Posts in Body Types
Enough About Brexit. The UK's Oliver Bonas is What I Really Want to Talk About.

As a woman with a triangle body type, I got into the bold necklace thing about ten years ago or more. I couldn't get enough of them. At that point, they were especially hard to find which meant that the emotional thrill of finding just the right one was significant, to be sure. 

But, over the course of time, I lost enthusiasm for the trend. It felt like the pieces were all starting to look the same and even the most unusual options weren't as exciting to me. Now, I'm all about earrings and watches, bracelets or rings. 

Until Oliver Bonas.

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5 Summer Trends You Can Rock with Confidence

Do you ever just stand in front of your closet thinking, "I have nothing to wear?" If so, you certainly aren't alone. Part of that problem can be solved with a good Closet Edit and some guidance on what's in there in the first place and, of course, how to style it. But, even in the best of times, we can hit a rut. That's when a little inspiration can make all the difference. As a personal stylist, it's all about balancing current styles with functionality for every woman. We're all different and therefore we shouldn't all be rocking the same outfit. Below is a list of some of the current trends. Take one that appeals to you and integrate it into your authentic personal style. Not sure how? I can help. Right now, let's get to those trends!


5 Summer Trends Just For You.

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What's the Most Flattering Bathing Suit for my Bust Size?

Things have changed. It used to be especially challenging to find a swimsuit if your top half was a different size or proportion than your bottom. No longer. Now, a wide range of retailers and brands offer mix and match suits. As a personal stylist, I'm often asked for advice on finding just the right swimsuit and the top of that equation can make or break success. Wonder no more, Dear Reader. Here's what you need to know.

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At Last, The Perfect Bathing Suit for Your Body.

You just can't deny it anymore. It's time to pull out your swimsuit. If it's been a while, why not invest in something new that makes you feel fabulous? After all, if it's not working for you- it's not you, it's the suit. As a personal stylist in Seattle, I'm well aware of the mysteries involved in finding the right swimsuit for your figure. So, this week we'll be diving into finding the right suit for you. Our first post in this series is all about the ideal suit to flatter your figure right now.  Here we go!


Know Your Body, Know Your Swimsuit.

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The End of Labeling Women's Bodies.

I met with a new client yesterday. As she was talking about her style challenges, she mentioned weight gain. She said, "I used to look like you. Thin. Able to fit into anything at the store. Now, it's much more difficult." 

Like me? Let's be clear, I'm on the heavier side of my weight continuum. Thin like me is not what I expect someone to say. But, it was the reminder I needed exactly when I needed it. Really, we are our own worst critics when it comes to weight. And, this battle over plus size, medium size, extended sizes and the like has me thinking a lot about this. So, I ask you:


Why Do We Need Body Labels at All?

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Styling Your New Wearable Accessory.

The winner of the Poplin Style Direction Funktional Wearables Giveaway will be announced on Sunday. That's right, friends. THIS Sunday. So, if you've already liked Poplin on Facebook, thank you. If you share a blog post (including this one) about the giveaway, you get ten, count them, ten entries! You could be walking away with a stylish accessory that secretly contains your fitbit or other fitness tracking device. Fit and stylish. I love it.

Let's say you've done all that. It's time to start thinking about which accessory to choose. Here are some suggestions. Final step, how exactly do you style one of these bad boys. As your very own personal stylist, that's what I'm here to hep you with. Off we go!


5 Ways to Style A Wearable Accessory

from Funktional Wearables

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Let's Talk About Your Bra

One of the easiest ways to look better is to find a better fitting bra. True story. Any woman who has had a baby or major weight loss/weight gain is especially aware of this fact.

I feel like many women have heard this before, but that doesn't necessarily drive us to run to the closest department store for a bra fitting. After all, we are adults, right? Well, I'm here to encourage you to do just that and have the chance to help women in Africa. That always feels good. 

First things first.

You might be wearing the wrong bra size if:

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From Sloppy to Sophisticated: How to Wear an Oversized Cardigan.

As a personal stylist, I often hear clients say, "you'd need to show me how to wear that." Well, today, my Dear Reader, I'm showing you how to wear an oversized cardigan. Here we go.


From Sloppy to Sophisticated:

How to Wear an Oversized Cardigan.

