Posts in Women's fashion
The Color of the Season also Happens to Match Everything in your Closet

So often, we think of black, white, grey, brown and navy blue as our neutrals- meaning they go with everything. As a personal stylist for women who happens to be based in the Pacific Northwest, this also means that I see a whole lot of closets dominated by those colors. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. There are other colors that can act as neutrals in your closet. My favorite of those also happens to be EVERYWHERE right now: Green.

Yup. Oh, yeah. Olive green is a neutral, you say. But, it’s not just olive that can expand your wardrobe and offer you unexpected color combinations. All shades of green have something to offer. As I like to say, the stem never clashes with the flower. Green works with everything in nature. The key is knowing which green is appropriate. Simply match the intensity of your green with the color you are going for and you are solid. You may find that some combinations are too much for you. That’s fine. But, they do work. It’s just about your authentic personal style. Also, you can tone it down by introducing another neutral into the mix- say white, navy or black, as examples. Need some visuals? That’s what I’m here for.

Get Your Green On!

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5 Simple Ways to Save Money While You Shop Online

Oh, man. Where would I be without my incredible personal styling clients and you, the members of the Poplin Community. Thanks to your magical crowd sourcing wisdom, I continue to learn more all of the time AND I get to share it with all of you. Huzzah! Here are some of my favorite money saving tips from clients. Enjoy!

5 Ways to Save Cash When You Shop

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Life After Quarantine: The 10 Things You Must Do Before You are Ready to Go Into Someone's House

It’s FINALLY happening! Lots of folks are coming up on their two weeks post 2nd shot and that means we can, wait for it, socialize. Woah. We’re not just hanging outside anymore. It’s time to actually cross the threshold into a friend’s home.

I don’t know about you, Dear Reader, but I’ve found lots of my social skills have deteriorated over the past year and a half. So, it feels like the right time to take a good hard look at what steps need to be considered before committing to dinner at a friend or family member’s home. Feeling anxious? No need. I’ve got you.

10 Musts Before Heading Into Someone’s Home to Socialize

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Who do you really want to be.... really?

My new office is my living room. When I gave my old office to my son last spring for online school, it hit me hard. But, now, I actually love it. The living room has giant windows on three sides and I can enjoy the greenery outside and one of our giant fishtanks while I get things done. It’s a win-win.

It does, however, mean that whenever my son or husband are grabbing a snack in the kitchen, they can hear my side of a conversation with a client. It’s the first time they’ve actually heard me doing my job. And, I’m starting to get some feedback.

Last week, my husband told me that he heard me talking to a client about her beloved acorn shirt. It was a button down shirt with acorns on it. That acorn shirt was a pivotal moment in her closet edit and apparently, even while only hearing one side of the conversation, my husband understood the significance, too.

As a personal stylist for women for over seven years, there are certainly some reoccurring themes. This is one of them.

Is that who you REALLY want to be or just your first step in getting there?

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Jonesing to Shop? Your Guide to Relevant 2021 Spring Trends

I don’t know about you, but I haven’t worn a heel since February of last year. So, the idea of spring fashion trends seems wildly out of step with my everyday life. That being said, as the sun has come out, I’ve found myself gazing at a dress or two online and only coming up for air hours and several websites later. President Biden’s announcement that there should be enough vaccines for all Americans by May put a major spring in my step. Sure, having “enough vaccines” for everyone doesn’t mean we’ll be wearing heels again in May, but at least there’s light at the end of the tunnel. And, I, for one am ready to bring that fresh enthusiasm to my wardrobe.

So, here we are. Most of us at home in the softest pants available, both dreading and dreaming of the day when putting together a full outfit is not a special occasion of its own. To get you started, I thought I’d offer up Spring Fashion Trends that actually mean something to you, right now, and in the coming months. This is a big list, so we’ll break it into a few posts. Enjoy! And, as always, let me know what you think.

2021 Spring Fashion Trends for your Real Life In and Out of Lockdown

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Poplin on a Podcast: I just spent an hour not talking about clothes.

It’s been a while, my Dear Reader. Choose Clarity founder, good friend and client, Aga Lawrynowicz, pulled me out of hibernation for her video podcast series, “Moms Who Dare.” Aga is a life coach for busy moms. Like so many of my clients, my adoration for Aga runs deep. It also transformed this conversation which is intended to be about how motherhood has shaped my life into a much more intimate conversation between friends. We touch on parenting during the pandemic, living your best life despite shame from trauma, identifying who you once were and who you are becoming. It’s all the things. Naturally, there’s some technical craziness in there, too. We wanted to keep it consistent with 2020, after all.

