Posts in Poplin Events
Join Poplin Style + a Panel of Experienced Female Mentors

As a personal stylist for women and small business owner, I’ve met an array of really wonderful women through the Ellevate Pacific Northwest Community. I leave each event with more knowledge than I when I arrived and equally important, a little spring in my step. The community is filled with energy and light. I am THRILLED to be a mentor in the 7th Annual Speed Mentoring Event.

It’s easy to remember that I’m a personal stylist. So, of course, I’m all about answering questions on that front. When I’ve mentored at similar events in the past, I’m often discussing a wide variety of topics. From various aspects of running my own business for the past decade, integrating giving back into my work and so much more.

Now multiply that times a panel of glorious women- each one a wealth of knowledge on various topics and you’ve got the Ellevate Speed Networking Event. I hope you can join! Details below.

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A Deep Dive into Vulnerability, Courage and Making New Memories

As a personal stylist for women, I’ve spent years working with individual clients, writing newsletters and blogs spending time with truly extraordinary women. If you’ve been following the blog for some time, you may have never even heard my voice. If that’s the case, now’s the time to hear me on the most recent episode of the Courage Effect.

If you’ve heard me on various platforms, you might be thinking that you’re in the know already. Not this time.

My recent conversation with Suzanne Weller, host of the Courage Effect, is unlike any public conversation I’ve had before. It’s intimate, with me sharing about some very difficult aspects of my upbringing and simultaneously, full of hope, joy and actionable tips for rewiring your brain.

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Poplin's Once-in-a-Decade Flash Sale

As a personal stylist for women based in Seattle, I work with women all over the country to help each one up her style game. It’s essential that you feel like YOU when you interact with the world. After all, when you feel confident in what you are wearing, when it’s comfortable and not distracting, that’s when you show up differently. That’s also when you are empowered to make big bold moves.

I made a big bold move ten years ago when I left my career in philanthropy and started this business. A decade later, we’ve worked with hundreds of women to help each one look and feel her best. Yes! We pretty consistently have a waistlist for services and yes! My clients really are the most wonderful, kind, brave, delightful women. And that’s why I’m so crazy excited to kick off our once in a decade flash sale. That’s right. Once in a decade.

Only twice in ten years has there been an opportunity to get bonus time when you purchase a Poplin package. And there has NEVER been an array of deals like the ones we’re offering to new and existing Poplin clients until Friday, April 14th, 2023.

I’ve saying for some time that 2023 is going to be a big year for Poplin and it’s true. Last year, we were in Forbes and Huff Post. This year, we launched our Endless Outfits, empowering each client to add or subtract from her Poplin wardrobe over time making adding new outfits effortless for years to come. This means that, with the exception of tailoring, Poplin clients now have access to the full array of personal styling services from every location.

2023 has more to come.

The next item in our 10th Anniversary Year of Celebration is this insane Flash Sale. If you’re ready for Poplin love, THIS is the time for you. We won’t be doing this again, at least not in this decade, so make your move. This sale exists as a personal thank you to each of you who has made the business possible. I love what I do. I love who I do it with. And I’m grateful for the opportunity. I look forward to seeing you very soon.

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Join Poplin at the YouthCare Luncheon and Work to End Youth Homelessness

As a personal stylist for women based in Seattle, giving back has been a part of my ethos since, well, forever. With a lifetime of volunteerism, a past career in philanthropy and a strong connection to the community, working to be a part of the solution has always been very important to me. Each of us has the power to make change and even what seem like small efforts add up over time.

As many of you know, Poplin started in 2013 and our partnership with YouthCare started within a few months. Over seven years we held styling workshops for youth experiencing homelessness. These folks were in a job training program in partnership between YouthCare and FareStart in which they learned valuable customer service skills and job training. As a crucial component of this program, each young person also received emotional and practical support as they worked to obtain housing and long term paid employment.

It’s easy to forget the impact that having a safety net can have on someone and the advantages that come from a sense of security and someone taking the time to share with you all the little things you need to know to become a successful member of society. In the clothing realm, that could mean taking you for your first bra, buying you school clothes or teaching you how to tie a necktie. Support also means helping you gain self confidence, learning how to open a bank account or helping you navigate the school system. Most unhoused young people have missed out on all of this and more.

20-40% of homeless youth experience sexual abuse, compared to 1-3% of the general youth population. 60% of houseless youth have experienced physical abuse at home before ending up on the streets. Up to 40% are LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, or Questioning).

Those styling sessions gave me the opportunity to style Trans youth. For many of them, I was the first person they had ever spoken with about the possibility of wearing clothes that were not stereotypically associated with their gender at birth. We talked about how their body shapes would change with hormones and how to dress those changing figures. I measured them for bras and taught them about undergarments, sizing and how to embrace your unique personal style. Thanks to these generous young folks, Poplin evolved into working with Trans clients, which has been life changing for me.

