Win $300 at Universal Standard and Shop Sizes 6-32!

If you loved the styles I've featured over the past year or so at Universal Standard but didn't happen to fit into the clothes, this post is for you. If you love US as much as I do and DO fit into their pieces, this post is for you. And, if you have never heard of this groundbreaking brand out of Seattle and NYC, this post is for you, too.

As a personal stylist for women in Seattle, I've spoken with hundreds of women about their style and inevitably that means their size and challenges that they face with finding clothes that fit their bodies and their sizes. That's what led me to develop a comprehensive system to dress your body type and identify your personal style. That's also what led me to write this post back in 2016: The End of Plus Size. 

So, you can imagine how elated I was to discover Universal Standard. The brand offers hip, high quality pieces sizes 10 and up. Amazing! After all, I work with a lot of women size 12/14/16 who struggle when they can no longer shop at their favorite retailers. Over time, I've shared pieces I adore from US, held an event at the local showroom and have taken clients shopping there. Now, things are getting MUCH more interesting.

Universal Standard is expanding to offer sizes 6-32. What?! Believe it! And to celebrate, I'm giving away a $300 gift card to use as you please online or in the NYC or Redmond, WA showroom. Here's what you need to know.


Brittny & Maria in their very own Universal Standard dresses from the 2017 Poplin Style event at the US Showroom. Mix and match your US choices with existing pieces or new options thanks to the gift card. Winning is fun!

How Do I Win a $300 Gift Card for Universal Standard?

1. Sign up for the Poplin Style email list.

Sign up! That's always step 1, by the way. Email subscribers are entered into EVERY Poplin giveaway. You've been loyal to me. I'm loyal to you. That's way email subscribers are entered 5 times into the giveaway.

2. Tag and Share the Giveaway on Instagram.

Follow Poplin Style on Instagram and tag three friends on the giveaway post. Do this and you get one entry to win.

3. Follow Poplin Style on Pinterest. 

Follow Poplin Style on Pinterest and receive one entry.

How Many Entries are Possible?

Great question: 5 entries because you are an email subscriber + 1 entry for liking and sharing on Instagram + 1 entry for following on Pinterest = 7 entries for you. 

When Is the Winner Announced? 

All entries must be received by Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018 at 11:59PM. The winner will be announced one week from today- Wednesday, April 4th, 2018 via the newsletter. I'll also reach out via Instagram, Pinterest and/or email depending on how you entered. Please respond within 24 hours or we'll choose a new winner. 

That's it! SO easy!. Need some incentives? Well, when you subscribe to the Poplin email list you receive 6 weeks of free style tips. Plus, an array of my favorite recommendations and more in your in box every Wednesday. And yes! You can enter, regardless of where you live within the US. You'll see some of my favorite pieces from US on Pinterest and all the socials this week. 

Best of luck!