Right now, so many folks could use some love. Here it is, virtually, if nothing else. Enjoy and let me know how it goes.

Giant hugs to you from over here.

Moms Who Dare with Mellicia Marx

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How About Some Good News?

It’s true that whenever I write a blog post, you, Dear Reader, could be going through anything. It could be a tough time for you, or a joyous one or one filed with anxiety. Weirdly, writing during COVID-19 is sort of still like that. While we are all under threat of serious illness (some more than others), our experiences are often wildly different.

Are you struggling because it’s hard to be isolated from friends? Or are you working from home and find yourself surprised by how much you actually enjoy it now that you’ve adjusted? Maybe you are you hoping Congress will get it together and make sure that you are able to pay the rent next month or keep your car. It’s possible that you are mourning the life of someone you’ve lost or other awful unexpected stressors thanks to this unprecedented time. Perhaps, you are surprisingly watching your bank account grow as your expenses have decreased. Maybe you are trying to perform logistical jujitsu to create a successful fall as your kids prepare for online school while you may or may not be working.

And then, of course, there are the protests that are still continuing, despite a lack of news coverage about them. It’s a lot.

On my end, I haven’t been as interested in talking about clothes. I guess that’s an understatement. I’m not at all interested in talking about them. BUT, I am interested in sharing good news with you, because after reading the paper this morning, it’s clear we all deserve it.

So, that’s what we’re doing today, my Dear. We’re having some good news updates. I hope you enjoy them. I hope that your COVID experience is one filled with silver linings and that if you need help, you make sure to ask your community for help. After all, isolation and mask wearing also means that sometimes your friends don’t realize that you need some extra love. It’s important. Go get some love.

All Good Things (20 of them, in fact)

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Get Your Favorite Styling Services During COVID-19

It’s true. As a personal stylist for women, I spend the majority of my client focused time one on one with each client. So, how does that work while we are all limiting our contact with the outside world to prevent the spread of the coronavirus?

A number of services translate nicely online. In the words of one remote client,

Although I live thousands of miles away from Seattle, Mellicia did an amazing job on our Skype conversations hearing out my laundry list of fashion likes and dislikes and then ensuring that my Uber Wishlist reflected me and where I wanted to take my new look. Not only did she provide me with some ideas for beautiful articles of clothing to add to my closet, but she also helped me gain more confidence in mixing and matching new and old pieces to create a fresh new look. I highly recommend Poplin's services, especially to those who live outside of WA!

-Marina J., Salt Lake City, UT

To make it easier to know what works and what doesn’t right now, here’s a list of the current Poplin services. (At the time of this post, we are in Phase 1.5, which allows for limited personal services. 1:1 services are restricted to 30 minutes with social distancing and masks. Because Poplin services are comprehensive, they are better suited to full service virtual sessions rather than brief in person sessions.)

Poplin + You Right Now

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IIT #12: Twelve Must Have Accessories to Make Your Walks Feel Like a Stroll in the Park

The In It Together Series is designed to help you solve your D List Daily Crises in Quarantine. From how to do your own mani/pedi to cooking with limited ingredients and wearing clothes that make you feel good everyday, this collection of expert advice aims to improve your life one day at a time.

If there’s one thing we are all striving to do, it’s take walks outside. If you have safe access to the outdoors, even a few minutes a day will improve your mood. Fortunately, the weather has been gorgeous and there will be more of that as we get closer to summer. As a personal stylist based in Seattle, my clients are always looking for pieces that help them embrace their authentic personal style AND are functional for real life. It’s time to make sure you are stocked up on the proper must haves for a successful series of walks in warm weather. Here are my favorite dozen must haves- find each one at a Seattle based retailer. Whether you are off to Nordstrom or Clementine’s, shopping local makes an impact and most boutiques offer some version of pick up, drop off or free shipping. Off we go!