Oversized pieces have certainly made a comeback. Personally, I'm a fan. The trick is understanding how to rock that oversized item without looking like you just rolled out of bed. Yes, it can be done. 

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How do I Wear Culottes in Cold Weather?

As you may know, Dear Reader, I'm obsessed with culottes. Some clients are very enthusiastic about trying out the trend. Others, not so much. Like jumpsuits, culottes are a departure from the styles that have become second nature and it's natural to feel self conscious about rocking the look. As a personal stylist for women in Seattle, I'm discovering that taking them into colder weather is especially concerning for a number folks. With that in mind, here are a few tips and tricks for pulling off the culotte trend. 

7 Ways to Wear Culottes in Cold Weather

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What Can I Wear BESIDES a Cardigan?

I recently had a client tell me that she thinks I hate cardigans. On the contrary, I adore cardigans. Always have. Always will. The problem is that I've been adoring cardigans for going on 25 years now and let's face it, the thrill is gone. 

Here's the thing: when a woman puts together a stunning and thoughtful outfit that communicates her personal style, she is on the verge of achieving pure bliss. She feels confident. She get's more accomplished. She is more willing to take risks in other areas. She is strong. 

Then, she adds the final piece for, "warmth." Her tried and true cardigan. And much of what has just been achieved is lost. Often this cardigan stays at the office, draped over her chair for, dare I say it again, "warmth." As it turns out, it's a bit chilly here. So, inevitably, that (most likely black) cardigan is used on the daily. Elegance. Intention. It's all lost. 

But fear not, a cardigan does not always have this effect. So, if you are sure you are rocking your cardis and keeping things elevated, more power to you. (Successful options are likely hip length or longer and absent of pilling.) If you worry that you maybe possibly could-be someone who needs a little help finding cardigan alternatives, your very own personal stylist for women is stepping in. 


3 Alternatives to Cardigans.

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What are the Best Jeans for my Body?

Finding jeans can be especially challenging. Once you find a brand you love, it's common to want to stick with that and just call it a day. But then, after a while, we all want something new, the style is discontinued or it suddenly doesn't fit like it used to. Regardless of the reasons, it can feel like we are on the perpetual hunt for denim. With that in mind, as your very own personal stylist, I thought I'd offer up some suggestions for the right pair of jeans for you right now. After all, fall is just around the corner. Off we go!


Flattering (and current) Jeans for Every Body

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The Modernized 70's- Plus Size Edition

Editor's note: Below you'll find another blog post from Poplin contributor and plus size fashion guru, Jordan Richardson. 

Hello Dear Reader,

As fall encroaches on our summer I am sure you are noticing the magazines and stores beginning to bear a striking resemblance to store fronts, fabrics and prints of the 1970's. Now dear reader, whether you have already lived through the 70's and its fashion extravaganza, or you missed it, this fall seems to be bringing the whole tidal wave back again. So how do you survive it!? Whether you are a fan of suede and fringe, or not, there is ways to inch around the biggest trend of the cooler months, or dive right in.

Personally, my favorite parts of the revival are layered flapper fringed dresses, the color orange, and long flare jean with platforms. Other highlights are long duster coats in various fabric textures and weights, suede for days, itsy ditsy floral print, shift dresses, acid colors with neutrals, and mock turtlenecks. So what may work best for you? I've cultivated some of the highlights of the next season and matched them to some tricky styling points to ease you back into shag carpeting.



Athletic Thighs + Long Flares + Platforms = Legs for Days

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My Favorite Things Right Now.

Hello again, Dear Reader!


I've missed you. As a personal stylist, I work with clients to ensure a level of personal care. It's vital that we all take a step back, take some time to regroup and invest in ourselves. I couldn't face you if I didn't do the same. So thank YOU for your patience and support as I took a little break. I'm officially back full force and just in time for fall fashion. Let's begin with some of my favorite things right now.


My Favorite Things Right Now.

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A Pop of Power! Plus Size Style

Editor's note: Below you'll find another blog post from Poplin contributor and plus size fashion guru, Jordan Richardson. 


Hello Dear Reader,

I hope you are all staying cool in these record breaking warm days. Who knew the PNW could sustain such heat, Yowza! In the hotter times I know I feel a bit more sluggish and have trouble motivating myself to dress up; so I try to look for throw on pieces to make it easier. Lately I've been thinking about power pieces, pieces that stand out and look instantly put together. I've culled together a couple eye catching, easy to wear pieces that will see you through the summer and into the cooler months.

