Posts tagged personal stylist for kids
Must Know Now: Zara, Uniqlo and Nordstrom.

One of my favorite parts of living in the Northwest is the ramp up in spring and summer. Let's face it, we all have Seasonal Affective Disorder. Need proof? Check out your social calendar. I expect it is jam packed. The challenge during this time of year is choosing what to share with you, Dear Reader. 

As your very own personal stylist for women and kids, I'm so overcome with joy about a long list of developments. I'm opting to focus on big news with three large retailers that I love: Zara, Uniqlo and Nordstrom. I hope you are on the Poplin email list as there will be more good stuff to come in this week's email. Off we go!

The Biggest News (for us, anyway) from Zara, Uniqlo and Nordstrom.

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Seattle Sunday: Man, Your Kid is Cool. Thanks, Holt and Lulu

Let's start with some basic arithmetic:

Fashion forward kids' clothes + Functional and thoughtful design + Made in Seattle = Holt and Lulu

Dear Reader, I am THRILLED to finally be able to share Holt & Lulu with you. Owner Angie Anderson and I met a few years ago through mutual friends and I've been a fan of Angie and the brand ever since. The company makes high quality fashion-forward kids' clothes that you won't find anywhere else. She plays with gender roles, uses a variety of high quality fabrics ranging from faux leather to fleece, and as a parent herself, Angie understands what should be the ultimate goal of all children's fashion — for their clothes to be fashionable AND functional. 

Top 5 Reasons for You to be a Fan Too.

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Seattle Sunday: The Rookery Kids. Turns Out Kids Clothes Can be Hip & Affordable

Here's something awesome. I style kids

Wait. What?

Yes! I do this for parents who feel like they'd like to spend time with their kids after work and on the weekends instead of time shopping for them. Or, parents who would love their child to be as well dressed as they are without spending an unreasonable amount. I style those kids. I create an entire seasonal wardrobe that mixes and matches easily, is functional and indicative of your child's personal style. Then, I create outfits that can be accessed via your personal webpage so that mom, dad, the nanny or anyone else can see how to easily style an outfit. And it's fun!

The Rookery Kids

You can imagine how excited I was when I learned about The Rookery Kids.

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