Posts tagged Women's personal stylist
Who Knew? THIS Brand is Making Fashion Forward Shoes at a Great Price point?

I've spent full days going through the Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale inventory. As a personal stylist, I create wishlists and Uber Wishlists for my clients on a regular basis. Each consists of a list of pieces that fill a need for my client right now. Uber Wishlists (20-30 items) are a one time purchase whereas wishlists (8-10 items) are available individually or on a subscription basis. The beauty of each list is that it takes into account my client's lifestyle, budget, personal style, body type AND the pieces she already owns. After all, why start from scratch when you already have a closet filled with pieces. 

While wishlists allow me to recommend pieces from a wide variety of retailers, the Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale and Anniversary are times when clients specifically request items from the sale. So, I've been living on the Nordstrom site. 

And, during this adventure I've discovered something thrilling.

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Everything You Need to Get You Into the Pool in the Perfect Swimwear for YOUR Body

I recently had some readers mention to me how much they love insight about finding the ideal swimwear. We started chatting and it occurred to me that I've written quite a bit on this topic over the years. As a resourceful personal stylist for women in Seattle, I decided to Google PoplinStyle and Bathing Suit. Remember- if you have questions, Poplin probably has answers. And three years in, there's a whole lot of content on the interweb. So, here are some tips I thought you'd enjoy. Feel free to Google PoplinStyle and any topic and let me know how it goes. If you still can't find what you need, please reach out. Perhaps a blog post is in order! 

Enjoy the sunshine!

4 Helpful Resources to Help You Find the Perfect Swimsuit

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Brooches. It's a Thing.

Brooches always make me think of Madeline Albright or someone's grandmother. Either way, it's likely you have one or two sitting in your jewelry box that haven't seen daylight in years. if you've been waiting to feel like brooches are cool again, get ready. As a personal stylist for women, I've noticed that clients often feel like brooches are intriguing and intimidating at the same time. So, I thought I'd help give you a little inspiration with some unconventional options. After all, the purpose of a brooch is to to communicate your personal style in an individualized way. Ms. Albright often used her brooches to communicate her feelings about an event or situation. You can choose to be that specific or just tell the world that you like sculls, for example. The options are all yours. Now, off you go!

Brooches for Cool Kids- That Means You.

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At Last, The Perfect Bathing Suit for Your Body.

You just can't deny it anymore. It's time to pull out your swimsuit. If it's been a while, why not invest in something new that makes you feel fabulous? After all, if it's not working for you- it's not you, it's the suit. As a personal stylist in Seattle, I'm well aware of the mysteries involved in finding the right swimsuit for your figure. So, this week we'll be diving into finding the right suit for you. Our first post in this series is all about the ideal suit to flatter your figure right now.  Here we go!


Know Your Body, Know Your Swimsuit.

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How do I Wear More Than One Color in an Outfit?

If you've met or seen photos of me, you're pretty familiar with my love of color and print. This becomes noticeably more prominent simply because we live in the Northwest. After all, we love our grey. (Don't tell anyone, but I'm a huge fan of grey, myself.) As a personal stylist, I help women discover how to communicate who they are through their clothing. For some women, that includes color and print. For others, it does not. Both are great. Really. We don't all need to "wear more color." That being said, I find that many women would like to integrate more color into their wardrobe. But, the question is exactly how. And you know, Dear Reader, I live for these sorts of questions. So, here's a quick tutorial on mixing and matching colors in your outfit. P.S Here's a fun fact: Sir Isaac Newton was the first to organize colors around a wheel starting with the different wavelengths of light. I love Wikipedia. 

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