Poplin at Large.

Man, there is a whole lot going on right now, Dear Reader. And, it's all good. So good I feel compelled to share. 

Here we go!

 Old Navy's Boyfriend Jeans for Baby Spark Debate. Yahoo Parenting.

The great boyfriend jeans controversy. 

Haven't heard of it? Well, neither had I until the good people of Yahoo Parenting asked me to weigh in on whether or not Old Navy's Boyfriend jeans sexualize girls. 


That sure looks like my husband.

While you are standing in the check out line this month, take a closer look at the cover of Seattle Magazine. My husband is gracing the cover, on a swing, no less.


 The Finerie CoLab. Web Design and photography: Michael R. Duryea.

So many partnerships, so little time.

Things kick off this weekend with new giveaways coming your way, if you are on the Poplin email list that is. I'm teaming up with Combat Flip Flops (a company that will truly have you talking for days) as well as the Finerie CoLab and Recology. That's right. Three incredible local companies with high quality goods just for you. Whether you buy or win, you'll be glad you did.


 The Scandal Collection. The Limited.

Events and more events.

The exclusive after hours event at the Limited is right around the corner and it's filling up fast. Care to join? Email me pronto to get on the list. 

Poplin contributor Jordan Richardson and I will be at an upcoming gathering at Ideal Protein in Ballard. (Details to follow via the Poplin email list.) 

Weight loss is not easy. Finding clothes to wear throughout the transition can be equally daunting. We'll be helping folks find their personal style and sharing tips and tricks to save cash and still look amazing as your body changes. Interested? Let us know. Can't wait? Here's a blog post to help you right now. 

And, that's just today's news! 


Folks on the Poplin Email list receive invitations to exclusive events, an e newsletter every other week and the opportunity to win super rad prizes from local makers and retailers. Interested?  Sign up  

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