Posts tagged Personal Shopper Women Seattle
The Best Way to Spend Your Clothing Budget Right Now

As a personal stylist for women, I’m well aware of the post-holiday retail slump. These are the months when we run around and use our gift cards but often feel uninspired. After all, spring isn’t quite here yet, but it’s too cold to shop for the season change anyway.

Not wot worry, Dear Reader, have I got some good news for you. Shopping this time of year has some major benefits.

The Best Way to Spend Your Clothing Budget Right Now

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The Ideal Family Photos- Stylish and Affordable

The Happy Film Company Photo Shoot Package is $550. 

This includes a 45min photo shoot and all digital images (approx. 75-100). 
You can add a video to your package for $175. 

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It's Comfortable: It's Durable. It's Cool. And it's your Essential Fabric for Fall.

Whether you dig into the back of your drawer to pull out your collection of this fabric or head out to get a brand spankin’ new piece, it’s time for corduroy. Believe it. As a personal stylist for women, I know how much so many of you have been pining for the days when this soft fabric makes its comeback. The time is now.

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Florals: Which Ones Are Right For You?

If you aren't on the Poplin email list, you are missing out. This week's edition was all about florals. Here's a sneak peak. Like it? Make sure you sign up! Plus you get 6 weeks of style tips right to your inbox. Enjoy!


PS. Items listed on the blog and the newsletter may be affiliate links. That means that if you click on something and decide to purchase, Poplin may receive a commission on your purchase with no additional cost to you. These all add up. So, if you are shopping, please consider clicking through. Thanks!

Florals: Bold Impact or Soft and Feminine? You Choose. 

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5 Ways to Ensure You Feel as Good as You Look at the Holiday Party

Welcome to yet another holiday party season. A good friend recently said to me, "finding a dress for a holiday party is one of the most stressful things you can do." Oh, my. As it turns out, this is a pretty common feeling. 

So, last weekend when I was loaning another friend some of my favorite party pieces for her work holiday gathering, I realized that there are some tried and true ways to ensure that you look incredible at the party, in the photos afterward and most importantly, in your own mind. 

5 Ways to Feel as Good as you Look at the Holiday Party

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Giving Tuesday- Helpful Tips About Giving Including What to Wear.

I trust these last few days have been a whirlwind of making lists, buying things, getting geared up to give them and the realization that there's much to do in these next few weeks. A treasured holiday season tradition is to donate to your favorite nonprofit organizations. Whether you do it on Giving Tuesday or some other time this year, I thought you might enjoy some guidance on giving from your very own personal stylist for women (who happens to have also had a career in giving, does philanthropic consulting and serves on a nonprofit Board.) Please enjoy and hey, let me know what you think. 

What You Need to Know About

Giving Back

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5 Days: 5 Fall Trends. Day 3: Velvet Town.

Welcome to Day 3 of our 5 Days 5 Fall Trends Series. Check out Day 1 and Day 2 if you haven't already.

When you are out and about doing some retail therapy, you are likely well aware of the velvet trend. And this is the ideal time of year for it. As a personal stylist, I'm seeing a whole lot of velvet and I must say, I like it. The fabric works for varying personal styles and keeps you nice and cozy. Plus, who doesn't love an opportunity to touch soft fabrics in the middle of a challenging day? For you, my Dear Reader, here are some tips for embracing fall's velvet trend. 

Do Velvet.

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Best Gifts EVER.

I recently had a conversation with a client about gifting. She said, "I wish you did wishlists for gifts because I know you'd have great suggestions." That naturally led to a conversation about finding the perfect gift which leads me to this blog post. Yes! Of course I have ideas! And you, my Dear Reader, are about to hear/ read all about them. Off we go!

My Favorite Gifts for the People You Love.

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Goodbye to the Limited.

If you have yet to hear, the Limited is gone. Well, the brick and mortar stores are gone. Right now, you can still score crazy deals online. It's unclear whether the brand is officially closing up shop or just going to online only. What is clear, is that we'll have one less place to go for affordable office basics. Alas. 

To pay homage to the Southcenter Store and the team that I adored, here are a few images from the past three years. Special thanks to all the clients who have been texting me about this. Have thoughts on the big news? That's what comment sections are for. 

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Ask These Ladies What to Wear to the Holiday Party.

If anyone can answer the eternal question of what to wear to a holiday party, it's a Poplin client. After all, she can turn to her trusty password protected online personal profile for guidance. It lays out what pieces are flattering for her frame, and what aren't. It also includes a list of recommended retailers based on her personal style and budget. 

Plus, Poplin clients get new pieces either on a shopping trip together or via an Uber Wishlist. And, of course, a Poplin client can view outfits on her mobile phone to help her choose the perfect ensemble for the big night.

Sound appealing? Poplin Gift Certificates are available online and are just the perfect size for your stocking. Here are some lovely ladies to motivate you. And make sure to check out the recent blog post highlighting pieces that are just right for the holiday party but can actually be worn on the daily afterward. I'm obsessed with local maker Foxglove and owner Selena Kearney has taken the brand to an entirely new level. Enjoy!

P.S. You'll receive an additional hour of styling absolutely FREE with any package purchase before 12/24/16. 

Some of the Beautiful Ladies of Poplin.

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This Election is Killing Me: 8 Ways to Detox

This year has been unlike any other year. As a personal stylist for women, I've noticed that this fall has been like unlike any other fall. Why? People are stressed. It's tough to fight for equality and feminism and simultaneously be shopping for the perfect metallic ankle boot. Tough, but not impossible, Dear Reader. Let's face it, when we feel good about what we are wearing, we have more momentum to do great things. And, right now, we clearly need a lot of momentum. But, if like me, you feel like this election has gone on just a little too long, it's time to take some time out to give yourself a little love. Here are some suggestions to get you going. Inertia kills.

8 Ways to Give Yourself Some Love

in the Face of this Election

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My Favorite U Village Shops Including Joie!

Let's face it, Nordstrom plays a key role in Seattle style. As a personal stylist, I find that the vast majority of my new clients use the retailer as an easy way to learn about new brands. As a result, Vince & Joie are two of the most popular brands that come up in conversation. 

So when I discovered the new JOIE store at U Village, I had to share! The ladies are lovely and the selection is much larger than you'll find at a larger retailer. This got me thinking, there's some pretty stellar shopping at U Village. Let's make sure you know some of my favorite places to go.

15+ Shops Worth (re)Visiting at University Village (in no particular order)

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