In those early days, my husband volunteered with me. We piled donated clothes, accessories and shoes on top of a table in a conference room. He often taught a handful of youth how to tie a necktie while looking at their reflections in an office window. Back then, we didn’t have mirrors or the incredible “basement boutique” that exists today. Youth changed in the bathrooms and did their reveals in the midst of the hardworking YouthCare staff. At the end of one session during our sharing time, one of the young people thanked him for taking the time and said that no one had ever shown him how to tie a tie before. It clearly meant a lot to him and to both of us.

Homelessness is a devastating problem that can feel completely overwhelming and unsolvable. Over the years, it feels like it just gets worse. And, it’s very difficult to engage with it when we see folks struggling on a very high percentage of our streets. But, without commitment and resilience, we will certainly lose out on a society where everyone has not only shelter, but a home.

YouthCare works with young people ages 12-24. Yup, 12-24 living on the streets in our city. Many of them may not be able to work because they don’t have an ID, something you need a birth certificate to get. They may not choose to go to a shelter for fear of abuse or because they need to be separated from their partner or friends because of gender. How many young people do you know who want to be separated from friends, especially when friends are their only support system?

YouthCare recognizes the complexity of empowering unhoused youth and is up for the challenge. This is why we host a Poplin table at the YouthCare Luncheon and why I’d love for you to join us there. It’s an incredible place to learn more about the problems and more importantly the solutions associated with youth homelessness. It’s a place to hear from young people who have persevered and show us all that if we continue the work, we can make a difference, one young person at a time. (If you are interested, you can also see What I learned from Styling Homeless Youth so many years ago.")

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Connecting with other Women in the New Year

As a personal stylist for women based in Seattle, I spend the vast majority of my time with women. It’s rare. I know. Until I started this business nearly a decade ago, the majority of my friends have always been men. My female friends were typically women who weren’t into clothes or style and predominantly didn’t wear makeup. So, my interest in style often stood out.

Things are very different now. It is a true gift to have met a diverse collection of extraordinary women who continue to be supportive, inspiring and authentic. And while I am grateful for my existing community, I know there are even more like minded women out there. Women that I can learn from, that make my life better just by knowing them AND that also want to make the world a better place.

I’ve had lots of questions about how I find these women. And that, my Dear Reader, is what this post is for. Full disclosure- so many of them are Poplin clients! It’s true. I absolutely adore my clients. Here are some other ways that might help you if you are on the hunt for a similar collection of incredible women. As always, let me know how it goes!

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Poplin on a Podcast: I just spent an hour not talking about clothes.

It’s been a while, my Dear Reader. Choose Clarity founder, good friend and client, Aga Lawrynowicz, pulled me out of hibernation for her video podcast series, “Moms Who Dare.” Aga is a life coach for busy moms. Like so many of my clients, my adoration for Aga runs deep. It also transformed this conversation which is intended to be about how motherhood has shaped my life into a much more intimate conversation between friends. We touch on parenting during the pandemic, living your best life despite shame from trauma, identifying who you once were and who you are becoming. It’s all the things. Naturally, there’s some technical craziness in there, too. We wanted to keep it consistent with 2020, after all.

Right now, so many folks could use some love. Here it is, virtually, if nothing else. Enjoy and let me know how it goes.

Giant hugs to you from over here.

Moms Who Dare with Mellicia Marx

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Beyond Seattle: Poplin Goes National

As a personal stylist for women in Seattle, I spend the majority of my time working with individual local women to help her elevate her style. Starting with her personal style, body type, budget and lifestyle, we create a strategy for her to look and feel like her authentic self every day- whether she’s giving a presentation or sitting at home in her pajamas.

From the outside, it may seem like all of this goodness is here in Seattle. But, actually, Poplin’s reach goes beyond the Pacific Northwest and lately, I’ve found that lots of folks have questions about that. So, let’s do some celebrating, shall we?

10 Game Changing Ways that Poplin Style Goes Way Beyond Seattle

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One FREE Hour of Styling + All Your Questions Answered about Money + Style (in person!)

As a personal stylist for women, I spend a great deal of time discussing budgets with my clients. We talk about when to invest, when to cut back, when to buy new and when/if to buy used. A lot goes into balancing your money and your style.

What’s more fun than getting a crash course about how to elevate your style while respecting your financial goals? How about an entire evening filled with engaging, fascinating and friendly women who are there to learn the same thing? Register now for an evening of Money + Style with Poplin Style Direction hosted by the Koa Club. Here’s what you need to know.

