9 Ways to Enjoy Shopping with Less Guilt About Climate Change

As a virtual personal stylist for women, I hear a sea of concerns from my clients and the Poplin community. These range from dressing for various occasions to understanding how to create new outfits and much more. For many of my clients, and for me, climate change and sustainability are important factors when thinking about style. In fact, you can see past blog posts on sustainability here including how to care for items to help them last longer, my favorite sustainable brands and more.

Loving to express yourself through clothing and making responsible choices for the environment are not mutually exclusive. In fact, your personal style is not just the colors or silhouettes that you adore, it also includes communicating your values through your clothing. Yes! It’s possible to balance your love of style and your commitment to the next generation. Here are some ideas to get you started.

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6 of the Best Pants for Working From Home or the Office AND the Shoes that go with ALL of them

As a personal stylist for women, I’m hearing lots of questions about how to navigate your wardrobe when it’s unclear whether you’ll be working from home or the office. I hear you.

Many of the large tech firms in Seattle were planning to head back to the office in September and now that date has been pushed back to the first of the year. And for folks who are in the office right now, many of them are only there a few days a week with the rest of their schedule taking place from the comfort of home. That can be a blessing and a curse.

Whether you are working in the Pacific Northwest or somewhere else in the country, COVID-19 is undoubtedly affecting your daily wardrobe decisions. A number of new clients are wondering if they need two wardrobes: one for the office and one for home. That, my Dear Reader, is not how we roll.

Here at Poplin, we’re all about functionality. You dress for yourself first and foremost. When you feel like your authentic self, you will conduct. your work with more self confidence, less brain power spent on body shaming or worrying about your look and more time spent kicking ass all day long.

So, how do we do this? It’s all about intentional dressing. One aspect of this approach is ensuring that your pieces are functional for your life and with minor tweaks, can work in various scenarios. For example, swapping your house shoes or sneakers or flats, heels or boots. The same pair of pants has an entirely different vibe when its paired with a different shoe.

Need proof? Every pair of pants on this list will work with all of the shoes listed below. Believe it.

Here’s your go-to for styles that are comfortable at home, but don’t make you feel like a slob AND can work just as well when you head off to the office. Have fun and let me know how it goes!

P.S. One key aspect of the Poplin approach is ensuring that all your pieces will work with one another now and into the future. How do we do that? One way is to limit your new pieces to your color palette. Everything in that palette will work with everything else, some bolder and some less so. You can see that in action below.

Comfortable and Stylish Pants for Work AND Home

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My Favorite Things Right Now

As a personal stylist for women, I’m always on the lookout for valuable recommendations for my clients and my community. At Poplin, we are all about simplifying your life and making getting dressed a stress free experience. Plus, we like cool stuff.

So here’s my download of all the things that are making my life better right now. Let me know what you think!

My Favorite Things Right Now

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Hooray for the First Client Photo Shoot of 2021!

What better way is there to celebrate the Summer Solstice than with a Poplin client photo shoot at the beach with Chamonix Films? As a personal stylist for women, I’m always ELATED to share the style evolution of my clients. We’ll have more photos and info on Poplin client, Sarah’s journey in the coming weeks. For now, enjoy this super fun glimpse of our evening together. Fun fact: Sarah values sustainability so all of her items were made with this in mind including sustainable fabrics, fair trade workers, local makers, etc. Interested in a client photo shoot? That’s part of the Amplified 360 Package. It’s.a good one.

P.S. Equally of note, I’m wearing a crop top. Believe it, ladies. You can wear a crop top at any size. It’s about balancing your frame and pairing wisely. In this case, I’ve got high waisted wide leg jeans with fringe at the hemline as well as eye catching jewelry and lipstick up top. But make no mistake about it, I’m out in the world in a crop top. Yes, you can.

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The Color of the Season also Happens to Match Everything in your Closet

So often, we think of black, white, grey, brown and navy blue as our neutrals- meaning they go with everything. As a personal stylist for women who happens to be based in the Pacific Northwest, this also means that I see a whole lot of closets dominated by those colors. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. There are other colors that can act as neutrals in your closet. My favorite of those also happens to be EVERYWHERE right now: Green.

