Posts tagged Poplin Style Direction
Guest Post: What's it REALLY Like to Work with Poplin. One Client's Perspective

As a personal stylist for women, there is SO much variety in my daily life. One day I’m running around Bellevue Square on the hunt for the perfect pieces for my client’s shopping trip, another I’m climbing all over her bedroom to take outfit photos and still another I’m in my office scouring the interwebs to create the Uber Wishlist of dreams. Just because I’m doing another Closet Edit doesn’t mean that the experience is the same. After all, every one of my clients is her own person. She has a picture in her mind of her ideal, stylish self. She faces unique struggles and a lifetime of self talk around clothing and her body.

There is one thing that all (if not nearly all) of my clients have in common: they know Poplin. Thanks to the generous clients who have come before, there are endless online reviews about the experience. In fact, right now on Yelp, there are 47 “recommended reviews” with another 15 “not recommended.” I know. Right? So many feelings about those not recommended reviews. I digress…..

Whether she has delved into the Client Stories Page, checked out Google, Facebook, Yelp or been a part of the Poplin community via the newsletter, this blog and/or Instagram, she knows what she is getting into. Very often, she identifies with one or more story.

"I was sick of taking 30 minutes every morning to find something to wear and still ending up feeling frumpy.”


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Guest Post: Natalie Joffe on Giving Up vs. Letting Go. Tips to Feel More Confident in a Thin-Privileged World

As a nutrition coach, I often hear things like:

·      “I just can’t accept my body at this size.”

·      “I need to lose weight so that I can feel more confident.”

·      “I will [start dating, apply for that new job, try that new class, etc.] after I reach my goal weight.”


The trouble with these statements and the fantasy of how amazing life will be at a smaller size is that they require us to put our life on hold, they perpetuate the weight bias in our culture, and they support the belief that we can shame our bodies into changing.


Sadly, we live in a thin-privileged society. This means that living in a smaller body one gains privileges and access to things that those in a larger body don’t. However, it doesn’t matter how small you are if you still struggle with critical self-talk, comparisons, and inner judgment.

Five strategies to help you feel more confident and empowered in the body you have now

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5 Questions to Ask when Choosing what to Wear in Family Photoshoot

Whether you are taking candids at home or hiring a professional photographer, trying to determine what to wear for family photos can be challenging. As a personal stylist, I get this question often. Having just taken our family photos for the year, the time is right for some tips on selecting what to wear that represents your authentic personal style and is reflective of your family right now. After all, that’s what we’re documenting for, right?

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The Ideal Family Photos- Stylish and Affordable

The Happy Film Company Photo Shoot Package is $550. 

This includes a 45min photo shoot and all digital images (approx. 75-100). 
You can add a video to your package for $175. 

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Guest Post: Happiness. The Perfect Accessory for any outfit

Working with a personal stylist isn’t just about dressing better. It’s about embracing who you are and then mastering tools to help you show the world that person. The confident, authentic you. This process can take some soul searching. And soul searching isn’t always easy. That’s why I love sharing resources with the Poplin community. I’ve asked Seattle-based Life Coach, Lena Meyer, to share some of her wisdom with us. After all, she’s helped a number of Poplin clients on their journeys.

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Microblading at Splash Extensions. I Did It! You Can Do it Too!

As a personal stylist for women, I hear a lot of questions. Yes, there are lots of questions about clothes. But, when I'm working with a client, it goes well beyond clothes. It's not uncommon for one of my clients to simply have never learned about style, makeup, hair. Often, she was busy doing other things that were more interesting to her. Then, she looked up years later and discovered she was missing some of the skills that would make style a fun part of her life, not a stressful chore. This naturally leads to questions on hair, makeup, skincare, undergarments, waxing. You name it, I've been asked about it. After all, once we've been in a dressing room together, most other inhibitions are long gone.

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10 Fall 2018 Trends. Go!
How Do I Style White Shoes?

Poplin Style Direction is an affiliate. That means that when you click on items on this site, Poplin may receive a commission on your purchase with no additional cost to you. So, please consider clicking when you are ready to purchase. 

In the very early stages of Poplin, I won a pair of shoes (of my choice!) from one of my very favorite retailers, the now defunct SoleStruck. I really wanted a pair of giant platform clogs. They were the result of a collaboration between Opening Ceremony and Chloe Sevigny. What could be better. There were two options: black leather or white patent leather. I was on the fence, but kept coming back to the white and since they were free, I decided to take the plunge. At the time, white shoes seemed like insanity. Naturally, there were few places to look for style inspiration and I found myself experimenting with them with much success. In fact, this blog post details that journey. 

That experience was just the beginning of my white shoe phase. Next up, platform white Birkenstocks, white sneakers and so many others. My latest love is my white pair of Vince slides. As a personal stylist who works with real women using pieces in their existing collection or purchased using their actual budgets, it's vital that I know how to maximize pieces for my clients. White shoes and the challenges of styling them have come up often. That brings us to white shoes. They are ubiquitous, so if you don't already have a pair, you soon will. Now, let's make sure you know how to wear them so you get the most out of this hot trend. Off we go!


5 Ways to Style White Shoes

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Win $300 at Universal Standard and Shop Sizes 6-32!

If you loved the styles I've featured over the past year or so at Universal Standard but didn't happen to fit into the clothes, this post is for you. If you love US as much as I do and DO fit into their pieces, this post is for you. And, if you have never heard of this groundbreaking brand out of Seattle and NYC, this post is for you, too.

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What Boots to Own + What to Wear Them With.

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Finally! Rain! I always feel like I'd like the sunshine to last all year long; but when the first signs of boot season really kick in, I can't help but be elated. This is also the time of year that I hear a sea of questions from clients and readers about what boots to wear and how to pair them. Wonder no more. Here's a jam packed post with the answers you need for Fall 2017 thanks to your very own personal stylist for women. Go!

11 Options for Your Fall 2017 Boot Collection

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