Posts tagged Seattle Personal Shopper
Connecting with other Women in the New Year

As a personal stylist for women based in Seattle, I spend the vast majority of my time with women. It’s rare. I know. Until I started this business nearly a decade ago, the majority of my friends have always been men. My female friends were typically women who weren’t into clothes or style and predominantly didn’t wear makeup. So, my interest in style often stood out.

Things are very different now. It is a true gift to have met a diverse collection of extraordinary women who continue to be supportive, inspiring and authentic. And while I am grateful for my existing community, I know there are even more like minded women out there. Women that I can learn from, that make my life better just by knowing them AND that also want to make the world a better place.

I’ve had lots of questions about how I find these women. And that, my Dear Reader, is what this post is for. Full disclosure- so many of them are Poplin clients! It’s true. I absolutely adore my clients. Here are some other ways that might help you if you are on the hunt for a similar collection of incredible women. As always, let me know how it goes!

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The Modern Twin Set. Put Away Your Cardigan.

What’s more classic than a twin set? (A twin set is a cardigan with a coordinating sweater or top underneath.) Sure, a twin set is polished and simple. But, if you are looking for something that feels elevated, polished, current and easy, there’s a new duo in town.

As a personal stylist for women, I’m all about helping each woman feel like her authentic self in clothes that work for her real life. My favorite twist on the twin set right now is a blazer with a top of the same color. Here we go!

The Fine Print: Poplin is an affiliate. That means that when you click through the images below, Poplin may receive a commission without any additional cost to you. Those commissions add up for us small business owners, so please click through when items appeal to you. Thanks very much and happy shopping!

The Modern Twin Set: A Baker’s Dozen of the Best

Blazer + Top Combos

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Fall Fashion Spotlight: Lightweight Jackets

As a personal stylist for women, I spend a great deal of my time with real women, helping each women determine her personal style. Knowing your personal style isn't enough. Clothes need to be functional for your life and realistic for your budget. And, of course, they should be flattering for your body type. This may sound tricky, but it isn't. It's all about having the proper filters to know what to wear and what to buy. 

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Saks Off 5th in Seattle!

If you love the Nordstrom Rack, you're also going to be a big fan of Saks Off 5th. The discount arm of Saks 5th Avenue will soon, and I mean very soon, be located in Westlake Center, mere steps from the Rack. You've likely seen me feature items from the website. It's a good one, so remember that you can purchase online or in store. 

Here are details for the grand opening NEXT week.

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3 Brands Reinventing the Way We Shop

Things are getting crazy in fashion land. Just when you think you know how to shop- in person or online- brands continue to innovate. That means lots of fun for me. Here are three fresh approaches to shopping that you just might love. 

Three Innovative Approaches to Shopping. Go!

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So What's the Deal with Amazon's Echo Look?

If you haven't already heard, Amazon just launched Echo Look. The goal is for Alexa to act as your fashion assistant. I've had all sorts of questions about the product and what it means both for Poplin and for clients. As a personal stylist in Seattle, the home of Amazon, it's clear I'll have an opinion. So  here it is.

First up, what is it exactly? Here's a video to explain. 

Echo Look and Current and Future Poplin Clients.

If Alexa is already a big part of your life, you may see the Echo Look as a natural fit. My goal is

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Cocktail Dresses, Your Prom and How a Dress Can Change Your Life.

I would never allow someone to talk to me the way I talk to myself.

-Anonymous/ A large number of people on the planet


Feeling beautiful on the outside has an indisputable impact on the dialogue happening on the inside. 

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Crazy Deals for Black Friday. Go!

Hello Dear Reader! 

If you are on the Poplin email list, you are receiving a Poplin on Point email every other Friday. That email is a cherry picked list of limited time only offers from my favorite retailers and brands. Today's email is jam packed with offers thanks to Black Friday! 

It's so good, I'm sharing with blog readers, too. If you like it, make sure to sign up for the Poplin newsletter so that you'll receive this type of info on the regular. Plus, this Monday we're announcing the winner of a FREE pair of shoes from the re-souL Collection! In order to enter, you must be a subscriber to the Poplin email list.

Three more things

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Brooches. It's a Thing.

Brooches always make me think of Madeline Albright or someone's grandmother. Either way, it's likely you have one or two sitting in your jewelry box that haven't seen daylight in years. if you've been waiting to feel like brooches are cool again, get ready. As a personal stylist for women, I've noticed that clients often feel like brooches are intriguing and intimidating at the same time. So, I thought I'd help give you a little inspiration with some unconventional options. After all, the purpose of a brooch is to to communicate your personal style in an individualized way. Ms. Albright often used her brooches to communicate her feelings about an event or situation. You can choose to be that specific or just tell the world that you like sculls, for example. The options are all yours. Now, off you go!

Brooches for Cool Kids- That Means You.

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This Election is Killing Me: 8 Ways to Detox

This year has been unlike any other year. As a personal stylist for women, I've noticed that this fall has been like unlike any other fall. Why? People are stressed. It's tough to fight for equality and feminism and simultaneously be shopping for the perfect metallic ankle boot. Tough, but not impossible, Dear Reader. Let's face it, when we feel good about what we are wearing, we have more momentum to do great things. And, right now, we clearly need a lot of momentum. But, if like me, you feel like this election has gone on just a little too long, it's time to take some time out to give yourself a little love. Here are some suggestions to get you going. Inertia kills.

8 Ways to Give Yourself Some Love

in the Face of this Election

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How to Wear a Long Vest.

As we welcome fall, we also say, "hello," to some new styling challenges. As a personal stylist for women, I'm hearing a lot of questions about vests. Should I wear them? Can I wear a vest indoors? What's the point? After all, there are no sleeves. 

And the list goes on. I fell in love with vests a few years ago with my first leather vest. I picked it up on sale at Nordstrom and wasn't sure if it was for me. Quickly, I discovered the magic of vests and have been rocking them on the regular ever since. Here are a few tips if you think you are ready to try out this trend. (If you think you might be, that means you actually are, by the way.) FYI- Vests of all lengths are pretty spectacular, depending on styling. I'm focusing on long vests in this post and will offer up suggestions on shorter options in future posts. 

6 Ways to Wear a Long Vest

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