Posts tagged Personal Shopper Seattle
Quick & Effective Tips to Stop Chlorine from Destroying Your Hair

As I wrap up my sunny beach vacation in Panama, I’m reminded exactly how important it is to stop chlorine from damaging your hair. Local hairstylist Karen Reichert of Structure Salon offers these essential tips. And if you need some ideas for your sunny vacation, check out the Poplin Style Pinterest Board for lots of inspiration. New pins go live everyday. Enjoy!

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It's Comfortable: It's Durable. It's Cool. And it's your Essential Fabric for Fall.

Whether you dig into the back of your drawer to pull out your collection of this fabric or head out to get a brand spankin’ new piece, it’s time for corduroy. Believe it. As a personal stylist for women, I know how much so many of you have been pining for the days when this soft fabric makes its comeback. The time is now.

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5 Days: 5 Fall Trends. Day 2: Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Sleeves.

Make sure to take a look at the first post of this series, if you haven't already. Fall is an especially fun time to experiment with new trends. Try mixing things up by adding some unexpected sleeves into the mix. Whether you opt for giant 80's shoulders or sheer sleeves, drawing attention to your arms has lots of benefits.

How to Do Sleeves

Right Now.

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What Boots to Own + What to Wear Them With.

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Finally! Rain! I always feel like I'd like the sunshine to last all year long; but when the first signs of boot season really kick in, I can't help but be elated. This is also the time of year that I hear a sea of questions from clients and readers about what boots to wear and how to pair them. Wonder no more. Here's a jam packed post with the answers you need for Fall 2017 thanks to your very own personal stylist for women. Go!

11 Options for Your Fall 2017 Boot Collection

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6 Places to Get the Best Retail Customer Service in the Seattle Area.

As a personal stylist for women, I spend a LOT of time in stores, on websites, talking with folks about clothes and so much more. It's a whole lot of fun and it also makes me feel like I'm bursting with information to share on any given day. My work goes in waves. Sometimes more clients will choose Uber Wishlists and I'll be online quite a bit. Other times, shopping is the preferred way to go and I'll be in retailers all over the area for hours on end. After all, I pre-shop before the client arrives so the pieces are waiting for her to try on with me there to offer guidance and feedback. 

In recent months, I've had several questions about my favorite places to shop. Really, that question is complicated. Am I shopping for myself, for a client, just for inspiration? I can find great pieces at some locations but less than desirable service. So, while I'd go there to support a client's goals, I wouldn't send her there on her own knowing that she won't get the best service to help her meet her needs. This brings me to today's blog post. It's hard to find great service. And, while many of us may enjoy online shopping, there are always times when we just want to run out and pick something up for an upcoming occasion. As a client, I can be there to help. If you are a member of the Poplin community, I'd like to offer my assistance, as well. So, here, my Dear Reader, is the list of my very favorite places in the area for stellar service. And if you want it to be even better, tell them I sent you. Wondering if this is paid for by someone or secret product placement? Nope. These are 100% my favorites with no outside influence or payment. I hope you enjoy them!

6 Best Places for

Great Customer Service in the Seattle Area. 

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Styling Up Your FREE Geneva Dress from Universal Standard

Let's begin with the reason I'm such an evangelist for Universal Standard . (In case you are wondering, these aren't sponsored posts. Poplin just gets a dress to give away.) I really just love this brand. As you likely know, we're giving away one Geneva dress to a lucky Poplin email list subscriber. You can increase your chances of winning by sharing the giveaway and can have an even greater shot by entering multiple times. So, why are we doing this?

Well, US starts at size 10 and let me tell you, as a personal stylist for women, that space between size 10 and 16 is a tricky area. It's pretty common for our weight to fluctuate (mine certainly does) and when your fluctuation causes you to go from "straight sizes" to plus sizes, that often adds a layer of judgement, defeat and frankly, fewer fashionable choices. I'm not a trainer or a nutritionist, etc. Therefore, my general feeling is you don't need to change your body, you just need to change your clothes. Should you choose to tackle weight loss, you are more likely to succeed when you feel beautiful everyday in  your clothes. Should you choose not to go down that path, you'll still be happier looking beautiful everyday. In short, it's a win win. 

Universal Standard allows women to stick with the same great brand they love even if/when their weight fluctuates past 14. Even better? If your size changes within a year of purchase, you can exchange your piece for your current size. Seriously. Yes, US is everything.

We're looking forward to the brick and mortar store opening in the coming months. At that point, keep your eyes peeled for a Poplin event at the shop. For now, it's all about winning this Geneva dress! So take a look below at my suggestions for styling, just to get you started. Have thoughts, feelings, or questions? Please share! And remember to enter and/or share with a woman in your life who'd love to win!

How to Style the Geneva Dress from Universal Standard

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Conquering Chafing, Sweat and Other Undesirable Issues that Come with Hot Weather

Finally, sunshine. As a personal stylist for women, I'm keenly aware that warm weather is both a blessing and a curse for many among us. If you find that your thighs rubbing together is not only undesirable, but actually hurts, you are not alone. How about sweat from the girls up top? These are especially common issues that up until now have been "solved" with baby powder or simply toughing it out. 