12 Must Haves for Your Pandemic Inspired Walks

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In It Together #9: Want Something New? It Just Might Be Hiding In Your Jewelry Box

Today is our 8 week anniversary of captivity. Sure, it’s dark. But, I’ve decided we’ll celebrate eight weeks of togetherness with a party for three including my first baking project of the pandemic and some good quality television. Let’s face it, there are some major ups and downs while in quarantine. Sometimes you’re productive. Sometimes you are panicked. Sometimes you are energized and sometimes you are exhausted. Hence, the In It Together Series. My clients and readers have told me about the ups and downs of their quarantine experiences. This series is intended to offer inspiration, guidance and support during this unprecedented time.

As a personal stylist for women, my posts are generally focused on transformation- with style as your vehicle. Right now, I think my community is served best by bringing together my small business community and my client community through this series. I hope you agree.

Today, I’ve asked one of my client favorites to offer up her guidance on rediscovering your jewelry. Adrienne Krieger is the powerhouse behind Everling Jewelry. You can see me gush about her and her business here. In short, she’s all about beauty, sustainability, resourcefulness and expressing yourself. I think you’ll find that reorganizing your jewelry is another way to both exert some control over a chaotic world and to rediscover beautiful pieces that you can wear right now. Enjoy!

Everling Jewelry Owner, Adrienne Krieger,

on Bringing New Life to Your Jewelry Collection

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In It Together #6: What to Wear While You are in Quarantine

As a personal stylist for women, this is a very weird time. I want to provide my community with the support you need while also not pretending that we live in a vacuum. I’ve been laying low on clothing suggestions, but I’ve had SO many questions about what to wear now. As your resource for how to wear pieces that make you feel like your authentic self by embracing your personal style, I’m hearing from many folks that you need me now more than ever.

So, let’s solve this problem of what to wear each day, shall we? And, as always, thanks for letting me know what content you need right now.

By the way, today’s recommendations are all from Nordstrom. After all, shopping local right now is VERY important and Nordstrom is our hometown hero. The company’s HQ is here including thousands of incredible folks who have my life and likely yours much better over the last several years. So, let’s help make sure this company is with us on the other side. If you are shopping, start with local shops, brands and makers, if you can.

How to Choose Your Outfit of the Day During the COVID-19 Crisis

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Must Know Now: In It Together #3

I’m deep into the, “In It Together” Series. I hope you are finding it useful and that it makes you feel better. Despite operating as if I’m in a remote cabin with my family, I find there are all sorts of things I want to make sure you know. So, here’s a post just for that. Enjoy and thanks VERY much for all the emails, messages, etc. They are delightful and are inspiring content for the blog. Mwah!

All The Things

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Launching: In It Together

While we all might be physically separate, we are very much in it together. Over the past month or so, I’ve had all sorts of delightful interactions with my clients and the Poplin community. Of course, this is certainly not a delightful time to be home. And, if you can, please support local food banks and other organizations working tirelessly to help folks affected in an endless number of ways right now. Really. Anything you can give does matter. (For that matter, supporting your favorite candidates for office matters quite a bit, too. )

The thing is, it’s all very abstract. We’re not interacting with one another IRL, which means we are missing the nuances of in person communication. We aren’t taking in nonverbal cues from one another. We can’t comfort with a hug or an impromptu get together. While we all may be finding the silver lining in this (and yes, there are many), it can also be lonely, frustrating, and unpredictable.

Add to that, we have the daily annoyances of real life. Likely, we feel guilty about caring about our roots growing out or lacking a pedicure. But, trust me, Dear Reader, those things matter because they are reminders to us everyday that life is not the same. It can be depressing to feel like there’s no reason to put yourself together each day. But, My Dear, there absolutely is. You are the reason.

If you get that, but you still don’t know exactly how to execute, that’s where this series comes in. Get ready. It’s awesome.

Over the next few weeks (maybe more?) you’ll be the lucky recipient of blog posts that aim to solve your daily challenges. And, I won’t be the only one solving them. I’ve turned to my very favorite local experts to answer those nagging questions with detailed, helpful guidance made just for you. Here are some examples:

A Sample: In It Together Blog Post Topics

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Hot Tips to Improve Your Mood During Quarantine: from a Stylist who Works from Home

I know, it’s been a while. In the words of one of my clients, “you know I love clothes, but my heart just isn’t in it right now.” True story.

