Posts in Pick Me Ups
Give the Gift of CHUNKS

As a personal stylist for women, one of the great joys of my job is the supply of stellar tips I get from my clients and readers. Sometimes, I’ll get a text about a new store or a great sale or a favorite on Instagram. Other times it a message with photos of her wearing something I recommended. Whatever it is, it reminds me that we are all part of the Poplin community. Thanks for being here.

One recent Instagram message was an introduction to CHUNKS jewelry and accessories. I already followed the founder, Tiffany Ju, as she is also the genius behind BZR tights, of which I am a long time fan and supporter. Tiffany is a Parsons graduate, a mom, an entrepreneur and one delightful human being. Her creations have gained press from BUST Magazine, Refinery29, Design Sponge, Glamour Magazine, Anthology Magazine, The Martha Stewart Show, Brit + Co and many others.

Anyway, CHUNKS, I was not surprised to learn, are often carried in museum stores. They are playful, joyful and practical. What more could you need? I spent a recent morning modeling some glorious CHUNKS pieces and walked away with a stash of awesomeness that I couldn’t leave behind. Here are a few of my favs!

CHUNKS for your hair and eyes.

The perfect gift for you or someone you adore.

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Guest Post: What's it REALLY Like to Work with Poplin. One Client's Perspective

As a personal stylist for women, there is SO much variety in my daily life. One day I’m running around Bellevue Square on the hunt for the perfect pieces for my client’s shopping trip, another I’m climbing all over her bedroom to take outfit photos and still another I’m in my office scouring the interwebs to create the Uber Wishlist of dreams. Just because I’m doing another Closet Edit doesn’t mean that the experience is the same. After all, every one of my clients is her own person. She has a picture in her mind of her ideal, stylish self. She faces unique struggles and a lifetime of self talk around clothing and her body.

There is one thing that all (if not nearly all) of my clients have in common: they know Poplin. Thanks to the generous clients who have come before, there are endless online reviews about the experience. In fact, right now on Yelp, there are 47 “recommended reviews” with another 15 “not recommended.” I know. Right? So many feelings about those not recommended reviews. I digress…..

Whether she has delved into the Client Stories Page, checked out Google, Facebook, Yelp or been a part of the Poplin community via the newsletter, this blog and/or Instagram, she knows what she is getting into. Very often, she identifies with one or more story.

"I was sick of taking 30 minutes every morning to find something to wear and still ending up feeling frumpy.”


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The Perfect Pieces for Your Body Type from Anthropologie's New Plus Size Line

The average size for an American woman is between size 12 and 16, depending on the source. It’s common for brands to cap out at 12 or 14. As a personal stylist for women, I see how hard this is for real women. Who wants to discover that changes in her body mean that she can no longer shop at her favorite retailers or from her favorite brands? And when she’s an Anthro fan, it’s even more challenging because, let’s face it, there are very few, if any, retailers that really compete with Anthropologie.

So, I was ELATED when I discovered Anthro’s new plus size collection. Size 16-26 is available RIGHT NOW. So get on over and check it out. Here are a few of my favs based on your body type. Remember, defining your personal style is essential to feeling great about how you look. If you already know that Anthro’s vibe speaks to you, this post is for you! And hey, if you are looking for sizes below 16, not to worry. These pieces are inclusive and some also are available in petite!

How to Dress Your Body With Anthropologie’s New Plus Size Line

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Shop By Body Type and More on the New Poplin Style Website

Welcome to the big time, Dear Reader. The Poplin Style website is up and I’m dying to show you around.
The old website was all about explaining the brand for first timers + of course, the blog, as an ongoing resource. Now, you can look to the site for information on determining your body type, how to dress it AND pieces that I adore that also happen to be just right for your figure. 

If that isn't enough, the Poplin Pinterest boards are organized by body type or by style key words. For example, if you want a few edgy pieces in your collection, be sure to follow the, "edgy" board. 

It's been another record breaking year for Poplin. I can't thank you enough for being here as we dive into the 6th year of helping every woman find her authentic personal style. Huzzah!

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Florals: Which Ones Are Right For You?

If you aren't on the Poplin email list, you are missing out. This week's edition was all about florals. Here's a sneak peak. Like it? Make sure you sign up! Plus you get 6 weeks of style tips right to your inbox. Enjoy!


PS. Items listed on the blog and the newsletter may be affiliate links. That means that if you click on something and decide to purchase, Poplin may receive a commission on your purchase with no additional cost to you. These all add up. So, if you are shopping, please consider clicking through. Thanks!

Florals: Bold Impact or Soft and Feminine? You Choose. 

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Why Lashes are a WIN + Announcing our Winner: FREE Lash Extensions from the Lash Factory

Earlier this week, I was in a women in leadership session listening to an incredible executive coach talk about the word, "busy." I think about this a lot, because as a personal stylist who is on the interweb, lots of people can see what I'm up to. So, when we run into one another, I often here, "how's it going? It looks like you are super busy." 

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Your Must Have Colors for Spring

Oh it's happening. Spring 2018 is upon us and that means new colors to introduce into your wardrobe. Introduce? Meaning I don't already have them in there? Indeed. While it's possible you have a few of these beauties floating around. It's likely that you don't have many, whether or not you love them, simply because we haven't seen this color palette in a while. And it's not surprising. Fashion and style are combatting tough times with playful, happy pieces to help us wake up, smile and fight the good fight. 

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32 Minutes With Poplin Style- From Dressing Your Age to Communicating your Style and More

When the good people at Genneve reached out to me about becoming a guest on the brand podcast, I was intrigued. The company focuses on providing tools for women in mid life. And, I'm all for more resources to face daily hurdles. As a personal stylist for women, my job is an attention getter, for sure. And, it's pretty common for folks to have questions about my work and more likely, to pick my brain about their style challenges. 