Yup. Oh, yeah. Olive green is a neutral, you say. But, it’s not just olive that can expand your wardrobe and offer you unexpected color combinations. All shades of green have something to offer. As I like to say, the stem never clashes with the flower. Green works with everything in nature. The key is knowing which green is appropriate. Simply match the intensity of your green with the color you are going for and you are solid. You may find that some combinations are too much for you. That’s fine. But, they do work. It’s just about your authentic personal style. Also, you can tone it down by introducing another neutral into the mix- say white, navy or black, as examples. Need some visuals? That’s what I’m here for.

Get Your Green On!

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5 Simple Ways to Save Money While You Shop Online

Oh, man. Where would I be without my incredible personal styling clients and you, the members of the Poplin Community. Thanks to your magical crowd sourcing wisdom, I continue to learn more all of the time AND I get to share it with all of you. Huzzah! Here are some of my favorite money saving tips from clients. Enjoy!

5 Ways to Save Cash When You Shop

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Life After Quarantine: The 10 Things You Must Do Before You are Ready to Go Into Someone's House

It’s FINALLY happening! Lots of folks are coming up on their two weeks post 2nd shot and that means we can, wait for it, socialize. Woah. We’re not just hanging outside anymore. It’s time to actually cross the threshold into a friend’s home.

I don’t know about you, Dear Reader, but I’ve found lots of my social skills have deteriorated over the past year and a half. So, it feels like the right time to take a good hard look at what steps need to be considered before committing to dinner at a friend or family member’s home. Feeling anxious? No need. I’ve got you.

10 Musts Before Heading Into Someone’s Home to Socialize

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Who do you really want to be.... really?

My new office is my living room. When I gave my old office to my son last spring for online school, it hit me hard. But, now, I actually love it. The living room has giant windows on three sides and I can enjoy the greenery outside and one of our giant fishtanks while I get things done. It’s a win-win.

It does, however, mean that whenever my son or husband are grabbing a snack in the kitchen, they can hear my side of a conversation with a client. It’s the first time they’ve actually heard me doing my job. And, I’m starting to get some feedback.

Last week, my husband told me that he heard me talking to a client about her beloved acorn shirt. It was a button down shirt with acorns on it. That acorn shirt was a pivotal moment in her closet edit and apparently, even while only hearing one side of the conversation, my husband understood the significance, too.

As a personal stylist for women for over seven years, there are certainly some reoccurring themes. This is one of them.

Is that who you REALLY want to be or just your first step in getting there?

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Jonesing to Shop? Your Guide to Relevant 2021 Spring Trends

I don’t know about you, but I haven’t worn a heel since February of last year. So, the idea of spring fashion trends seems wildly out of step with my everyday life. That being said, as the sun has come out, I’ve found myself gazing at a dress or two online and only coming up for air hours and several websites later. President Biden’s announcement that there should be enough vaccines for all Americans by May put a major spring in my step. Sure, having “enough vaccines” for everyone doesn’t mean we’ll be wearing heels again in May, but at least there’s light at the end of the tunnel. And, I, for one am ready to bring that fresh enthusiasm to my wardrobe.

So, here we are. Most of us at home in the softest pants available, both dreading and dreaming of the day when putting together a full outfit is not a special occasion of its own. To get you started, I thought I’d offer up Spring Fashion Trends that actually mean something to you, right now, and in the coming months. This is a big list, so we’ll break it into a few posts. Enjoy! And, as always, let me know what you think.

2021 Spring Fashion Trends for your Real Life In and Out of Lockdown

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Poplin on a Podcast: I just spent an hour not talking about clothes.

It’s been a while, my Dear Reader. Choose Clarity founder, good friend and client, Aga Lawrynowicz, pulled me out of hibernation for her video podcast series, “Moms Who Dare.” Aga is a life coach for busy moms. Like so many of my clients, my adoration for Aga runs deep. It also transformed this conversation which is intended to be about how motherhood has shaped my life into a much more intimate conversation between friends. We touch on parenting during the pandemic, living your best life despite shame from trauma, identifying who you once were and who you are becoming. It’s all the things. Naturally, there’s some technical craziness in there, too. We wanted to keep it consistent with 2020, after all.

Right now, so many folks could use some love. Here it is, virtually, if nothing else. Enjoy and let me know how it goes.

Giant hugs to you from over here.

Moms Who Dare with Mellicia Marx

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They Say an End Can be a Start

Remind me to spend some good time with you.

