Posts tagged Natalie Joffe Nutritionist
Guest Post: Natalie Joffe on Giving Up vs. Letting Go. Tips to Feel More Confident in a Thin-Privileged World

As a nutrition coach, I often hear things like:

·      “I just can’t accept my body at this size.”

·      “I need to lose weight so that I can feel more confident.”

·      “I will [start dating, apply for that new job, try that new class, etc.] after I reach my goal weight.”


The trouble with these statements and the fantasy of how amazing life will be at a smaller size is that they require us to put our life on hold, they perpetuate the weight bias in our culture, and they support the belief that we can shame our bodies into changing.


Sadly, we live in a thin-privileged society. This means that living in a smaller body one gains privileges and access to things that those in a larger body don’t. However, it doesn’t matter how small you are if you still struggle with critical self-talk, comparisons, and inner judgment.

Five strategies to help you feel more confident and empowered in the body you have now

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