Posts tagged hair stylist
Pinup Salon: City Skills with a Small Town Feel

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As a personal stylist for women in the Seattle area, I get lots of questions about style. As we move further into the styling process, I start to get lots more questions about everything else. From hair to skincare to philanthropy and summer camps for kids: You name it. I've been asked about it. 

So, when I'm able to offer up another option for clients and readers, I'm elated. After all, I only recommend what I truly love. As each client has her own unique personal style, it's vital that I connect her with resources that are right for her. Enter Pinup Salon.

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Seattle Sunday: Make-up & Hair By Hanna Mazur

Fancy February continues. When the weather is cold and dark, the most appealing thing to do is crawl up in a ball, covered in fleece, holding a cup of coffee and wait it out. Sadly, we aren't actually able to do that. So, if you can't avoid leaving the house, why not embrace it?

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