It’s been about eight months since I’ve seen a client in real life. That’s a long time. Honestly, I don’t miss the clothes as much as I thought I might. But, I do miss my people. I’ve sent handwritten birthday cards to my clients for over seven years. When this whole debacle began, I wanted to send cards to everyone. I researched sending mini nail polish bottles and delivering them on doorsteps. I wanted to give some extra love to the Poplin Community. I know everyone needed it. But, that was a time filled with confusion and fear. Mailing cards seemed like it might have a risk of infection and delivering nail polish was certainly worse. So, I did nothing. And a month went by, then two then so many more. You know how it is.

I’ve been thinking a lot about a friend of ours who committed suicide. We hadn’t seen her in a while. She moved away and came back without letting anyone know. Anyway, the next thing we knew, she was gone. I’ve been thinking about how that happened during “normal times.”

Now, we’re all bombarded with a seemingly never ending barrage of bad news. Personally, professionally, nationally, globally. We had a hilarious moment a month or so ago when we discussed whether or not we could pull something from our emergency kit because… wait for it… we aren’t in an emergency. Are we? Wait, when is it officially an emergency? Maybe the emergency kit will let us know.

Here’s what I’ve been thinking. I know everyone tells us that we are not alone, yada yada yada. But, really. Are you feeling alone? Alone to figure out how to know when or if your kid is actually doing the work of online schooling. Alone to muster up the energy to be your kid’s new BFF since he can’t see any of his other friends in the ways he was once accustomed to. Maybe you feel alone to decide when it’s right to take the risk to go see your parents. The game has changed, folks. So, it’s now time to change our approach to supporting one another.

Here goes. I vote that we all take a cue from the Five Love Languages, a mind blowing book that will help you find ways to nurture the ones you love and get the right kind of attention you need. It’s a little more religious than I’d like and is focused on your mate, but, the message is totally worth it. If reading a book seems impossible at this moment, that’s fine. I’ve got you.

Try to speak the appropriate love language for the folks in your household. But, equally important, do the same for your friends and family that you haven’t seen in ages. The world wants us to think that the choices are severely limited. They are not. You don’t need to choose between a socially distance walk, FaceTime, a text or nothing. There are ways to send the love your friends need right now and to get some of that back. Here are my favs. I know they’ve been helping me. I hope they help you.

How to Help You, Your Friends + Your Family Feel Better Thanks to the Five Love Languages

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Guest User
How About Some Good News?

It’s true that whenever I write a blog post, you, Dear Reader, could be going through anything. It could be a tough time for you, or a joyous one or one filed with anxiety. Weirdly, writing during COVID-19 is sort of still like that. While we are all under threat of serious illness (some more than others), our experiences are often wildly different.

Are you struggling because it’s hard to be isolated from friends? Or are you working from home and find yourself surprised by how much you actually enjoy it now that you’ve adjusted? Maybe you are you hoping Congress will get it together and make sure that you are able to pay the rent next month or keep your car. It’s possible that you are mourning the life of someone you’ve lost or other awful unexpected stressors thanks to this unprecedented time. Perhaps, you are surprisingly watching your bank account grow as your expenses have decreased. Maybe you are trying to perform logistical jujitsu to create a successful fall as your kids prepare for online school while you may or may not be working.

And then, of course, there are the protests that are still continuing, despite a lack of news coverage about them. It’s a lot.

On my end, I haven’t been as interested in talking about clothes. I guess that’s an understatement. I’m not at all interested in talking about them. BUT, I am interested in sharing good news with you, because after reading the paper this morning, it’s clear we all deserve it.

So, that’s what we’re doing today, my Dear. We’re having some good news updates. I hope you enjoy them. I hope that your COVID experience is one filled with silver linings and that if you need help, you make sure to ask your community for help. After all, isolation and mask wearing also means that sometimes your friends don’t realize that you need some extra love. It’s important. Go get some love.

All Good Things (20 of them, in fact)

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IIT #15: Expert Advice on Lashes and Skincare from my Favorite Aestheticians at Cake Skincare

As a personal stylist for women, I get lots and lots of questions about referrals for hair, lashes, skincare, all the things. The good people at Cake Skincare and I go way, way back. This is my absolute favorite place for a luxurious skin treatment. The owner, Katrina, gifted me a set of Radical Skincare products years ago and I’ve been hooked ever since. When a client asks for a recommendation for the ideal place for skincare (lashes, facials, waxing, etc.), I always think of Cake.

