Posts in Pick Me Ups
Must Have: Negative Underwear

As a personal stylist for women based in Seattle, I spend a great deal of my time creating online shopping lists for clients. We call them Uber Wishlists. If you haven’t already seen them, check out some samples from real Poplin clients.

Yes! We create lists that supplement her existing collection and create a cohesive, user friendly and inspiring wardrobe. Fun Fact: We also create Intimates and Loungewear lists. When the weather is cold, those are some of my favorites. The past few months I’ve become completely OBSESSED with Negative Underwear. The pieces are luxurious, super soft and equally sexy. Most of them are sheer! Yes, you can. The colors are spectacular and I’m personally VERY enthusiastic about the Whipped Collection, especially the base layers.

I recently recommended them to my client Isa. At first she was apprehensive because they are an investment. Then her order of a handful of items came and she sent me this text.


And then she ordered lots more from the company. I had Negative Underwear on my Christmas list and was ELATED when my husband got me a loungewear set. So, it’s only right that I share this magic with you, Dear Reader with a discount code of course. Enjoy!

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Connecting with other Women in the New Year

As a personal stylist for women based in Seattle, I spend the vast majority of my time with women. It’s rare. I know. Until I started this business nearly a decade ago, the majority of my friends have always been men. My female friends were typically women who weren’t into clothes or style and predominantly didn’t wear makeup. So, my interest in style often stood out.

Things are very different now. It is a true gift to have met a diverse collection of extraordinary women who continue to be supportive, inspiring and authentic. And while I am grateful for my existing community, I know there are even more like minded women out there. Women that I can learn from, that make my life better just by knowing them AND that also want to make the world a better place.

I’ve had lots of questions about how I find these women. And that, my Dear Reader, is what this post is for. Full disclosure- so many of them are Poplin clients! It’s true. I absolutely adore my clients. Here are some other ways that might help you if you are on the hunt for a similar collection of incredible women. As always, let me know how it goes!

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5 Ways to Ensure You Feel as Good as You Look at the Holiday Party

Being a part of a community of driven, kind and philanthropic women is a true gift to me. One of my favorite members of that community is realtor, connector and all around community bad ass, Cassie Walker Johnson. The content below was shared with Cassie’s community first as part of her amazing monthly newsletter. I read it every time, not just because she’s a friend, but because I love the content ranging from trends in the housing market to giving back and tips for the family. Sign up now and be entered to win a gift basket filled with items from her favorite local businesses including a $50 gift card to my ideal retailers for sustainable hosiery, Swedish Stockings. And hey, have fun at that holiday party!

As a personal stylist for women, I spend a great deal of timing helping each client ensure that her overall look not only communicates her authentic personal style, flatters her shape and reflects her values; but also that her pieces are functional for her life. Here in Seattle, it’s easy to sacrifice style for comfort, but that’s really not necessary.

If it’s time to shop for your upcoming holiday party, be sure to opt for pieces that flatter your frame and communicate your style. Now, let’s dive into how we’ll make sure you are comfortable, too.

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15 Holiday Gifts You've Never Thought Of

I like the idea that COVID won’t permeate every aspect of our lives, especially when it comes to the holiday season. Based on conversations with clients and friends, it’s clear that trying to find the ideal gift often also means considering how that relates to our current very strange state of being. As a personal stylist for women, I often tell people that my job is to “see” people. When I meet a new client, I listen to her and try to see what she sees as her aspirational style. Then, using her budget, body type, lifestyle and personal style, I translate that into a strategy to help her embrace her authentic personal style. Uber Wishlists are a solid representation of how I translate her words into actual items. This, my Dear Reader, is essentially spending 8 years of my professional life gifting.

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The Top 20 Obstacles to Great Style and How to Overcome Each One

As a personal stylist for women based in Seattle, I’ve spent nearly a decade listening to women talk about their struggles with style. These are among the most common challenges I hear from women. What resonates with you?

Identifying your problem is only the first step. Rest assured, there are solutions. As a Poplin client, we take a deep dive into creating a strategy and providing tools to solve your problem on an ongoing basis. For now, here are some approaches you can take right now. Looking for even more perspective? Most also have a client testimonial that is applicable. Enjoy the resources available and as always, let me know how it goes. I always love to hear from you.