Money + Style

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Biggest News Yet

Let me begin by thanking you for being part of the Poplin community. I know I say it frequently, but it is a rare gift to have a job that allows me to help women with something that has the power to really transform their lives. Plus, the world is better when it’s filled with beauty. As a personal stylist for women, I’ve been very fortunate to share in this transformation and to have the especially unusual opportunity to receive public notes of gratitude (a.k.a. reviews.) I am grateful to you for making it all happen.

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The Poplin Style Community Hits the Universal Standard Showroom First.

This has been a jam packed month with not one, but two Poplin events in one month. First, the Poplin Client Party and then a very special gathering for anyone in the Poplin Style community who's interested in pieces starting at size 10. 

You can see photos from the Client event in a previous post. Now, you can also see just a sample of the women at Sunday's Universal Standard gathering. Each attendee received a personalized tour of the showroom and selected her desired pieces from the samples available. Then, she tried them on in the comfort of a showroom filled with supportive, enthusiastic Poplin subscribers and clients. As it turns out, it was a sea of women  making a huge impact on the world. I heard from several attendees that it turned out to be an incredible networking event, too! 

Please enjoy some

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Hey! What are you Wearing?

Hello, Dear Reader! 

I'm still feeling the glorious effects of the Poplin client party. As you know, Naked Truth Beauty and Everling Jewelry were really the stars of the show. Over the summer I've become completely enamored with NTB and have been wearing the lips, eyes and beam (or just the lips/cheeks) plus moisturizer with SPF everyday. That's it. No foundation. No concealer. NTB really swept me off my feet. 

I had become pretty comfortable with

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A Big Night for Poplin Clients, Everling Jewelry & Naked Truth Beauty

Sometimes you just want to scan a photo gallery. Lucky for you, I just posted two galleries from last night's client event featuring Naked Truth BeautyEverling Jewelry AND a

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It's on! Exclusive Event for Poplin Readers at Universal Standard's Showroom. RSVP Now.

Are you kidding me?! One of my favorite brands, Universal Standard, opened a showroom in Redmond. What's a showroom you ask? It means that it's not a standard retail store. You make an appointment for a visit and expect to find a wide variety of pieces that aren't available on the website. This is VERY exciting because the only other showroom is in New York City. 

If you think that's exciting, there's MUCH more. 

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Goodbye to the Limited.

If you have yet to hear, the Limited is gone. Well, the brick and mortar stores are gone. Right now, you can still score crazy deals online. It's unclear whether the brand is officially closing up shop or just going to online only. What is clear, is that we'll have one less place to go for affordable office basics. Alas. 

To pay homage to the Southcenter Store and the team that I adored, here are a few images from the past three years. Special thanks to all the clients who have been texting me about this. Have thoughts on the big news? That's what comment sections are for. 

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Chloe + Isabel Ups Your Style Game & 100% of Proceeds During October Go To Fight Youth Homelessness

Without question, my very favorite combination is fashion and purpose. Whether it's the upcoming fashion show for the Ruby Room that raises money to ensure local teens have hip prom dresses or re-souL's generous donation of brand new shoes for homeless youth, looking good makes everyone feel better. 

So, I am THRILLED to partner with Mitra Ramen from Chloe + Isabel for the month of October. If you haven't checked out Chloe + Isabel, now's the time. Representatives host pop up shops each month that bring stylish, classy accessories into your life. Mitra is an engineer who channels her love of fashion through her work making us all beautiful with Chloe + Isabel. AND she donates 100% of her profits each month to a different nonprofit. Seriously. 

This is officially the perfect time to check out the brand, up your style game in a way that is authentic to you AND help end youth homelessness. Every dollar counts and it feels amazing to show off your pieces while sharing a few words about the impact you've made. Enough talk! Below, I'm highlighting some of my very favorite pieces. This is only the beginning, be sure to peruse the site on your own. No special codes needed. Every purchase supports YouthCare. Happy shopping!


Some Things to Keep in Mind When Doing Your Shopping With Chloe + Isabel

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My Favorite Things Right Now

I could make these lists all day. The life of a personal stylist:) As we head into spring, here's a list of my favorite things right now. 

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The 3rd Annual Poplin Spring Forward Event at the Limited is Here!

Happy Friday, Dear Reader!

My grey suede lace up wedges and I were THRILLED when the rain cleared up today. Equally invigorating is the response from clients, friends and readers about this year's Spring Forward event at the Limited Southcenter. 

If you've been following Poplin for some time, thank you. I really appreciate it. You may already be well aware of the annual event at the Limited. If this is news to you, let me fill you in. 


Is the Poplin Spring Forward Event Right for You? 

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Must Have Now: Fall Trends

We don't need rain to tell us that it's time to start shopping for fall. As your very own personal stylist for women, it's time we start talking about fall trends. 


2015 Fall Trends You Can Wear.

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