We kicked off the In It Together Series a few months back to support the Poplin community during quarantine. I’ve been holding off on sharing a few posts until now, expecting that this situation might go on longer than originally anticipated… which it has.

Fortunately, Cake is slowly reopening with extra precautions to protect clients and the team. You can check the site to see when/if Cake is open thanks to an impressive effort to make educated decisions based on data from King County. If you are ready to get back into the world, you should book now as I expect the wait is a long one. If you are more comfortable holding off on personal care services, this guest post from one of my very favorite people, Kelly, will help you enjoy the spa at home. Enjoy and remember to take good care of yourself and shop local.

Last but not least, I learned recently from a therapist friend, that when you hug someone for at least 3 minutes without talking, your heart beats sync up. I love everything about this. Think of it as your free self care tip for the day.

How to Treat Yourself at Home with Cake Skincare’s Kelly Perez Snyder

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Is it Time to Wear a Bra Again?

I don’t know about you, but a bra hasn’t been part of my daily routine in quarantine. As states open back up, we’re discovering that it’s about time to wear a bra again… well, sometimes, anyway.

As a personal stylist for women, a number of folks have reached out to me about challenges with their bra situation. Specifically, life inside has caused a lot of changes to our routines and for many women, to their bodies. So, if you’ve decided to toss that bra back on only to find that it no longer fits, this post is for you. Yes, you sure can measure your bra size at home and keep contact to a minimum. Here’s what you need to know. Welcome to the outside world (sort of)!

How to Find a Bra that Fits

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Get Your Favorite Styling Services During COVID-19

It’s true. As a personal stylist for women, I spend the majority of my client focused time one on one with each client. So, how does that work while we are all limiting our contact with the outside world to prevent the spread of the coronavirus?

A number of services translate nicely online. In the words of one remote client,

Although I live thousands of miles away from Seattle, Mellicia did an amazing job on our Skype conversations hearing out my laundry list of fashion likes and dislikes and then ensuring that my Uber Wishlist reflected me and where I wanted to take my new look. Not only did she provide me with some ideas for beautiful articles of clothing to add to my closet, but she also helped me gain more confidence in mixing and matching new and old pieces to create a fresh new look. I highly recommend Poplin's services, especially to those who live outside of WA!

-Marina J., Salt Lake City, UT

To make it easier to know what works and what doesn’t right now, here’s a list of the current Poplin services. (At the time of this post, we are in Phase 1.5, which allows for limited personal services. 1:1 services are restricted to 30 minutes with social distancing and masks. Because Poplin services are comprehensive, they are better suited to full service virtual sessions rather than brief in person sessions.)

Poplin + You Right Now

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IIT #14: 6 Easy Steps to Your First Vegetable Garden

As a personal stylist for women, I am fortunate to connect with a wide array of fascinating, fun, unique women as part of my job. Since we’ve been home, I’m hearing from my community about the pros and cons of quarantine life. The In It Together Series is a way to connect both sides of my Poplin community: clients and blog readers + small businesswomen in Seattle in an effort to make life at home easier, simpler and more enjoyable.

We’ve spent a great deal of time these past couple of months outside. In fact, I’m writing this from the backyard. Despite building planter boxes two years ago, we finally planted our first vegetable garden a few weeks back. And by we, I mean, our 9 year old. I’ve done nothing but eat the tasty radishes. He’s been watering everyday before dinner and as it turns out, it’s working!

We weren’t sure how to dive in and expected finding a simple, “how to” to be much easier than it was. So, I asked my friend and gardening guru, Lucinda O’Halloran of Spirit Garden Designs to share her expertise. I hope this helps you dive into your first garden. Have fun!

Getting outside is one of the best ways to reduce stress, and enhance your overall being. And getting outside in your own yard is a great way to enjoy nature and still stay safe.

Have you ever wondered:

“I wish I knew how to grow my own fruits and veggies. How do I get started?”

“I love puttering in the garden but have no idea what I’m doing—I need help.”

“I want to help the birds, bees and butterflies. What should I plant?”