The Top 20 Obstacles to Great Style and How to Solve Each One

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7 Days 7 Clients. Countless Ways to Hack Her Style

As a personal stylist for women based in Seattle, I’ve spent nearly a decade working with hundreds of women to elevate their style. At Poplin, every client is different, but the structure is the same. We identify her body type, personal style key words, color palette, budget, lifestyle and values to create a strategy for her authentic personal style. Each client has a password protected webpage that gives her the tools to get dressed every day. We call that her online personal profile. Next up, we use her personal profile to guide every decision as we edit her closet. Does this piece communicate her personal style? Is it flattering for her figure? Does it communicate the level of success she’s achieved? If not, it’s out. Those questions and more are integral to the Closet Edit experience.

During the edit, I make a shopping list of items that would supplement her existing wardrobe and use that list to create her Uber Wishlist. An Uber Wishlist is a list of up to 40 items from a variety of retailers that work in tandem with her existing pieces to create a cohesive wardrobe that is functional for her life and helps her look and feel her best.

After ordering from her Uber Wishlist, we collaborate to ensure each piece is an essential piece to accomplish her style goals. I show her how to style it, how it should fit, when she’ll be wearing it, and more. Often, we also tailor a number of pieces both from her Uber Wishlist and from her existing wardrobe. After all, why buy something new if your existing piece can simply be tailored to do the job?

The styling process all comes together with her outfit session. This is when I create images using her new and existing pieces (including accessories) that she can view each morning on her phone, empowering her to understand what to wear in less than 5 minutes. I know. Right?!

Whether you are an existing client, a member of the Poplin community or new to Poplin, it’s both fun and helpful to see how another woman is harnessing her authentic personal style. That’s why we’re doing 7 days focused on 7 different clients. You’ll see the Uber Wishlist and Outfit photos for each. You won’t see photos of the clients. If you’d like those, check out the client stories page.

After all, we don’t do photo shoots with every client. But, this shouldn’t keep you from the opportunity to hack a client’s style. So, enjoy the next 7 days and please let me know what you think, how these are helpful to you and any exciting discoveries. From items to retailers to pairings, it’s time to hack her style.

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Can You Recycle Disposable Face Masks? Yes! Yes, You Can.

As a personal stylist who also happens to be obsessed with resilient design (where good design meets climate resilience), I’m all about finding ways to live an intentional life that is aligned with my values. And, I’m all about doing that while making sure everything is beautiful.

So, the idea that our family is contributing to landfills and ocean pollution by throwing away our disposable face masks was brutal. Near the beginning of the pandemic, I went on a hunt for a company that would accept disposable masks to ACTUALLY recycle them. I found it!

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Why Shopping with Intention is Good for You AND the Climate

As a personal stylist for women, I spend my time pouring over websites, articles and all things style related. As a human being, I spend a great deal of time thinking about Climate Change. Yes, of course, consuming anything comes at a cost, especially clothing. I often think about the most extreme alternative- suggesting that women wear white cotton items until they start to fall apart, then mend them, then opt for something new. But, years of working closely with women of various income levels, sizes and lifestyles has shown me that abandoning self expression via our clothing simply isn’t going to happen. After all, we communicate so much about ourselves without saying a word- and that is powerful.

This doesn’t mean that we just throw our hands up in the air and consume away. In fact, the very small but real bright side, is that emphasis on the changing climate reminds us of our personal impact. We have an opportunity to express our creative side, communicate our values and be thoughtful about our environmental impact.

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My Favorite Things Right Now

Why does it feel like so often I’m starting newsletters and blog posts with something about how rough things have been? (Typically, newsletters are more personal and have some added good stuff, so subscribe if you don’t already.) These past couple of weeks are no exception. In fact, in a lot of ways, things feel worse than ever.

But they are not. We’re resilient and capable and it’s very important to remember that, especially when things feel like they are at their worst.

Looking for ways to actually FEEL better? How about diving into this list of my favorite things and poaching some for yourself? I’m confident we’ll feel stronger together:)

My Favorite Things Right Now

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My Favorite Things Right Now

There's SO much good stuff right now. I know. It certainly isn't what you are hearing and seeing when you let the world in, but it's out there. Here are some of my favs. Thanks for being here and go team!

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Spring Cleaning: 5 Useful Things to Do with Your Old Clothes Other Than Purging Them

I spent yesterday afternoon revamping my husband’s closet. Fun Fact: Years prior to starting Poplin and becoming a Personal Stylist, I would create outfits for my husband and take photos of them that he could reference on his phone. He used them all the time and when it was time for a career change, we realized that what are now, “outfit photos” for clients, are an incredibly useful tool for men and women trying to look their best and get out of the house quickly.