So, my Dear Reader, I can promise you this: I’ll only be writing when my heart IS in it. Because, as far as I’m concerned, I owe that to the both of us. Today, my heart is absolutely in it. Yes, I’ve got a sea of content that I never shared. Spring fashion just isn’t speaking to me right now. I’m going to guess you feel the same way. What is speaking to me? All the hot tips I have for you. After all, not only do I work from home (when I’m not with clients) but I also have been predominantly home since the end of February. So, I’m further down the road than most. Get ready for some ideas that will hopefully inspire you, and if nothing else, give you a few minutes of distraction from the other media. One quick thing before we begin: Remember to listen to the experts and local officials. I especially find the Daily from the NY Times helpful. Wash your hands, stay at home. Okay- Off we go!

10 Ways to Feel Better While You are at Home

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Everybody's Doin' It: Your Poplin COVID-19 Update.

Let me ask you this: When is the last time you wore a bra?

I, for one, haven’t worn one in weeks. Welcome to life with the Corona Virus. Home quarantine can mean lots of things to you: working from home, lots of time with your immediate family, a sea of comfort food and little exercise, lots of wine, maybe a board game or two. Whatever this unprecedented time is in your world, it’s highly likely it involves skipping your bra and spending most days in oversized sweatpants.

Understood. Why bother putting on makeup or doing your hair if you aren’t leaving the house?

With the newest updates on school closures (our son is out until late April, at least), it’s time to make a plan for the temporary new normal. Here’s mine:

On the home front

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Must Haves for Spring 2020: Bermuda Shorts

If you’ve been looking around and feeling like shorts are getting shorter all the time, you are correct. In fact, short shorts and hot pants are coming on strong for spring and summer. But, rest assured, if that isn’t your jam, there’s a new alternative that is on trend and crazy comfortable.

As a personal stylist for women, it’s on me to find pieces that are just right for the real world and also make you look and feel your best. I’m also having the time of my life digging into spring fashion trends so expect to see a number of different choices popping up in your inbox over the coming weeks. The last post featured my favorite colored leather and vegan leather for the season. In case you missed it, you can find it here. Next up: Your latest 90’s flashback, Bermuda Shorts.

Spring Must Have: Bermuda Shorts (Especially as Part of a Summer Suit)

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Must Haves for Spring 2020: Colorful Leather

Man, if you are stuck in the house working from home on this beautiful spring day, this is just what you need to put yourself in a positive head space. Spring Fashion. Let me say it again, Spring Fashion. As a personal stylist for women, I pay attention to trends, naturally, but my work is really about helping women translate those trends into their everyday looks.

Here are some pieces that are sure to bring you joy.

Spring Trend: Colorful Leather (and Vegan Leather)

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Hot Tips From a Client: 3 Ways to Effortlessly Save Money While You Shop Online

You know how much I love talking about the Poplin Community. You, Dear Reader, are a valuable member. Poplin clients are members, too. As a personal stylist for women, I spend my time both sharing with and learning from members of my community. And let me tell you, I learn a lot. So, I’ve decided to start offering up periodic blog posts filled with expertise from my clients that I am confident will be helpful to you. These tips are from one of my new clients in the Bay Area, Daniela. Enjoy!

Daniela’s Words of Wisdom: 3 Ways to Get the Best Deal

When You Shop Online

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Buy 2nd Hand Pieces at Nordstrom. That's Right. Nordstrom.

As a personal stylist for women, it’s important that my recommendations align with my client’s values. Whether she is going for affordable options to keep her budget in check or she’s more interested in sustainability or Fair Trade, it’s all about honoring those values as best we can.

Over the past year or so, the requests for second hand pieces have sky rocketed. While we always catered to our the values of each client, now things are more explicit with sustainability modifications on every package. But things just got a whole lot easier.

Seattle Fav Nordstrom Offers Curated Second Hand Pieces

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Beyond Seattle: Poplin Goes National

As a personal stylist for women in Seattle, I spend the majority of my time working with individual local women to help her elevate her style. Starting with her personal style, body type, budget and lifestyle, we create a strategy for her to look and feel like her authentic self every day- whether she’s giving a presentation or sitting at home in her pajamas.

From the outside, it may seem like all of this goodness is here in Seattle. But, actually, Poplin’s reach goes beyond the Pacific Northwest and lately, I’ve found that lots of folks have questions about that. So, let’s do some celebrating, shall we?

10 Game Changing Ways that Poplin Style Goes Way Beyond Seattle

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