Posts tagged post-mastectomy style
10 Ways to Look Fashionable When You are Supporting the Seahawks

As a personal stylist for women, I spend a significant amount of time in women's closets. A woman's closet should feel like a boutique curated just for her. Every piece should make her feel like her authentic self. If it doesn't, it's out. Closet Edits are guided by each client's personal style and body type, with one exception: the sports jersey. The Seahawks/Sounders (and every so often, Mariners) section is the third rail of closet edits, never to be touched. However, it does spark lots of questions. "How do I look stylish at the games? What do I wear this with?" And so on. This has come up so frequently that a blog post is clearly in order. For all my clients and readers who support a team, any team, and want to do it looking your best, this one's for you. 


10 Ways to Look Fashionable as the 12th (Wo)man

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