Back to the closet. If you, like me, are especially inclined to do some deep cleaning and reorganizing as the weather changes, you likely already have a few bags of clothes and shoes to be donated. Before those head out the door, there are some really useful ways you can capitalize on your beloved pieces before they go to their next owner.

5 Useful Ways to use your Old Clothes Instead of Donating Them

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Celebrate Lunar New Year and Black History Month with Hollaback's Bystander Intervention Training

As a virtual personal stylist for women, one might expect that all my blog posts are about clothing and accessories. If you’ve been a part of the Poplin community for some time, you know that isn’t the case:) Personal style is about communicating who you are without saying a word. Your clothes can do that. Values are also a part of your personal style. We often talk about sustainable choices when it comes to clothes from shopping second hand and tailoring your pieces to opting for choices that keep the planet in mind.

Living your values is also how you show up for other members of your community. While I’ve been in Seattle nearly 20 years, I’m still a Northern Californian at heart. That means that I constantly interact with strangers, a very not Pacific Northwest practice. My willingness to interact with random folks also means that while I’m not afraid to intervene when I see harassment or discrimination, I have wondered if I could do things in a more effective way. Enter Hollaback.

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Unexpected and Thoughtful Gifts for Everyone on Your List

I like the idea that COVID won’t permeate every aspect of our lives, especially when it comes to the holiday season. Based on conversations with clients and friends, it’s clear that trying to find the ideal gift often also means considering how that relates to our current very strange state of being. As a personal stylist for women, I often tell people that my job is to “see” people. When I meet a new client, I listen to her and try to see what she sees as her aspirational style. Then, using her budget, body type, lifestyle and personal style, I translate that into a strategy to help her embrace her authentic personal style. Uber Wishlists are a solid representation of how I translate her words into actual items. This, my Dear Reader, is essentially spending 8 years of my professional life gifting.

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6 of the Best Pants for Working From Home or the Office AND the Shoes that go with ALL of them

As a personal stylist for women, I’m hearing lots of questions about how to navigate your wardrobe when it’s unclear whether you’ll be working from home or the office. I hear you.

Many of the large tech firms in Seattle were planning to head back to the office in September and now that date has been pushed back to the first of the year. And for folks who are in the office right now, many of them are only there a few days a week with the rest of their schedule taking place from the comfort of home. That can be a blessing and a curse.

Whether you are working in the Pacific Northwest or somewhere else in the country, COVID-19 is undoubtedly affecting your daily wardrobe decisions. A number of new clients are wondering if they need two wardrobes: one for the office and one for home. That, my Dear Reader, is not how we roll.

Here at Poplin, we’re all about functionality. You dress for yourself first and foremost. When you feel like your authentic self, you will conduct. your work with more self confidence, less brain power spent on body shaming or worrying about your look and more time spent kicking ass all day long.

So, how do we do this? It’s all about intentional dressing. One aspect of this approach is ensuring that your pieces are functional for your life and with minor tweaks, can work in various scenarios. For example, swapping your house shoes or sneakers or flats, heels or boots. The same pair of pants has an entirely different vibe when its paired with a different shoe.

Need proof? Every pair of pants on this list will work with all of the shoes listed below. Believe it.

Here’s your go-to for styles that are comfortable at home, but don’t make you feel like a slob AND can work just as well when you head off to the office. Have fun and let me know how it goes!

P.S. One key aspect of the Poplin approach is ensuring that all your pieces will work with one another now and into the future. How do we do that? One way is to limit your new pieces to your color palette. Everything in that palette will work with everything else, some bolder and some less so. You can see that in action below.

Comfortable and Stylish Pants for Work AND Home

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My Favorite Things Right Now

As a personal stylist for women, I’m always on the lookout for valuable recommendations for my clients and my community. At Poplin, we are all about simplifying your life and making getting dressed a stress free experience. Plus, we like cool stuff.

So here’s my download of all the things that are making my life better right now. Let me know what you think!

My Favorite Things Right Now

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Life After Quarantine: The 10 Things You Must Do Before You are Ready to Go Into Someone's House

It’s FINALLY happening! Lots of folks are coming up on their two weeks post 2nd shot and that means we can, wait for it, socialize. Woah. We’re not just hanging outside anymore. It’s time to actually cross the threshold into a friend’s home.

I don’t know about you, Dear Reader, but I’ve found lots of my social skills have deteriorated over the past year and a half. So, it feels like the right time to take a good hard look at what steps need to be considered before committing to dinner at a friend or family member’s home. Feeling anxious? No need. I’ve got you.

10 Musts Before Heading Into Someone’s Home to Socialize

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