Do any of these questions sound like you? If so, it’s time to work with a garden coach!

As a garden coach I enjoy teaching my clients how to understand gardening and feel more connected to their gardens. I encourage and empower gardeners with one-on-one assistance to connect with their gardens.

I help novices and experienced gardeners, and everyone in between. I introduce people to their new gardens, offer basic garden care instructions, pruning and transplanting tips, advice on small design challenges, ways to grow food and more.

Coaching sessions are one hour long and are tailored to each property and client. Coaching packages are available for those who really want to dig in.

I also meet with my clients virtually, especially during this time of sheltering in place. Just bring your cell phone or tablet and we’ll meet in your garden!

Whether you want to start a veggie garden for the first time, tame the jungle that used to be your yard or attract birds and pollinators, I’m here to help. For now here are 6 easy steps to start your own veggie garden.

6 Easy Steps to Starting Your Vegetable Garden from Spirit Garden Design Owner, Lucinda O’Halloran

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IIT #13: How Can I Keep My Kid Safe Online While I'm Working From Home?

As a personal stylist for women, I spend my days divided between time with my clients and time with my family and friends. Because my clients are women, I spend a disproportionate amount of stretches with members of my own gender. Consequently, my pre-pandemic life involved lots and lots of conversations about the things my clients and I have in common. I’ve learned a lot from my clients over the years: from summer camps for the kids to new brands on the horizon, my clients and I share info freely on a wide range of topics. The In It Together Series is an attempt to replicate that relationship for the entire Poplin community while we are all in quarantine.

I’ve learned SO much from my client and friend, Delight Roberts. She’s unbelievably knowledgable about keeping kids safe online. With copious amounts of us working from home while the kids hop on the computer, I hope that her tips are as helpful to you as they have been to me.

As an online safety expert and the parent of a ten year old child, I know first-hand how hard it is to manage the online activity of children—especially now as we’re staying at home and our routines have been upended.  As we are all spending more time online here are some guidelines that may be helpful as you contemplate screen time for your child.

Keeping Your Kids Safer Online

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IIT #12: Twelve Must Have Accessories to Make Your Walks Feel Like a Stroll in the Park

The In It Together Series is designed to help you solve your D List Daily Crises in Quarantine. From how to do your own mani/pedi to cooking with limited ingredients and wearing clothes that make you feel good everyday, this collection of expert advice aims to improve your life one day at a time.

If there’s one thing we are all striving to do, it’s take walks outside. If you have safe access to the outdoors, even a few minutes a day will improve your mood. Fortunately, the weather has been gorgeous and there will be more of that as we get closer to summer. As a personal stylist based in Seattle, my clients are always looking for pieces that help them embrace their authentic personal style AND are functional for real life. It’s time to make sure you are stocked up on the proper must haves for a successful series of walks in warm weather. Here are my favorite dozen must haves- find each one at a Seattle based retailer. Whether you are off to Nordstrom or Clementine’s, shopping local makes an impact and most boutiques offer some version of pick up, drop off or free shipping. Off we go!

12 Must Haves for Your Pandemic Inspired Walks

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IIT #11: How to Trim Your Bangs Like a Pro

Is it wrong to ask your expert friends to solve questions for your clients when really the questions are for you? I’m going to say, “no.”

As a personal stylist for women, I’m all about helping each woman understand how to dress her body in clothes that make her feel like her authentic self. I am not, however, a master at trimming my own bangs. That’s why I asked my very own hairstylist, Lindsay Brabank of Spruce Salon and Spa, to help the Poplin community solve two of the biggest hair challenges in quarantine: 1. How do I cut my own bangs and 2. What do I do about my roots? She has generously offered up advice for both. So, this post has been split into two.

Before we dive into her post, you should know that Lindsay has been the genius behind my hair color and cuts for the past few years. Every product she uses is chemical free and she has a wealth of information, having been a hairstylist for over 17 years. She also gives back to the community generously including hosting a successful fundraiser to help provide food and water to folks crossing the border. In short, she’s amazing and I hope that you find her info helpful AND that you support her as a small businesswoman hit by the pandemic.

Here we go!

Now, it’s all about trimming those bangs! Here’s the most straightforward, helpful video ever.

How to Trim Your Bangs Like a Pro with Lindsay Brabank of Spruce Salon and Spa

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