Stand Out Styles

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If you like _ Then Try out _

Editor's note: Below you'll find another blog post from Poplin contributor and plus size fashion guru, Jordan Richardson. 

Hello my dearest Reader,

One of my favorite parts about working with Poplin is that I get to share some of the latest and greatest industry news with all of you. One of my hobbies among the glitter and paint strewn across my desk is illustrating, and some of my favorite pieces to illustrate  are up and coming designers and their wares. For this I get an excuse, if you will, to follow closely upon the heels of plus size industry big wigs and shakers to see what is coming up that will inspire me!

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Summer Sandals- Narrow and Wide Widths

Editor's note: Below you'll find another blog post from Poplin contributor and plus size fashion guru, Jordan Richardson. It's more common than you would think to struggle to find the right width of shoe. Lucky for us, Jordan is on the case!


Hello Dear Reader,

I come to you today with just a quick little post about SHOES! As we approach the summer months, school letting out and vacations being planned; we find ourselves in need of the ubiquitous sandal. Like finding an amazing boot for fall and winter a perfect summer sandal is an elusive but worthwhile endeavor. Just like clothing, finding a great fit can be a challenge especially for those of us with narrow or wide width feet. So while I myself was on the search for a great summer sandal, I thought I would share my finds!

Date Night Heel

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Summer Workwear - Plus Size Edition

Below you'll find another blog post from Poplin contributor and plus size fashion guru, Jordan Richardson. Like what you read? Jordan's research on Sizeism was featured in an article in the Everett Herald? Check it out!  

Hello Dear Readers,

If you caught my last post I went over some styling tips for the warmer months since summer can be a rather challenging season to dress in. I touched on tricks to minimize or maximize parts of the body to make you as comfortable as possible. In summer there is an added challenge of dressing cooler but also appropriately for ones' workplace. Therefore, I've decided to offer summer styling ideas for various work places. Enjoy!


Your Summer Work Wardrobe

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Summertime Solutions

Three things: 1. Below you'll find another blog post from Poplin contributor and plus size fashion guru, Jordan Richardson. Like what you read? Jordan's research on Sizeism was recently featured in an article in the Everett Herald? Check it out!  3. She wrote this prior to this beautiful weather. Love her and you will, too.

Hello my dear readers,

As spring settles into full swing with its hectic weather patterns, I cannot help but cherish and look forward to those sunnier warmer days ahead. Though with the sun and heat comes a potential deluge of new styling challenges that can be difficult to traverse. A lot of us are uncomfortable with certain areas of our bodies, and with the warmer months approaching that usually means less layers and clothes, which can at times be uncomfortable. I am hoping to offer some solutions on minimizing the areas you're not as hot on, and maximizing the ones you adore, while remaining comfortably cool in these months to come.

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Your Bra Can Change a Life. Free the Girls!

I originally wrote this post over a year ago. During this week's Styling Session for homeless and formerly homeless youth at YouthCare, we had a wave of young women asking questions about bras. We measured a few of them, helped several find bras and discussed fit throughout the process. These are things your mom or another significant woman in your life usually helps you with. It was really an honor to have these young women feel open to having us help with such a sensitive topic. I wish I could show you, Dear Reader, the look on one of the women's faces when she realized that SHE would be leaving with three NEW bras. I liken it to Christmas morning.

Because of all of this, I'm opting to share this info again. After all, every woman deserves a bra that fits. And, if you have some lying around at home that are ready to be donated, you'll be glad to know where to send them. Enjoy!

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Must Know Now: Spring Trends that are Right for You Right Now.

While I am well aware that this uncharacteristically warm weather is not good for the world, it has been magical for the wardrobe. On my visit to the the Finerie Colab last week (I hope you've been- apparel including lots of local designers, housewares, design, oh my!), team member Jeannie said to me, "you look like the perfect balance of spring and winter."

Thank you very much, Jeannie.

Upon reflection, I realize that's not an easy tightrope to walk. As your very own personal stylist, I thought I'd share some of spring's trends with you, Dear Reader. And, of course, how to rock them right now. Enjoy!

Spring Fashion Trends You Can Wear Today.

Let's do this.

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