Enter Megababe Beauty Products. Designed by the woman behind the 12-ish style, these all natural products are aimed at solving these ever present issues. I heard about it and had to share. 


Megababe Products that Address Your

Summertime Challenges

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3 Reasons To Get Your Portrait Taken NOW

Hello Dear Reader! 

I'm a big fan of local photographer,  Amy Catherine.  She helps Seattle women look and feel beautiful. So, as we dive into the New Year, let's celebrate YOU. Below is a guest post from Amy as well as a super fabulous deal for Poplin readers. Enjoy! 


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Goodbye to the Limited.

If you have yet to hear, the Limited is gone. Well, the brick and mortar stores are gone. Right now, you can still score crazy deals online. It's unclear whether the brand is officially closing up shop or just going to online only. What is clear, is that we'll have one less place to go for affordable office basics. Alas. 

To pay homage to the Southcenter Store and the team that I adored, here are a few images from the past three years. Special thanks to all the clients who have been texting me about this. Have thoughts on the big news? That's what comment sections are for. 

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Stop. It's Shoulder Time.

Our shoulders are continuing to have a moment. If your body is triangle shaped, meaning your hips are noticeably larger than your shoulders, this is a dream. Really, the shoulder trend works for nearly every body type, you just make different choices to find what flatters. The most challenging situation is rocking bold shoulders when you already have broad shoulders. In this case, you'll need to REALLY bring the eye to your lower half, balancing out your shape. Try a super wide leg pant or culottes (tailored at the top, of course), or an a-line skirt made from stiff material. If the skirt or trousers is in an eye catching color, made from an attention getting texture like brocade or is a fun print, even better. 

Regardless of your body type, if you love the bold shoulder movement, here are some ideas to get you in the mood. Let me know what you think. Enjoy!

Shoulders, Oh My!

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Your New Favorite Way to Take Action: The Friend Review

Every year, I write a Thanksgiving post. It tends to focus on my experience volunteering with homeless youth through our styling sessions at YouthCare. This year, I thought I'd mix things up a bit. This is a crazy time. There's this persistent feeling that we need to take action, now, always. Yes, this can (and should) be political action. But, action comes in many forms. So, today, I propose a little something special that will make you feel and remind the people in your life how much you appreciate them.  

Say, "Hello", to the Friend Review.

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Brooches. It's a Thing.

Brooches always make me think of Madeline Albright or someone's grandmother. Either way, it's likely you have one or two sitting in your jewelry box that haven't seen daylight in years. if you've been waiting to feel like brooches are cool again, get ready. As a personal stylist for women, I've noticed that clients often feel like brooches are intriguing and intimidating at the same time. So, I thought I'd help give you a little inspiration with some unconventional options. After all, the purpose of a brooch is to to communicate your personal style in an individualized way. Ms. Albright often used her brooches to communicate her feelings about an event or situation. You can choose to be that specific or just tell the world that you like sculls, for example. The options are all yours. Now, off you go!

Brooches for Cool Kids- That Means You.

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Two Great Reasons to Head to Target

It's true. You don't really need an excuse to head to Target. But, let's say you are trying to decide if you should hop in and grab basic supplies or linger for a while for a little, "me," time. These collabs might just convince you of the latter. After all, the Target/ Marimekko collaboration was such a strong success, I have a great deal of confidence that these will be equally compelling. 

2 Target Collaborations that are Worth Your Time

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My Favorite U Village Shops Including Joie!

Let's face it, Nordstrom plays a key role in Seattle style. As a personal stylist, I find that the vast majority of my new clients use the retailer as an easy way to learn about new brands. As a result, Vince & Joie are two of the most popular brands that come up in conversation. 

So when I discovered the new JOIE store at U Village, I had to share! The ladies are lovely and the selection is much larger than you'll find at a larger retailer. This got me thinking, there's some pretty stellar shopping at U Village. Let's make sure you know some of my favorite places to go.

15+ Shops Worth (re)Visiting at University Village (in no particular order)

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Seattle Boutique: Foundation Fits Your Style & Your Budget

I had a client tell me that she loves the idea of boutiques, but she doesn't love the price tags. There's a common misconception that shopping at local shops translates to high prices. I'm always excited to share boutiques that fit every budget without sacrificing style. Queen Anne's newest shop, Foundation, does just that. 

I went to the grand opening, hoping to get ideas for clients and walked out with a bag of pieces for myself. Naturally, I raced home to update you, Dear Reader on Seattle's newest option for the stylish woman on a budget. 

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How Do I Make Functional Undergarments Look Sexy?

Let's be real. There are undergarments (we're talking about panties, bras and the like) that are crazy sexy. When you were them, you feel desirable, powerful, gorgeous. 

Then, you try to layer those under your clothes. Lacy bras result in bumpy t-shirts. Low waisted underwear means a muffin top. And the list goes on. Of course, thongs are the exception. But, I'm willing to guess that most women aren't wearing those everyday. So, what to do.

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