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Need Some Beautiful & Powerful Signs for the Women's March?

I'm looking forward to seeing so many of you at Saturday's Women's March. It sounds like we'll have a large turnout for equality. I'll be in the front of the march in support of the Missing Indigenous People of the Canada and US. Say, "hi" if you see me! 

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A Message of Love: Get Ready for Poplin 2.0

Happy New Year, Dear Reader. We are big on New Year's Resolutions around here. Each year we pick a theme and make a plan to embrace it. In years past we've had the year of the car, the year of health and the year of the house. This year we are launching into the year of Self Discipline and Self Care and I can't tell you how happy I am about it. What does this mean? Well, we're each stating 5 reasons we are grateful at dinner each night. Also, we've decided to have TV take a less prominent role in our lives, so we moved it out of the main room and got a fish tank instead. In the words of our seven year old, "it's like the fish tank is the new TV." Yes, my dear, that's exactly what it's like. We moved more of our books into the living room and made cozy spots equipped with magazines for adults and books for kids. I'm especially excited about this because I subscribe to a zillion fashion and culture magazines and this gives me even more time to dive into them. 

Where am I going with this?

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How to Inject Your Personal Style into your Work Attire

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Ever since I saw this photo of Minnesota State Representative Ilhan Omar, it's been on my mind. It can be very difficult to communicate you personal style while wearing your work clothes. In my experience as a personal stylist for women, this is especially true for women in male dominated industries. Technology, government and executive level positions can be particularly challenging because a woman often wants to be taken seriously and may worry that being perceived as feminine or fashionable somehow takes away from the content of her message.

Because of this, I'm always on the lookout for high profile women that can serve as examples to other accomplished women, when it comes to finding strength and self expression in their personal styles.

In the category of fashionable women in government, Representative Ilhan Omar is at the top of my list. Here are a few lessons you can take from her when getting ready every morning. 


Lessons for Powerful, Fashionable Women from State Representative Ilhan Omar

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Cocktail Dresses, Your Prom and How a Dress Can Change Your Life.

I would never allow someone to talk to me the way I talk to myself.

-Anonymous/ A large number of people on the planet


Feeling beautiful on the outside has an indisputable impact on the dialogue happening on the inside. 

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Smoothest Skin Ever, Without Spending $50.

I adore body scrubs. My personal favorite is Laura Mercier Fresh Fig Scrub. It's $60. Up until this point, I endured a constant struggle between two parts of myself. The first part enjoys my super smooth legs. The second, and directly opposing side monitors my bank account. 

The struggle is real. And lucky for me, it's over.

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The End of Labeling Women's Bodies.

I met with a new client yesterday. As she was talking about her style challenges, she mentioned weight gain. She said, "I used to look like you. Thin. Able to fit into anything at the store. Now, it's much more difficult." 

Like me? Let's be clear, I'm on the heavier side of my weight continuum. Thin like me is not what I expect someone to say. But, it was the reminder I needed exactly when I needed it. Really, we are our own worst critics when it comes to weight. And, this battle over plus size, medium size, extended sizes and the like has me thinking a lot about this. So, I ask you:


Why Do We Need Body Labels at All?

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What Your Clothes are saying to YOU.

It's no secret that people make judgments about us based on what we are wearing and how we look. It's also no secret that nonverbal communication (aka body language) is one way that we send messages to those around us. Something that is often overlooked is what we are saying to OURSELVES through our body language and the way we adorn ourselves. 

An enthusiastic and thoughtful client of mine sent over this video of a TED Talk by Amy Cuddy. (You may or may not know that I am obsessed with TED Talks. I digress.) If you haven't seen it already, you certainly should. It's about how powerful we become when we use power poses — when our nonverbal language communicates that we are powerful. It got my client thinking about how this relates to what we wear and how we feel in those pieces. 

This is something I think about quite a bit. 


What Your Clothes are Saying to YOU and How That Affects Your Behavior.

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A Pop of Power! Plus Size Style

Editor's note: Below you'll find another blog post from Poplin contributor and plus size fashion guru, Jordan Richardson. 


Hello Dear Reader,

I hope you are all staying cool in these record breaking warm days. Who knew the PNW could sustain such heat, Yowza! In the hotter times I know I feel a bit more sluggish and have trouble motivating myself to dress up; so I try to look for throw on pieces to make it easier. Lately I've been thinking about power pieces, pieces that stand out and look instantly put together. I've culled together a couple eye catching, easy to wear pieces that will see you through the summer and into the cooler months.

Stand Out Styles

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Get This Nail Polish.

As a personal stylist, I'm often asked what is the "must have" piece of the season. I'm always hesitant to answer this question because I believe that every woman is different. The unique combination of her figure, her personality, her lifestyle, her budget and her personal style determines her must have piece, not what the magazines are telling her. 

That being said, it's vital that we all stay current. 

And, in order to keep our looks fresh, we need to know what's out there. My current obsession is "mood nail polish." More accurately, it's a hyper color shirt from the 80's on your nails. That's right. Watch your nails shift from orange to yellow as cold water alters their temperature. Or, go for purple and pink. 

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Do You See that Woman Changing the World? She's a Poplin Client!

What woman? Where? Where?

Well, I dare say they are everywhere.

As part of my commitment to the styling sessions at YouthCare, I quickly realized that we'd need to bring in an incredible amount of new and used clothing to adequately supply styling sessions for the Barista Training Program graduates. After all, it is vital that each grad (young men and women ages 12-24 who are homeless or formerly homeless) have the chance to choose from pieces that fit and reflect his or her personal style. 

The idea is to give them confidence at job interviews and at work. Few of us have a high level of confidence when we are sporting clothes we really don't like. I digress.

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