part 1 of 2

As you may know, I spend a great deal of time near the water. In our city, it's so easy to do. With the Summer Solstice right around the corner, I thought I'd share some of my favorite tips for hitting the beach. Even better? How about I ask two other very knowledgeable women to do the same. Please enjoy some helpful tips directly from professional organizer, Annie Traurig and hair and make-up artist, Hanna Mazur. 


Beach Essentials

Annie Traurig, Owner, Live Simply by Annie


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COS. The Basics You've Been Searching For Come to America.

I remember fantasizing about the day H&M would finally come to Seattle. Then, it did- with three stores opening almost simultaneously. Suddenly, I didn't need to buy 10 pairs of tights every time I visited New York or Chicago. Life was good.

This month, life just got a whole lot better. Enter COS (Collection of Style). The H&M owned brand is all about effortless, paired back basics. Timeless minimalism for men, women and kids. While we don't have a brick and mortar COS in Seattle, we are FINALLY able to shop the brand here in the states thanks to the magic of the inter web. 

5 Reasons you MUST Visit Cosstores.com Now

1. You get a discount.

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Winner: Did YOU win the Uber Wishlist or the print from Justin Marx Photography?

Thanks VERY much to the Velouria team for hosting last night's Art Walk event. The husband and I were there chatting it up and helping raise funds for YouthCare. 10% of every sale last night will support the organization's work to end youth homelessness.

AND, every person who purchased something online or in the store yesterday was entered into the drawing to win either a free Uber Wishlist (that's a $575 value!) or a Justin Marx Photography print.

Enough talking, let's see who won!

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Seattle Sunday Father's Day Edition: Ian

Our house is filled with fashion enthusiasts. Our daily conversations are often dominated by current events, work updates, food and fashion. And we love it. 

As a personal stylist for men, women and kids, I'm often asked about my favorite boutiques for each. With Father's Day right around the corner, it seems only right that today's Seattle Sunday post highlight a men's boutique for the hip man, IanPlus, when you mention Poplin you save 15%.

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Your Weekend Starts Now.

Man, have I got the weekend of dreams planned for you. (And, it starts today!)

Summer is here (despite today's rain) and that means longer days and the relentless desire to get out and do things, meet people, look pretty. It's possible our entire city has some level of seasonal affective disorder. We pay the price in the dark and gloomy months; but this time of year is when we shine. So, as you are putting the final touches on your weekend plans, why not indulge in something for yourself?

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Is That What You Meant To Say? What Your Clothes are Communicating for You.

Have you ever noticed that you have certain stock answers to often asked questions? Maybe the first time someone asked you a particular question, you answered quickly. You were being funny or you were nervous, maybe disinterested or perhaps you really didn't feel like revealing too much about yourself. 

Who knows? 

As the question has come up again and again over the years, you've developed this auto response.

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How Can I Wear Summer Dresses When My Legs are Still Winter White?

It's almost summer. I wish someone would just tell my legs. This transitional time of year is a tricky one. It's warm enough to wear shorts or skirts without tights. But, our legs may not be quite there yet. Fear not, Dear Reader, there are a few helpful tips and tricks from your very own personal stylist to make you look and feel beautiful right now. Of course, step 1 is always sunscreen. So, make sure to integrate sun protection into your daily routine regardless of the time of year. 

Solutions for winter legs in summer weather.

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What's the Perfect Bathing Suit Top for my Bust Size?

Oh, young grasshopper. Do I have helpful information for you? As a personal stylist, I'm always chatting with female clients about what is flattering for their body types. As a woman, I'm always chatting with, well plenty of other women, about what is flattering for their body types. With bathing suit season upon us, the eternal questions surrounding flattering swimsuits are back in the mix. 

So, today, Dear Reader, we're going to go beyond my general swimsuit guidance by body type into a very specific need- the need for the perfect swim top. Here we go!

What You Need to Know when you shop for a Bathing Suit Top.

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Over $500 Worth of Poplin Services just for YOU.

Today I discovered a really lovely review on Yelp. 

I view my role as a personal stylist to listen to the client and translate his or her words into a strategic plan for the client's personal style. I never want clients to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about their closet, their size or their budget. I certainly don't want clients to feel like I'm regurgitating the same information from client to client. Basics, layering pieces, etc. It's much more than that.

It's about a journey to feel great in everything you wear. To feel like yourself. Above all else, to know what looks good on you and how to achieve the most stylish version of you after our few weeks together have ended.

That's why, I'm giving away an Uber Wishlist. 

That's right, a $575 value,

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Seattle Sunday: Stylish Outdoor Gear for Women by Freeman

I love the outdoors. But, I don't love outdoor gear.... well, on me anyway.

I worked at an outdoor gear store when I was in high school, selling, designing the displays and learning information about functionality and design that I still use on a regular basis. As the recipient of a healthy discount, I bought Gortex jackets, fleece anoraks, Thorlo socks and everything in between for nearly everyone I knew. Years later, when it's time to hike in the rain, I reach for the same Gortex shell.

Until now.

Our good friends at Freeman have finally given into our demands. They've created a waterproof jacket any woman can love.


Four Reasons to Love the Lady Freeman On YOU.

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How Do I Wear Birkenstocks and Look Fashionable?

I thought we'd start today's post with the most popular topic of conversations at my recent happy hours, Birkenstocks. 

Apparently, it's a very big deal that I purchased a pair. Let me be clear. Happy feet make for a happy life. But, ugly shoes don't make for a happy life. So the key is to find shoes that are both comfortable and fashionable. That, Dear Reader, is totally possible. And, not just with Birkenstocks.

Three years ago I would not have suggested your run out and get yourself the mother of all comfort brands. But, Birks have jumped straight from the feet of hippies to runways on their journey to your local Nordstrom. If you aren't already, you'll likely be jumping on this trend soon. 

How Do I Wear the new hip Birkenstocks?

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